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  1. https://video-amt2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t43.1792-2/16166954_632259453565527_6767665305012404224_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjE1MDAsInJsYSI6MTAyNCwidmVuY29kZV90YWciOiJzdmVfaGQifQ==&rl=1500&vabr=332&oh=d4a7d06dd3a32df36da898982d96e7f3&oe=58838EED
    2 points
  2. Acum 6 luni de zile m-am apucat sa lucrez la un program scris in .NET (C#, VB) prin intermediul caruia puteti viziona posturi TV online gratuit fara restrictii si fara reclame.Link de descarcare: p2ptv - DescarcariInstalare:1.Extrageti arhiva.2.Rulati fisierul "install.bat" cu drepturi de administrator (Click dreapta -> Run as Administrator) pentru a instala dependintele programului (Sopcast).3.Rulati fisierul "p2ptv.exe" si va bucurati de program. Necesita .NET Framework 4.6 instalat.Ruleaza pe sisteme de operare mai mari de Windows Vista SP2 . Programul este detectat ca fiind virus de un antivirus necunoscut numit "Baidu", insa este false-positive. Ca sa nu apara dupa aceea niste "specialisti in securitate" sa spuna ca aplicatia e virus, sa nu o descarcati etc, etc. Daca faceti asemenea afirmatii, aduceti si dovezi din codul sursa care este vizibil cu un decompilator .NET . Poate voi reusi sa il portez in vara si pe Linux, Mac OS, Android/iOS.Functionalitati-suporta urmatoarele tipuri de stream-uri: http, mmsh, rtmp, rtsp, rtmpe, sopcast .-permite adaugarea unor liste de canale XML de la parti terte.-permite adaugarea unor canale gazduite local pentru a completa lipsurile listei oficiale.-permite redarea canalului selectat intr-un player extern.-permite schimbarea limbii (momentan doar Romana, dar daca exista doritori de a traduce si in alte limbi rog sa lase un PM)-exista 2 tematici in program: Flat Dark si Flat Light-volumul poate fi schimbat in fullscreen din rotita mouse-ului.-Tasta M activeaza/dezactiveaza functia Mute in fullscreen.-Tasta Space pune pauza in fullscreen.-permite schimbarea setarilor video (Hue, Saturation, Gamma, Brightness) ...si altelePentru noutati si actualizari puteti vizita site-ul oficial: p2ptvAstept pareri, sugestii si sfaturi.Daca exista canale nefunctionale scrieti mai jos si se rezolva. Inainte de adresa o intrebare, accesati pagina FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions/Intrebari adresate frecvent) : p2ptv - FAQ
    1 point
  3. Avand in vedere lipsa de activitate la aceasta sectiune, am decis sa deschid acest thread, care probabil va fi urmat de altele daca este primit cu bine Scopul este sa invatati ceva din discutiile ce vor urma si din writeup-urile postate, nu sa concurati intre voi. Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/index.php Day 01: Detours Santa receives an email with links to three pictures, but every picture is the same. He talks with some of his elves and one says, that there is some weird stuff happening when loading these pictures. Can you identify it? Link 1: http://ow.ly/unCT306N19f Link 2: http://ow.ly/xW3h306N18f Link 3: http://ow.ly/3wfc306N10K Day 02: Free Giveaway Today, Santa has a free giveaway for you: DK16[OEdo[''lu[;"Nl[R"D4[2Qmi Day 03: Manufactory Today's gift is ready to be manufactured, but Santa's afraid that his factory won't manage to do a production run before christmas. But perhaps you can create it yourself? Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/instructions Day 04: Language Of Us You all should know this language, but this one is not that consequent as it should be. Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/the-text.txt Day 05: Boolean Fun Santa found a paper with some strange logical stuff on it. On the back of it there is the hint: "use 32 bit". He has no clue what this means - can you show him, what "???" should be? Image: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/everyBitIsImportant.png Link (needed for the 'flag'): http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/challenge.php?day=5 Day 06: Back 2 Work Greetings from Thumper, he has an order for you: 1. unzip: the password is confidential 2. find the flag 3. look at my holiday pictures Comment: Be aware, the pictures are only supplement. Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/holiday.zip Day 07: TrivialKRYPTO 1.42 Today's present is encrypted. Luckily Santa did not use Kryptochef's KRYPTO 2.0 so there might be a slight chance of recovering it? Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/trivialcrypt.html Day 08: Lost In Encoding Santa and his elves do not know good encryption, all they have heard about are some basic encodings. Unfortunately they all are bungling and forgotten the recipe. It's now on you, who has to get it up. Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/l0st_1n_7ranslation.fun Day 09: Illegal Prime Number I've heard something about illegal prime numbers... Maybe this number contains the flag: 4315891123054519227800425234439024406406805990983946954154956695012431283551657417585179574642755601169096280017484467053951914982126613234225200384245049037787654523558017678649278076716108200271927575791497929092184238813619846729315518237924881623603111094979071286017407153529043066655388316378457694291590703681341752561492723137474482263373673210248633961843479034160811982934510083276506238457901538373531195688165166964398815874378480986164601388393975141268984935852959700100872597068350527482364309 Day 10: I want to play a Game Reversing Day 1: we'll start with an easy one. Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/ReGame_Part1.zip Rezolvari (+ writeups): Discutati, rezolvati, postati ceea ce gasiti, etc. Va rog sa folositi spoilere in toate discutiile referitoare la rezolvarea unui challenge.
    1 point
  4. Se numeste ASUS Tinker Board, iar la prima vedere specificatiile sunt peste orice dispozitiv Raspberry Pi. Specificatii mai jos: SoC – Rockchip 3288 Quad-core A17 1.8 GHz ARM Mali-T764 GPU supports Support OpenGL ES1.1/2.0/3.0, OpenVG1.1, OpenGL, DirectX11 System Memory – 2GB LPDDR3, dual channel Storage – micro SD slot Video output & Display I/F 1x HDMI up to 4K display 1x 15-pin MIPI DSI supporting up to 1080p Audio – 1x 3.5mm audio jack; Realtek HD codec with 192KHz/24-bit audio Connectivity – Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 + EDR USB – 4x USB 2.0 host ports, 1x micro USB port (for power) Expansion Headers 40-pin “somewhat Raspberry Pi extensions compatible” header with up to 28x GPIOs, 2x SPI, 2x I2C, 4x UART, 2x PWM, 1x PCM/I2S, 5V, 3.3V, and GND 2-pin contact point with 1x PWM signal, 1x S/PDIF signal Misc – Button, unpopulated fan header Power Supply – 5V/2A via micro USB port Dimensions – 3.37" x 2.125" Linux Based OS, Debian... Il asteptam cu interes si in Romania, este doar o chestiune de timp pana va fi disponibil si local. Ceva idei de proiecte? Cine are rog sa le impartaseasca. Mai multe detalii aici.
    1 point
  5. Always im safe ! im in safe zone !
    1 point
  6. probabil ti-ai dat seama si tu ca wi-fi scanning & pentesting = ilegal fara acordul admin-ului? asadar, daca te "joci" cu lucruri de genul asta, ar trebui sa te joci in reteaua ta, nu a vecinilor stay safe!
    1 point
  7. A uitat @QuoVadis sa zica si de copy-paste-ul de cacat. Daca nu sunteti in stare sa dati copy paste cum trebuie, nu postati.
    1 point
  8. Titlu de cacat de la un site de cacat, vechi de un an de zile. Nu vrei sa punem feed la Libertatea, Click si Cancan pe RST? Au preluat si altii "stirea" putin mai moderat dar e normal sa incerce sa-si promoveze produsul actual si sa si-l vanda, e parte din job description-ul lui. Cat ar fi de prost sa zica "stati pe licentele pe care sunteti acum, nu ne mai dati bani in plus". Din perspectiva lui e simplu: ii bag in sperieti pe astia din guvernul german si firmele mari, incheiem niste contracte noi pe foarte multi bani, eu ca director primesc credit ca ce bine m-am ocupat de evolutia pe Germania si la randu-mi primesc multi $$$. Ah, da, si licentele noi vin si cu tot felul de trebusoare pentru care muricanii (serviciile in special) isi freaca mainile de bucurie.
    1 point
  9. o ajuns si donatiile alea utile, manca-mi-ai cucu nytro
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. DNSSec Explained! Dan Benway BSides Columbus Ohio 2017 DNSSec is yet neither widely deployed nor well understood, but there is already clear and present need for its use. Just like HTTPS, DNSSec is becoming more common, and will eventually become required. In this session I will diagrammatically show how DNSSec works. We’ll look at DNS functionality, DNS referrals, spoofing and man-in-the-middle attacks, asymmetric key cryptography (public key cryptography), digital signatures, zone signing keys, key signing keys, DS records, and more. Daniel L. Benway has been an IT professional since 1993, working in assistive technology, software development, enterprise infrastructure, and security. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from The Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science at Binghamton University, as well as certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, CompTIA, and IBM/Lotus. Currently Daniel is an Active Directory, Windows infrastructure, and PKI specialist in Columbus, Ohio. You can learn more about Daniel from his IT blog or LinkedIn. Sursa: http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/bsidescolumbus2017/bsides-columbus09-dnssec-explained-dan-benway
    1 point
  12. RIP. Pana si oaia asta e mai fancy ca mine Chiar daca dupa coafura, seamana mai degraba cu @Byte-ul
    1 point
  13. :))))))))))))))))
    1 point
  14. Acest dispozitiv de cinci dolari poate prelua controlul asupra unui computer. Cercetătorul Samy Kamkar și-a prezentat noua unealtă înfricoșătoare de hacking. A numit-o „Poison Tap” și e, practic, un dispozitiv care permite cuiva să folosească un backdoor pe un computer într-un minut, chiar dacă acesta e blocat. Metoda lui Kamkar de instalare a backdoor-ului este neconvențională și ingenioasă. Poison Tap țintește memoria cache a victimei și introduce codul malițios acolo. În mod tradițional, atacurile încearcă să instaleze malware în computer, dar pentru că Poison Tap se duce direct în cache-ul browserului, poate trece de măsuri de securitate și software-uri antivirus, potrivit Gizmodo. Software-ul Poison Tap e instalat pe un card microSD, introdus într-un Raspberry Pi de cinci dolari. Odată ce e conectat, dispozitivul se comportă de parcă ar fi un dispozitiv USB inocent, iar computerul începe să îi trimită trafic de rețea. Astfel, dobândește acces la toate sesiunile din browser și de pe toate site-urile, inclusiv la cookie-uri. Odată ce Poison Tap capătă acces la routerul intern al computerului, războiul e ca și câștigat, iar atacatorul poate trimite coduri malițioase către computerul victimei prin internet. De asemenenea, odată ce Poison Tag e deconectat, backdoor-ul rămâne în computer, iar hackerul are în continuare acces la datele victimei. Kamkar a publicat codul-sursă al dispozitivului, astfel încât să îl poată încerca oricine are astfel de curiozități. Pentru a te proteja, Kamkar sugerează să îți criptezi computerul și să îl pui în sleep mode ori de câte ori nu ești prin preajmă. Asta, sau îți poți umple porturile USB cu ciment, ca să fii sigur că nu intră nimic periculos acolo. sursa: http://playtech.ro/2016/acest-dispozitiv-de-cinci-dolari-poate-prelua-controlul-asupra-unui-computer/
    1 point
  15. Invitation Letter The first International Students Contest on Information Security CTF-USV Suceava 2016 http://ctf.usv.ro Students from academic institutions are invited to participate in the first International Students Contest in Information Security, CTF-USV. The contest, organized as a CTF competition (Capture The Flag), is based on solving various challenges by exploiting weaknesses and vulnerabilities of web applications and operating systems in a limited time interval and inside a controlled data communication environment. The CTF-USV contest has an on-line qualification phase followed by an on-site, hands-on final stage. Teams of maximum 4 students having a Faculty member as mentor or coach can participate. Time Schedule On-line Registration: October 2016, 17-21 On-line Qualification: October 2016, 27-28 The CTF platform will be available for a 24 hours interval, respectively starting on October 27 at 18:00 EET and ending on October 28 at 18:00 EET On-site Contest: November 2016, 24-26 November 24: teams’ registration (10:00-12:00), official opening (12:00-13:00), presentations and technical meeting (15:00-18:00) November 25: hands-on contest, starting at 10:00 EET November 26: stopping the competition at 10:00 EET, awarding and closing ceremony (12:00) Full information is available on the contest site: http://ctf.usv.ro Main contact: ctf@usv.ro Contest manager: Organisers: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Safetech Innovations, Bucuresti ASSIST Software, Suceava
    1 point
  16. from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto import Random import sys print """ _|_|_| _|_|_| _|_|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _|_|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_| _| www.RSTforums.com """ if raw_input("This challenge can harm your brain, cause STRESS, nopti nedormite, abuz de cafea, etc. \n are you de acorrd?'DA / NU': ") == "YES": pass else: sys.exit("you... you... YOU just ai pierdut. goodbye") cheie_publica = """-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAwwdzXD9RvYp+Oq2Ajf1F ix2IVypQg2Hu5Ebj7DShQyUKpH2FIOxfE0TIS4EzbYQp58Z2yDORnZGIoj3i3/tn 6N7g2JnIlX9yxH0f5n1aJRTuqxNWy5Zhl24FYXuI0ByVSY4voL+h47rkCBWzbq7q 7W7Q9444TOoni6iysDsw2wCLT+bpoBtLytRNRFMxRWhtuGCwmyofxltVzqDP8sV/ hztdibN8J1P3HbfkaIGshpCDusbvUosIztFp3vUN5Cy95UyogcUNbZGnoZqNyFmS usX8h0XvnFMRwxbwwRJXwUDiqlla5+ygQU1OxgnNPSW/Tm35IoxfWeUwhR79nrA6 cYGkr/YmKhBmTQ+r4iUONNMfu9Z6ykB93B4XAhbKIcjW9bX5J8wFT6mmYrBE7MaS ZSP+XH6P9hkx3u2aZNT5xUuf58h6JcGQ/9NCYx3rfgSN4sqsAaAi3r6pSCVOMXXF QIImdzuq0yo2z4drWb0BfCjvG5Sc04/w+q1e7pJ79EUH/9kwQ59ZgaSjVSinfeGE xbmaQtvKKiE1r2eAUieRkA6eYT4xdORqOF0K4W8yAiY2CbKaPQWsdLkL5qUCgaqf yn2Tbll8gRdfrURiV2AWHtzC2qq+6GhfroFq8o4zDIFtvWPHvIZ599cUIxJ52KmI i9urppmxxYsYoUtqW3O3bB8CAwEAAQ== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----""" the_cheie = RSA.importKey(cheie_publica) def criptare(mesaj): pachet = "" for i in mesaj: pachet += the_cheie.encrypt(i, 32)[0].encode("hex") return pachet mesaj_secret = "the secret message" with open("crack-me.txt", "w") as handle: handle.write(criptare(mesaj_secret)) handle.close() sys.exit() crack-me.txt: http://rgho.st/7ppYvrjd4 Au trecut bacu:
    1 point
  17. Ai incercat sa schimbi {0x80, 0x00} in {0x8e, 0x10} si sa vezi daca chiar s-a schimbat validandu-l?
    1 point
  18. imei http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14660938/how-can-i-get-phone-serial-number-imei
    -1 points
  19. afara ploua atunci cand e soare...
    -1 points
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