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  1. Acest tutorial va ajuta sa configurati VNC Server gratis pe Ubuntu 14.04 cu software-ul VNC software, TightVNC. 1: Instalm componentele Avem nevoie de urmatoarele componentele pentru a configura un VNC Server corect. xOrg Un desktop (LXDE) Ubuntu VNC server (TightVNC) sudo apt-get install xorg lxde-core tightvncserver 2: Configurare VNC Configuram VNC si vom alege o parola pentru vnc server cu care ne vom conecta. This password is limited to 8 characters in length. Longer passwords will be truncated tightvncserver :1 Next, vom modifica fisierul config din /root/.vnc/ deoarece VNC nu stie ca trebuie sa porneasca Desktop-ul LXDE nano ~/.vnc/xstartup Si acuma modificam Stergem # inainte de #x-window-manager & Adaugam linia lxterminal & Adaugam linia /usr/bin/lxsession -s LXDE & Fisierul config acuma ar trebui sa arate : #!/bin/sh xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid grey #x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & x-window-manager & lxterminal & /usr/bin/lxsession -s LXDE & # Fix to make GNOME work export XKL_XMODMAP_DISABLE=1 /etc/X11/Xsession Salvam fisierul cu Ctrl + O si iesim din NANO cu Ctrl + X 3: Restart VNC Ca sa restartam VNC-ul trebuie sa-l inchidem cu: tightvncserver -kill :1 Si sa-l pornim din nou cu: vncserver :1 -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16 -pixelformat rgb565 4: Conecteaza-te la noul tau VNC Server Pentru a te contecta la VNC Server ai nevoie de un VNC Client, recomand VNC Viewer. Acuma te poti conecta cu ip-ul de la server si portul :1 (exemplu: si folosesti parola de la punctul 3. Eu am avut nevoie de VNC Server pentru aplicatia Hitleap.
    2 points
  2. Contact Express sucks emails on the Internet according to your target market. Build targeted mailing lists without limit. Create and send professional e-mailings. First, Contact-Express is a Windows application to create lists of targeted emails and also to send your emailing. Unlike any complicated email retrieval system, you specify keywords like Google and search for emails on the Internet or on a mail directory runs at a phenomenal rate. Contact the Express emails search engine allows you to extract a database of emails from email directories or email files probably present on the Internet and therefore meet your criteria of relevance. Extracting email is extremely fast, the software offers an analysis tool to determine the potential of each keyword, your email file is qualified accordingly and customized. https://transfer.sh/qTVJn/contactexpress2015.rar Enjoy
    1 point
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