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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/14 in all areas

  1. Microsoft has announced that they have released the Visual Studio '14' CTP 3 for download and also an early build of the .NET Framework vNext. If you have been following along recently, you will know that the Visual Studio team has been releasing updates at an extremely fast pace, so quickly, in fact, you may have missed the last release that came out earlier this month. This release comes with quite a few enhancements as well and we have posted some them below. ASP.NET and Web Development vNext Updates. This CTP includes all the Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 web tooling improvement and ASP.NET vNext alpha 3 runtime packages. It has improved tooling support for ASP.NET vNext, such as support for build configuration and support for unit tests, and it no longer includes content and compile items inside “.kproj” file. ASP.NET vNext includes an updated version of the RyuJIT JIT compiler. For details, please read the full post on the .NET Web Development Tools blog. .NET Native Updates. .NET Native is now integrated into Visual Studio “14.” It includes initial support for calling WCF services within .NET Native apps and the associated Add Service Reference experience in Visual Studio. PerfTips in the Debugger. In CTP 3 you can see how long your code took to execute as you hit breakpoints and step through code with the debugger. Simply look at the end of the current line when you are stopped in the debugger to see the performance tooltip. For more information read the dedicated post on PerfTips on diagnostics blog. Shared Projects. With CTP 3, you can create an empty C#, VB, and JavaScript shared project from the “File > New Project” menu. Windows Store/Phone Projects written in C#/VB/JavaScript, as well as some classic desktop projects (Console Application, Class Library, Windows Form Application, Portable Class Library, WPF) written in C#/VB can consume one or many of these shared projects. You can head to the source link below to see the full list of changes and more details about the update. As with any pre-release software, you should avoid installing it on a production machine and it should be limited to testing purposes only. While this may be a later-stage release, it could still have bugs that could cause unwanted side-effects in a production environment. Source: | Download: Visual Studio '14' CTP 3 Sursa articol: aici
    1 point
  2. Nu trebuie sa faci nimic,pe prima pagina oricum ajungi la un moment dat,dar trebuie sa ai un anumit "rank" sa zicem. Cu timpul o sa apari si tu pe prima pagina,dar la inceput nu.
    1 point
  3. @wapmaster13, iti multumim frumos pentru trickuri, iar gramatica ta e ok in comparatie cu a altora. Ca sa intelegi de ce unii insista pe gramatica corecta: Atunci cand repeti de multe ori un lucru, il inveti. Il inveti asa cum il repeti. Daca il repeti gresit, il inveti gresit. Daca il repeti corect, il inveti corect. Treaba asta se aplica si la citit: daca citesc de mai multe ori o fraza lunga, o invat, chiar daca e corecta sau gresita. Problema e ca greselile gramaticale raman intiparite in minte, si le vom face si noi la randul nostru fara sa ne dam seama, poate chiar ni se va parea corect un lucru pe care-l scriem gresit, fiindca asa e intiparit in mintea noastra. Daca pierzi 5 minute din viata ta sa inveti cum se scrie corect gramatical, ai foarte multe de castigat, in prim plan fiind respectul. Eu nu respect un om care scrie din abundenta gresit gramatical de exemplu, asa sunt eu. Consider ca e un "must-have". Si nu o spun deloc cu rautate, dimpotriva, e o critica constructiva. Fii atent la ce iti spun altii pe aici legat de greselile gramaticale, daca iti scriu si varianta corecta e cu atat mai bine. Learn it, use it, gain respect. Inca o data multumim pentru topic, e de mare ajutor, sper sa o tii tot asa si sa ne prezinti astfel de topicuri si in viitor!
    1 point
  4. Eu propun sa postam pe forum doar c/p-uri de pe sectiuea IT de la stirileprotv.ro
    -1 points
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