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  1. Intrati pe google si scrieti asta: Program: Url/Host:http://www.rstcenter.com Login: Password: Computer: Date: Ip: In loc de scrieti numele site-ului la care va doriti un cont.Nu stiu daca a mai fost postat,daca da, rog un mod sa stearga topic-ul.
    2 points
  2. Contine multi, multi artisti clasici, cu datarea in ani si sortare alfabetica si pe albume. De asemenea contine concerte video! Url/Host: Login: classical Password: music
    2 points
  3. Daca cineva este interesat de UDP hole punching and stuff ...si vrea sa se joace cu acest tool ce este descris aici: pwnat - NAT to NAT client-server communication atunci poate folosi si pe windows acest tool. Am facut mici modificari ca sa se compileze si pe windows. Arhiva e aici: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! Have fun!
    1 point
  4. Tocmai am terminat de rezolvat o problema care, dupa parerea mea, e cea mai misto din toate pe care le-am intalnit. Am scris deja ce aveam de scris pe dreamincode, dau direct copy-paste, e mult si pur si simplu nu are rost: The variables, comments and everything is in romanian, just compile it #include<iostream> using namespace std; bool a[4097][4097]; struct matrice{ int x,y,l; }; void divimp(matrice m){ if(m.l==2){ a[m.y][m.x]=1; } else{ matrice m1,m2,m3,m4; //stabilesc m1(stanga-sus) m1.x=m.x; m1.y=m.y; m1.l=m.l/2; //stabilesc m2(stanga-jos) m2.y=m.y-m1.l; m2.x=m.x; m2.l=m1.l; //stabilesc m3(dreapta-sus) m3.y=m1.y; m3.l=m1.l; m3.x=m.x+m3.l; //stabilesc m4(dreapta-jos) m4.x=m3.x; m4.y=m2.y; m4.l=m1.l; /*Transform 0-urile in 1 in m1*/ for(int i=0;i<m1.l;i++) for(int j=0;j<m1.l;j++){ a[m1.y-i][m1.x+j]=1; } divimp(m2);divimp(m3);divimp(m4);divimp(m1); } } int main(){ int n,i,j; matrice mat; cout<<"n=";cin>>n; mat.x=1;mat.y=n;mat.l=n; divimp(mat); for(i=mat.l;i>0;i--){ for(j=1;j<=mat.l;j++) cout<<a[i][j]; cout<<endl; } return 0; } You just have to give n values that look like this :2^k, whatever k is (an integer). For example, n=2;n=4;n=8;n=16;n=32. For values larger that 128 (like 4096, that I'm waiting now to compute ) you compile and run, and right-click on the blue bar above the actual console, and click properties. From there you go to the "Font" tab and choose the smallest one, then you go to "Layout". There you will have to experiment with the Window Size values so that it will fit your monitor. Also, on the "Layout" tab,(and this is the most important, if you want to see all the shape!)set both the buffer size values to 5000 (you don't use all of it if you give n the value 4096, but your PC will probably take it without complaint). Then just click OK twice and done. Now, awesome things that you should know: You have in front of you n*n 1s and 0s (for 4096 that's 16,777,216 digits!), and you will see triangles of k distinct sizes (k from the n=2^k input condition mentioned above). Again, for 4096 that's 10 triangle sizes.Also, if you would store the result of n=4096 in a text file, considering that you declared the array as an int (4bytes/int), the file will be 67,108,864 bytes large. (that's 64mb of 1s and 0s!). Also, the whole thing took approx 400seconds to be generated, on my computer. (only a fraction of that time, 0.422s was needed to actually compute the 4096x4096 array, the rest was used to put the information on the screen.) Computers are awesome! So, go on, enjoy the power of fractals! Daca e careva interesat de problema (sa o rezolve singur, sau mai stiu eu), sa spuna, si copii cerinta aici (n-am mai copiat-o acuma ca mi-e lene, trebuie sa copii din carte, nu pot da copy-paste )
    1 point
  5. Premium until 2011-12-26 00:19:57 Il dau celui caruia posteaza primu;)
    1 point
  6. Vplay / Voce incredibila la concursul Vocea Olandei ! uite aici voce:) ai da clasa !
    1 point
  7. In opinia publica scammer=hacker , cel putin asa prezinta presa! Iar cand e vorba de prins sunt cam 3 metode care sunt folosite: 1. persoana pagubita face plangere la politia din tara de origine, aceea plangere este inaintata departamentului specializat pe asa ceva! Dupa aceea drumul e simplu, se contacteaza site-ul pe care a fost licitatia, se afla IP-ul de pe care a fost facut acel anunt (in cazul in care e proxy-socks se contacteaza furnizorului de proxy-socks si se afla de pe IP real s-a folosit acel socks, in cazul RDP-urilor,nologinelor este aceeasi treaba) si se contacteaza providerul de internet pentru a da acelui IP o adresa si un nume! 2. interceptari telefonice random care pornesc la anumite cuvinte cheie (western,wu,mtcn,transfer) etc! Dupa ce acel numar figureaza in baza de date se pune sub observatie, daca de pe acel numar se mai folosesc cuvinte cheie se face o asociere catre un numar cu abonament (asa se afla locatie,nume,rude) pana se ajunge la persoana in cauza care va fi monitorizata pentru intocmirea unui dosar acuzator (incluzand venituri nedeclarate si sursele veniturilor) 3. Informatorii- care provin in majoritatea cazurilor din randul "sagetiilor"(persoana care incaseaza direct suma de bani trimisa de persoana pagubita) si a altor "hackeri" (scammeri) care deja sunt retinuti! E de ajung metionarea unui alias, nume,numar de telefon,id de mess pentru inceperea procedurii de mentinere sub observatie (se revine la punctul 1 si 2 din ceea ce am postat)! Aceste cazuri au fost intalnite de mine direct! Nu exista pesoana care sa faca asa ceva si sa nu lase urme! E o problema de timp pentru toti!Keep it safe! Cheers
    1 point
  8. GoLISMERO help you to map an web application, displaying as confortable format for security auditor and preparing them for intergrate with other web hacking tools as w3af, wfuzz, netcat, nikto, etc Features: Map a web aplication. Show all links and forms params as confortable format. Save results with some formats: text, cvs, html, raw (for parsing with bash script) and wfuzz script. Detect common vulnerabilites of web application. Filter web information retaining only what is important. Many other features you can find very useful. Download https://code.google.com/p/golismero/ Source
    1 point
  9. 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smtp.NEWSOFTCS.COM,grizzly@NEWSOFTCS.COM,nsmuf.02 smtp.DALEYANDMOHAN.COM,groble@DALEYANDMOHAN.COM,dubie smtp.RIAI.ORG,groch@RIAI.ORG,roch1155 smtp.BENITEZINSURANCEPR.COM,grodriguez@BENITEZINSURANCEPR.COM,grima11 smtp.neptuneglobal.com,groupdirector@neptuneglobal.com,tsunami smtp.northstivesscouts.org,groupleader@northstivesscouts.org,850f19f7 smtp.CEBCFL.ORG,grow@CEBCFL.ORG,savior smtp.broadoaktree.com,grow@broadoaktree.com,gr3at smtp.anastasfarms.com,grower@anastasfarms.com,lavender smtp.TRUCKNY.COM,grp@TRUCKNY.COM,111111 smtp.THEPDLAB.COM,grummler@THEPDLAB.COM,GAR12345 smtp.the-seven-dwarfs.com,grumpy@the-seven-dwarfs.com,grumpy smtp.ecpg-usa.com,grw@ecpg-usa.com,g1294w smtp.grw-kmw.com,grw@grw-kmw.com,g1294w smtp.LRINVESTMENTS.COM,gsahle@LRINVESTMENTS.COM,1202 smtp.sarnat.org,gsarnat@sarnat.org,metta1 smtp.IPLCORP.COM,gschlemm@IPLCORP.COM,ipl2006 smtp.internationalpants.com,gseltzer@internationalpants.com,Diveman3 smtp.TRAMONTOHOA.ORG,gsh@TRAMONTOHOA.ORG,sb2zmzw7 smtp.MAGNOLIA-COMPANIES.COM,gshaw@MAGNOLIA-COMPANIES.COM,gshaw smtp.itwx.com,gshea@itwx.com,midget01 smtp.risingstarcompanies.com,gsheban@risingstarcompanies.com,rstar smtp.ampmplumbinginc.com,gshotwell@ampmplumbinginc.com,shauna smtp.WORLDWIDETGI.COM,gsickler@WORLDWIDETGI.COM,greg smtp.pottergroup.com,gsilverman@pottergroup.com,gs123 smtp.PEETZPLACE.COM,gsmailexpress@PEETZPLACE.COM,2314 smtp.benderagency.com,gsmith@benderagency.com,abbeys
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