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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/14 in all areas

  1. O metod? eficient? ?i rapid? de a face conturi f?r? a fi verificate pe telefon. Ca s? v? spun , în 30 secunde am f?cut un cont cu tot cu activare prin E-Mail. Depinde de viteza de scris la tastatur?. 1. Avem nevoie de extensia MaskMe. Pentru cei lene?i: MaskMe. Aceast? extensie v? permite s? v? masca?i mail-ul real cu alte deriva?ii de email-uri ceea ce rezult? => confirmarea va veni pe acela?i mail , adic? cel real care va fi mascat. 2. Vom accesa Facebook , dar prin intermediul acesta ?i vom da s? cre?m un nou cont. 3. Scriem datele , nume , prenume , vârsta etc. 4. Când ajunge la email , da?i click în box, extensia o s? dea un pop-up automat s? folosi?i Mask my Email. 5. O s? v? genereze un email la întamplare cu care ve?i activa contul. 6. Intra?i în MaskMe prin iconi?a din partea dreapta sus a Firefox-ului. Da?i pe Masked Emails ?i v? va ap?rea Facebook , codul de confirmare. Cam asta e. Se pot crea conturi , câte vre?i ?i câte pute?i. 10 conturi în 5 minute eu cred c? face?i. Baft?! Dac? va fost de ajutor un reply în thread cu Mul?umesc sau un Like nu stric?!
    1 point
  2. [h=3]Mystery signal from a helicopter[/h] Last night, YouTube suggested for me. It was a raw clip from a news helicopter filming a police chase in Kansas City, Missouri. I quickly noticed a weird interference in the audio, especially the left channel, and thought it must be caused by the chopper's engine. I turned up the volume and realized it's not interference at all, but a mysterious digital signal! And off we went again. The signal sits alone on the left audio channel, so I can completely isolate it. Judging from the spectrogram, the modulation scheme seems to be BFSK, switching the carrier between 1200 and 2200 Hz. I demodulated it by filtering it with a lowpass and highpass sinc in SoX and comparing outputs. Now I had a bitstream at 1200 bps. The bitstream consists of packets of 47 bytes each, synchronized by start and stop bits and separated by repetitions of the byte 0x80. Most bits stay constant during the video, but three distinct groups of bytes contain varying data, marked blue below: What could it be? Location telemetry from the helicopter? Information about the camera direction? Video timestamps? The first guess seems to be correct. It is supported by the relationship of two of the three byte groups. If the 4 first bits of each byte are ignored, the data forms a smooth gradient of three-digit numbers in base-10. When plotted parametrically, they form an intriguing winding curve. It is very similar to this plot of the car's position (blue, yellow) along with viewing angles from the helicopter (green), derived from the video by magical image analysis (only the first few minutes shown): When the received curve is overlaid with the car's location trace, we see that 100 steps on the curve scale corresponds to exactly 1 minute of arc on the map! Using this relative information, and the fact that the helicopter circled around the police station in the end, we can plot all the received data points in Google Earth to see the location trace of the helicopter: Update: Apparently the video downlink to ground was transmitted using a transmitter similar to Nucomm Skymaster TX that is able to send live GPS coordinates. And this is how they seem to do it. Posted by Oona Räisänen Sursa: absorptions: Mystery signal from a helicopter
    1 point
  3. Am continuat eu da nu dupa cacatu ala sqli.php <?php // mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("sqli"); //schimbati datele session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['stage'])) $_SESSION['stage']=1; if(!isset($_SESSION['version'])) { $v=mysql_query("select @@version"); $r=mysql_fetch_array($v); $_SESSION['version']=$r[0]; } if(isset($_GET['id'])){ $Sql="SELECT * FROM news where id=".$_GET['id']; $version=$_SESSION['version']; $rez=mysql_query($Sql); switch($_SESSION['stage']){ case "1": if($rez!=false){ echo "Testeaza vulnerabilitatea adaugand dupa ?id=1 o simpla '<br>"; echo "Rezults: <br>"; $r=mysql_fetch_array($rez); echo $r['text']; }else{ echo mysql_error(); echo "<br>Bravo ai detectat vulnerabilitatea acum urmeaza sa afli cate coloane are primul select, introdu order by 1"; $_SESSION['stage']=2; } break; case "2": if($rez!=false){ $spl=explode("by ",strtolower(urldecode($_GET['id']))); echo "Bravo ai detectat vulnerabilitatea acum urmeaza sa afli cate coloane are primul select<br> Sunt mai mult de ".$spl[1]." coloane incerca sa mergi din 5 in 5 pana obtii eroarea Unknow column<br>"; echo "Rezults: <br>"; $r=mysql_fetch_array($rez); echo $r['text']; }else{ echo mysql_error().strpos(mysql_error(),"Unknown column"); if(strpos(mysql_error(),"Unknown column")!==false){ echo "<br>Ai introdus prea multe coloane coboara numarul pana nu mai obtii eroarea<br>"; } $_SESSION['stage']=3; } break; case "3": if($rez!=false){ if(strpos(strtolower(urldecode($_GET['id'])),"by 3")!==false) echo "Bravo ai reusit sa numeri toate coloanele! Spre exemplu daca ai gasit 6 coloane introdu mai sus and 0 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6<br>"; $_SESSION['stage']=4; echo "Rezults: <br>"; $r=mysql_fetch_array($rez); echo $r['text']; }else{ echo mysql_error(); if(strpos(mysql_error(),"Unknown column")!==false){ echo "<br>Ai introdus prea multe coloane coboara numarul pana nu mai obtii eroarea<br>"; } } break; case "4": if($rez!=false){ echo "Acum trebuie sa gasesti coloana vulnerabila. Ca sa o gasesti trebuie sa te uiti in sursa si sa vezi care din numarul din union apare in sursa.Incarca sa introduci @@version in loc de numarul care apare in sursa<br>"; $_SESSION['stage']=5; echo "Rezults: <br>"; $r=mysql_fetch_array($rez); echo $r['text']; }else{ echo mysql_error(); } break; case "5": if($rez!=false){ $r=mysql_fetch_array($rez); if(strpos($r['text'],"news")!==false&&strpos(strtolower(urldecode($_GET['id'])),"table_name")!==false){ echo "Felicitari domnule ai scos tabele acuma daca vezi acolo exista un tabel care se numeste username_sqli incarca sa vezi ce coloane are inlocuieste table_name cu column_name , information_schema.tables cu information_schema.columns , table_schema=database() cu table_name='username_sqli'<br>"; $_SESSION['stage']=6; }else echo "Ai scos versiunea acum incarca sa scoti numele tabelelor din baza de date principala, pentru asta inlocuieste @@version cu group_concat(table_name) iar dupa 6 introdu from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()<br>"; echo "Rezults: <br>"; echo $r['text']; }else echo mysql_error(); break; case "6": if($rez!=false){ $r=mysql_fetch_array($rez); if(strpos($r['text'],"id")!==false&&strpos($r['text'],"pass")!==false&&strpos($r['text'],"user")!==false&&strpos(strtolower(urldecode($_GET['id'])),"column_name")!==false){ echo "Felicitari domnule ai scos numele coloanelor pe mine ma intereseaza ce contine user si pass.Pentru a face asta locuieste group_concat(column_name) cu concat(user,0x3a,pass) , from information_schema.columns si tot ce e dupa el cu from username_sqli<br>"; $_SESSION['stage']=7; }else echo "Ai scos tabelelor acuma daca vezi acolo exista un tabel care se numeste username_sqli incarca sa vezi ce coloane are inlocuieste table_name cu column_name , information_schema.tables cu information_schema.columns , table_schema=database() cu table_name='username_sqli'<br>"; echo "Rezults: <br>"; echo $r['text']; }else echo mysql_error(); break; case "7": if($rez!=false){ $r=mysql_fetch_array($rez); if(strpos($r['text'],"admin")!==false&&strpos($r['text'],"21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3")!==false&&strpos(strtolower(urldecode($_GET['id'])),"from username_sqli")!==false){ echo "Ai reusit sa parcurgi tutorialul bravo!<br>"; $_SESSION['stage']=8; }else echo "Ai scos numele coloanelor pe mine ma intereseaza ce contine user si pass.Pentru a face asta locuieste group_concat(column_name) cu concat(user,0x3a,pass) , from information_schema.columns si tot ce e dupa el cu from username_sqli<br>"; echo "Rezults: <br>"; echo $r['text']; }else echo mysql_error(); break; case "8": if($rez!=false){ $r=mysql_fetch_array($rez); echo "Bravo ai parcurs tot tutorialul!<br>"; echo "Rezults: <br>"; echo $r['text']; }else echo mysql_error(); break; } }else echo "Seteaza ?id=1"; ?> dump.sqli (il rulati la phpmyadmin): -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 4.1.12 -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net -- -- Host: -- Generation Time: 09 Iun 2014 la 19:18 -- Server version: 5.5.36 -- PHP Version: 5.4.27 SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; SET time_zone = "+00:00"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; -- -- Database: `sqli` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Structura de tabel pentru tabelul `news` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `news` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `titlu` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `text` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ; -- -- Salvarea datelor din tabel `news` -- INSERT INTO `news` (`id`, `titlu`, `text`) VALUES (1, 'Articol', 'Acest articol este despre sql injection'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Structura de tabel pentru tabelul `username_sqli` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `username_sqli` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `pass` varchar(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ; -- -- Salvarea datelor din tabel `username_sqli` -- INSERT INTO `username_sqli` (`id`, `user`, `pass`) VALUES (1, 'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3'); /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; Avataje 1) este un script cu adevarat vulnerabil la sqli 2) nu este obligatoriu ca sa introduca exact sintaxa pe care o dai tu in indicatii ci doar rezultatul conteaza. L-am testat la mine si merge Ca sa o luati de la capat stergeti cookie-ul phpsessid.
    1 point
  4. Daca chiar vrei sa stii le-am adaugat pe toate . E in interesul site-ului meu sa fie cat mai multe pagini de promovat . Deci va rog continuati sa veniti cu ele . Unele dintre pagini vedeti ca erau deja adauga-te pe site si nu a mers sa le mai pun o data . Le-am adaugat pe toate E inca valabil . 5 vip days + 350 coins . PS : Astia pe care v-am inscris dati si voi un like/rep ceva daca sunteti multumiti de serviciul meu gratuit
    1 point
  5. All good things must come to an end. This file is massive at over 25GB and at some point I've got to get it off of my VPS.[B] After the weekend, on Monday, this file wont be available any longer unless we can get a mirror[/B]. Don’t miss your chance to get the biggest design bundles ever at an incredible low price! This brand-new bundle contains thousands of different design resources worth an incredible $15,000! Everything you could possibly need is in this Big Bang Bundle – from vectors to PS addons, fonts, tutorials and even HTML5 templates! Here’s what you get: The Big Bang Bundle with $4,916 worth of Brand-New Resources – Only $49 - 120 Vector Packs worth $1,800 - 500 Vector Illustrations worth $2,000 -15 High-Res Texture Packs worth $225 (6000 x 4000 px) - 14 Photoshop & Illustrator Addons worth $210 - 20 T-shirt Designs worth $300 - 5 Premium Tutorials worth $100 - 9 UI Kits worth $135 - 268 Fonts in 24 Font Families worth $70 - 8 Bootstrap 3 Templates worth $76 The Extended Big Bang Bundle worth $14,979 – Only $79 For an additional $30 you can get all the resources mentioned above, plus the following resources: - 350 Vector Packs worth $4,045 - 425 Vector Illustrations worth $1,700 - 101 Web & Print Resources Packs worth $1,070 - 109 Photoshop & Illustrator Addons worth $1,036 - 87 High-Resolution Texture Packs worth $994 - 40 T-shirt Designs worth $600 - 67 Photoshop Brushes Sets worth $486 - Tatianna Font Family worth $35 - 10 Premium Tutorials worth $97 As you’re already used to – this bundle comes with an extended royalty license (excepting the fonts and HTML5 templates), allowing you to use them in unlimited commercial purposes and even in merchandise!
    1 point
  6. [Requirement] - .NET 4 Framework [Download Link] Freebitco.in.zip download - 2shared Virus Scan https://www.virustotal.com/ro/file/25ff9239081db2713f799fb2138be3f4318ef05849c14d12b66cc774a6fca81a/analysis/1402000309/ PS: Nu am Testat!
    -1 points
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