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  1. Walkthrough: Facut pe Lubuntu 17.04 1. Descarcam imaginea si verificam daca este integra(cred ca am descarcat-o de trei ori pana sa o iau pe cea buna, in rest descarcam doar thumbnail-ul) deci pasul asta e destul de important. $ md5sum crack_me.jpg c720e708ab375e531bb77dca9dd08d38 crack_me.jpg # Deci e ok 2. Dupa cum observam, in imagine este un lacat cu trei rotite. O deschidem cu un editor hex si cautam sa vedem daca in afara de imagine mai este ceva. Ne uitam sa vedem daca dupa biti FF D9 mai este ceva: PK sa_nu_uitam.jpg Observam ca dupa biti de sfarsit al jpg-ului sunt initialele PK ceea ce inseamna ca avem o arhiva zip.(inițialele lui Phil Katz, creatorul formatului zip). In arhiva observam ca mai este o poza "sa_nu_uitam.jpg" 3. Incercam sa o dezarhivam, dar observam ca ne cere o parola, ne intoarcem la poza initiala si asteptam sa ne vina o idee. Prima idee e sa generam toate codurile posibile pentru acel lacat. Am folosit C++ pt asta(lucrez in el si mi-a fost mai usor): #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char digits[] = "0123456789"; char pass[4]; pass[3] = 0; for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { pass[0] = digits[i]; for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { pass[1] = digits[j]; for( int z = 0; z < 10; z++) { pass[2] = digits[z]; cout << pass << endl; } } } return 0; } /// Il compilam iar cand il rulam ii redirectionam iesirea intr-un fisier: $ g++ main.cpp -o executabil $ ./executabil >> fisier.txt Se poate face in orice limbaj, aici aveti si ceva in python: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22214949/generate-numbers-with-3-digits 4. Dupa ce am generat toate numerele e timpul sa trecem la bruteforce. Am folosit fcrackzip + am redenumit imaginea crack_me.zip(am schimbat extensia ca se plangea fcrackzip-ul): $ fcrackzip -D -p fisier.txt -u crack_me.zip 5. Primim confirmarea ca parola este : "PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == 099". Dezarhivam si obtinem o nou imagine. 6. Repetam pasul doi si observam ca si aceasta imagine e tot o arhiva cu parola. Prima idee care mi-a venit in minte a fost sa incerc sa pun coordonatele boturilor avioanelor(cei care au jucat avioane stiu ca daca nimeresti botul avionul e pierdut). Asa ca am luat-o in ordine: avionul gri, cel albastru si cel portocaliu -> c2c8j5. Asta e parola. 7. Obtinem un fisier text "acum_e_acum.txt" cu mai cuvinte, fiecare pe o singura linie. La inceput am incercat Caesar's Cipher, dar fara vreun rezultata. Dupa ce am cerut un hint, mi s-a zis sa numar literele de pe fiecare linie. Deci vom avea: d o v g d u 6 - > F p j c d r 5 - > E a j i u g j s t k x r y 12 -> L c l f t c c p c g 9 -> I o l q 3 -> C z w w m y i l k a 9 -> I c o e g a p i c p f q h t j w x i p r t 20 -> T d 1 -> A e z v q o x b h d r g g d l t f z r 18 -> R n s v p m s r t l 9 -> I z m j j b 5 -> E p s r o g e m h p d d u v p k y y s a 19 -> S b e m p y l h o m m f w a j a o p c o s 20 -> T e j r q t u i u e 9 -> I g x m c o f a n b o q q w q u y t l i s a 21 -> U q b e g h l f b i f y o j k 14 -> N b y v a l i b t i h r z i c g l n t 18 -> R s h r f v i u h d g p q g s k 15 -> O g x c v s g q s u k v u s 13 -> M c 1 -> A z k o j u v l c l z w u h o 14 -> N k 1 -> A x i g c 4 -> D l c g b e 5 -> E x j t g r e i v d i r d s g d j t k j t g q 22 -> V n 1 -> A x k j k b c c u a j c p s t g m v e 18 -> R g 1 -> A m e k j w w o b j o y w w b u h a y p t 20 -> T Dupa ce am numarat literele fiecarui cuvant am pus in loc de numarul de litere, litera din alfabet care se afla la pozitia data de numarul literelor. Asa ca am obtinut: FELICITARI ESTI UN ROMAN ADEVARAT. Alte challenge-uri: [Easy] The big fat panda si The Eye of ... Multumesc @Usr6
    3 points
  2. Daca tot spui "sarbatori fericite", si "poate se bucura cineva de ele", de ce nu le dai gratuit?
    2 points
  3. NEW YORK CITY – A New York man has been arrested after he reportedly made over a million dollars selling Chuck E. Cheese tokens as Bitcoins on the streets. Marlon Jensen, 36, was arrested a Sunday morning when NYPD stormed his home. NYPD received calls from the fraud victims that someone had sold them “Bitcoins”, only to find out there actually was no tangible bitcoin currency available. NYPD found $1.1 Million of cash inside Marlons home. According to police, Marlon had scratched off most of the Chuck E. Cheese engravements on the coins, and would write “B” on each coin with permanent marker. As many should know already, Bitcoin is a crypto currency and payment system that has recently received unprecedented popularity and value, with each bitcoin currently worth $18,950 USD. Although Bitcoin isn’t actually a tangible form of currency, that hasn’t stopped some people from successfully selling “bitcoins” to people using irrelevant gold coins, in this case Chuck E. Cheese Tokens. “People are retarded haha”, said NYPD Officer Michael West, “My 8 year old son would know those weren’t bitcoins and lord knows he’s not the brightest”. Marlon is currently being charged with fraud and can face up to 5 years in federal prison. Sursa: https://www.huzlers.com/bitcoin-scam-man-arrested-after-making-over-1-million-selling-chuck-e-cheese-tokens-as-bitcoins/
    1 point
  4. Tot nu intelegi. 1. Si ce daca extragerea e live, nu se poate fraieri? (Sigur ca se poate si e si simplu, esti naiv sa crezi ca nu.) (Ce sursa de entropie folosesti tu de poate avea lumea incredere ca nu e tampered?) 2. Eu cumpar un ticket la tombola ta. Tu cumperi cu nume false, din banii tai 100 de tickete. Sansele ca eu sa castig sunt 1:100. Mai mult ca sigur nu am sa castig. Deci banii mei s-au dus pe pula. Din perspectiva ta tu primesti toti banii (100*15 + 15 lei ai mei) si tu primesti si contul pt ca detii ticketul castigator. Ce vrei tu sa faci e o mare vrajeala. Daca vrei profit vinde-le la un pret fix. PS: oricat de LIVE si 'safe' vrei tu sa faci tombola tocmai ti-am demonstrat ca poate fi scamata. (Un sistem de tranzactii ca cel descris de tine demonstrabil nu e sigur/demn de incredere).
    1 point
  5. Omul doar a intrebat cum se face. In Craiova se mai organizeaza tombole cu masini de maxim 2000-3000 de euro de la o anumita firma de colantare ( pisicute, ursuleti ) foarte frumos modificate si colantate, unde pretul e doar 50 lei. Si de fiecare data a fost organizat pe bune cu sponsori multi.
    1 point
  6. Ce descrii tu miroase a scam. Chiar daca nu e scam, oricine cu jumatate de creier nu se baga in tombola ta. Tu vrei ca eu sa platest 15 lei ca sa am sansa sa castig poate un cont. Pai eu iti dau tie 15lei, tu tragi la tombola numarul 1234(care se intampla sa fie fix numarul tau) si eu am platit ca sa raman cu buza umflata. Sansele de scam sunt prea mari, in special ca tu tragi si faci si calculezi dupa capul tau. NOTA: un alt vector de atac ar fi ca tu sa-ti cumperi biletele tale la tombola. Tu nu pierzi nimic ca oricum banii tot la tine ajung dar castigi sanse sa-ti recuperezi conturile. In concluzie sistemul pe care il descrii tu e foarte usor de fraierit. Mai bine da-le gratis sau vinde la un pret fix!
    1 point
  7. Aici cititi. E destul de lung articolul. Sursa se vede.
    1 point
  8. O chestie mai simpla, intra in app store daca ai iphone sau magazin play daca ai telefon cu android si scrie acolo la cautare: ""Anti Spy"" si ai o multime de programe care te ajuta sa afli daca ai program de spionaj instalat pe telefon sau nu.
    1 point
  9. Asta cu arestatul preventiv pentru atacuri cibernetice sa zicem ca e asa si asa, dar faptul ca nu mai au voie procurorii sa se foloseasca de datele pe care le-au extras din calculatorul tau si pentru care nu au mandat, mi se pare super aiurea. Este pe de o parte o protejare a vietii private, dar pe de cealalta parte doar complica metodele existente. Pur si simplu mai dau baietii veseli inca 2-3 telefoane sa mai scoata un mandat si gata, proba se poate folosi. Astia dau legi care se anuleaza unele pe altele, legi pe care doar ei le inteleg si legi ce iarta mai ceva ca Dumnezeu.
    1 point
  10. In sfarsit! Asteptam de mult asta.Stiam eu ca nu am votat degeaba cu ei.
    1 point
  11. Username-ul tău e prea generalist să pui problema astfel. Altfel, legal și poate puțin neetic are prioritate cine are marcă înregistrată. Spor cu blogul! 😀
    1 point
  12. Foarte simplu. - Daca este ceva instalat in telefon, faci asa: Dezactivezi la telefon datele mobile, il conectezi la un wireless si monitorizezi/interceptezi traficul de date de pe telefon. Vezi ce si unde transmite, etc. Oricum, cred ca te depaseste asta. Pe de alta parte "mama" nu il poate da in judecata asa, pur si simplu, trebuie sa faca plangere la politie, aia sa ancheteze, sa faca un dosar penal, iar procurorul la finalizarea cercetarilor sa trimita infractoru` in judecata, cu "mama" ca parte vatamata. - daca sunt plantate microfoane in casa, este mai greu. apelezi la o firma privata sau la SRI, da te taxeaza aia la greu. L.E. cap de pluta, daca monitorizezi traficul, vezi unde uploadeaza datele, si prin extrapolare vezi ce aplicatie are instalata. apoi, dupa ce stii deja ce cauti, te apuci de cautat in telefon, insa nu vei reusi nimic, ca esti cap de pluta, habar nu ai despre computere, programe, aplicatii android, etc, nu ai cunostiintele tehnice necesare, nu ai software-ul necesar, nu ai nimic. Du-te si ia-ti o sticla de cola si o punga de snaks-uri si mai baga o partida de dota.
    1 point
  13. Mie îmi place cu finalizare. 😏
    1 point
  14. Am pe un FTP astea> 1. CEH v7 - Video How To use tools and setup lab required for CEH Practice 14,2 GB More info: CEHv7 Course Outline Version 7 : 1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking 2. Footprinting and Reconnaissance 3. Scanning Networks 4. Enumeration 5. System Hacking 6. Trojans and backdoors 7. Viruses and Worms 8. Sniffers 9. Social Engineering 10. Denial of Service 11. Session Hijacking 12. Hacking Webservers 13. Hacking Web Applications 14. SQL Injection 15. Hacking Wireless Networks 16. Evading IDS, Firewalls and Honeypots 17. buffer Overflows 18. Cryptography 19. Penetration Testing. CEH 7 Video Howto: CEH 7 Hacking Tool: CEH v7 Instructor Slides_VeriSign Encrypted Sig CEHv7 Lab Prerequisites CEHv7 - Module 02 - Footprinting and Reconnaissance CEHv7 - Module 03 - Scanning Networks CEHv7 - Module 04 - Enumeration CEHv7 - Module 05 - System Hacking CEHv7 - Module 06 - Trojans and backdoors CEHv7 - Module 07 - Viruses and Worms CEHv7 - Module 08 - Sniffers CEHv7 - Module 09 - Social Engineering CEHv7 - Module 10 - Denial of Service CEHv7 - Module 11 - Session Hijacking CEHv7 - Module 12 - Hacking Webserver CEHv7 - Module 13 - Hacking Web Applications CEHv7 - Module 14 - SQL Injection CEHv7 - Module 15 - Hacking Wireless Networks CEHv7 - Module 16 - Evading IDS, Firewalls and Honeypots CEHv7 - Module 17 - buffer Overflows CEHv7 - Module 18 - Cryptography CEHv7 - Module 19 - Penetration Testing 2. CEH v7 - Instructor Slides (Unencrypted) 253 MB CEHv7 Module 01 Introduction to Ethical Hacking.pdf CEHv7 Module 02 Footprinting and Reconnaissance.pdf CEHv7 Module 03 Scanning Networks.pdf CEHv7 Module 04 Enumeration.pdf CEHv7 Module 05 System Hacking.pdf CEHv7 Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors.pdf CEHv7 Module 07 Viruses and Worms.pdf CEHv7 Module 08 Sniffers.pdf CEHv7 Module 09 Social Engineering.pdf CEHv7 Module 10 Denial of Service.pdf CEHv7 Module 11 Session Hijacking.pdf CEHv7 Module 12 Hacking Webservers.pdf CEHv7 Module 13 Hacking Web Applications.pdf CEHv7 Module 14 SQL Injection.pdf CEHv7 Module 15 Hacking Wireless Networks.pdf CEHv7 Module 16 Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots.pdf CEHv7 Module 17 Buffer Overflow.pdf CEHv7 Module 18 Cryptography.pdf CEHv7 Module 19 Penetration Testing.pdf 3. SANS Security 504 - Hacker Techniques, Exploits & Incident Handling 670 MB SANS: Hacker Techniques, Exploits & Incident Handling PM pt usr/psw postacii de meserie sa nu ceara...
    1 point
  15. Do you think the olive oil causes weight loss? This text is translated by Google Translate, if there is a mistake typing Since many people, especially those who are overweight, consider olive oil as one of the major sources of weight loss and fat burning. It is best to first read about the properties of this oil to find out if the olive oil causes fat burning. Or no? Olive oil is a great asset that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean have used for the first time in their diet plan for the first time, and they have received much of it, and today most people around the globe use this healthy oil and The rich in food and salads use it as an ideal oil for their diet and one of the best supple oils in the world. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which without reducing good cholesterol leads to a reduction in bad cholesterol, which increases the health of the heart and this is another property of olive oil. For fast and lasting weight loss, if we remove or reduce as much as possible harmful and saturated fats from the diet, and replace monounsaturated fats, we can undoubtedly be successful in fat burning and weight loss, Olive oil with monounsaturated fats can be the best alternative to other fats and oils. Another of the properties of olive oil is to control appetite, and when one uses unsaturated fats in the diet, it can be easier to control your appetite and eat enough food to prevent entry. Additional calories will be added to the body, so it can make fat burning easier than other people, and also to control weight and fix it. Other properties of olive oil include a number of vitamins E, carotenoids and polyphenol compounds, which are very useful for the health of the body. Monounsaturated fatty acids accelerate the burning of stored fat in the body, which is also an excellent property in olive oil. This oil, like most foods and fat burners, helps to lose weight, but you must know that the substance also contains calories and is not calorie-free or calorie-free. Most people make this mistake !!!!!! One of the mistakes that many people make during their diet and when they try to thin it is the misuse of olive oil, they have removed the high salinity and high calorie sauces and the need for excess oil Olive adds to the salad and thinks it's healthy and does not cause overweight, these loved ones should be careful to take caution in consuming all healthy oils and foods and even dietary foods that are safe. Being a fat burner is not to be mistaken. Since fat is necessary for the body, it is recommended that you get enough of the body fat through the olive oil, in order to prevent the ingestion of harmful fats to your body and help your body stay healthy and lose weight. do . According to a study by scientists on women, women who have included in their diet at least 3 tablespoons of olive oil soup compared to women who have used normal oils or other fats and are from the diet Low-fat foods have experienced a 30 percent increase in fat burning and have been successful in weight loss. Olive oil has good nutrients that can prevent or reduce the absorption of glucose by the body, and also cause more juice, and even receive a fast feeding message and a longer period of starvation. If you use this oil every day, you can stay longer throughout the day and do not suffer from bad daytime hunger and calorie burns created through these activities in your body. You can also help lose weight. Olive oil is usually divided into two categories: 1 - Oily oil: This type of oil is completely pure and ordinary, which is odorous and contains monounsaturated fats, nutrients, as well as highly beneficial phytochemicals. 2. Odorless Oil: This type of oil is transformed into a non-odorous oil after a process in which it does not use chemical or heat, whose taste, taste and smell disappears, and the other raw olive flavor it is invisible . Dehydrated oil with odorless oil is no different and the calories are the same in both types, and each tablespoon of olive oil has about 120 calories and 13 grams of fat. Other Tips on Olive Oil and its Effect on Slimming and Weight Loss: If you still think that olive oil causes fat burning and is different from calories in other oils, it is a misconception that the oil, like all other oils, contains 120 calories per serving. Its excessive consumption can easily increase weight and obesity. The fact that this oil is unhealthy or half-healthy is that it has no harmful fats or that we can say that it has less harmful fat It also has a beneficial effect on appetite control and can be effective in reducing weight. According to physicians and experts, in addition to olive oil, sesame oil, oil Animal and Tuna are other healthy and useful oils that you can use in a daily diet, but you should note that none of these oils are fat-free and calorie-free. How to store olive oil 1 - Never allow oil to smoke when heated, as it is harmful and can endanger your health. 2 - It is best to keep oil in a cool, dark place away from sunlight. 3 - Suitable containers To store olive oil, colored glass containers and stainless steel containers. 4. For frying materials with pure olive oil it is better to have low or moderate heat 5. Use refined and processed oils to fry high-temperature materials. 6. Maintaining olive oil in the refrigerator may darken its color and also form a layer-like oil. In that case, its use will be a bit of a problem, because its return to the initial color and fluidity is a bit time consuming, and this, of course, is also possible with the room temperature.7 - Because it may sometimes be necessary to use Find olive oil, it is best to put some of the oil in the container in a sealed container, such as china, and keep it at room temperature. It does not change color and easily used 0.8 - Olive oil can be used in salads, pasta and cooked vegetables are added. Source: andamsaz.com
    -1 points
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