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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/18 in all areas

  1. Memorie notebook Crucial 8GB, DDR4, 2133MHz, CL15 - 244 Lei https://www.pricezone.ro/product/memorie-notebook-crucial-8gb-ddr4-2133mhz-cl15-12v-dual-ranked-x8-p49018?_ts=search&_tsk=55509
    1 point
  2. Security researchers at Microsoft have unveiled details of two critical and important zero-day vulnerabilities that had recently been discovered after someone uploaded a malicious PDF file to VirusTotal, and get patched before being used in the wild. In late March, researchers at ESET found a malicious PDF file on VirusTotal, which they shared with the security team at Microsoft "as a potential exploit for an unknown Windows kernel vulnerability." After analyzing the malicious PDF file, the Microsoft team found that the same file includes two different zero-day exploits—one for Adobe Acrobat and Reader, and the other targeting Microsoft Windows. Since the patches for both the vulnerabilities were released in the second week of May, Microsoft released details of both the vulnerabilities today, after giving users enough time to update their vulnerable operating systems and Adobe software. According to the researchers, the malicious PDF including both the zero-days exploit was in the early development stage, "given the fact that the PDF itself did not deliver a malicious payload and appeared to be proof-of-concept (PoC) code." It seems someone who could have combined both the zero-days to build an extremely powerful cyber weapon had unintentionally and mistakenly lost the game by uploading his/her under-development exploit to VirusTotal. The zero-day vulnerabilities in question are a remote code execution flaw in Adobe Acrobat and Reader (CVE-2018-4990) and a privilege escalation bug in Microsoft Windows (CVE-2018-8120). Leveraging shellcode execution from the first vulnerability, the attacker uses the second Windows kernel exploit to break the Adobe Reader sandbox and run it with elevated privileges. Since this malicious PDF sample was under development at the time of detection, it apparently included a simple PoC payload that dropped an empty vbs file in the Startup folder. Microsoft and Adobe have since released corresponding security updates for both the vulnerabilities in May. For more technical details of the exploits, you can head on to Microsoft and ESET blogs. Via thehackernews.com
    1 point
  3. Cel mai bine vezi bilantul contabil si contabilitatea, ca nu ai cum sa stii ce/cat s-a investit si de unde a scos "profitul" ala .... Pentru 5 ani si cifra de afaceri 90.000 euro (adica pana in 2000 euro/luna), e cam greu sa ai profit apetisant si angajati ca sa nu zic de cheltuieli adiacente. 9000euro profit pe 5 ani = 150euro/luna
    1 point
  4. Python based backdoor that uses Gmail to exfiltrate data through attachment. This RAT will help during red team engagements to backdoor any Windows machines. It tracks the user activity using screen capture and sends it to an attacker as an e-mail attachment. Powershell-RAT Python based backdoor that uses Gmail to exfiltrate data as an e-mail attachment. This RAT will help someone during red team engagements to backdoor any Windows machines. It tracks the user activity using screen capture and sends the information to an attacker as an e-mail attachment. Note: This piece of code is Fully UnDetectable (FUD) by Anti-Virus (AV) software. This project must not be used for illegal purposes or for hacking into system where you do not have permission, it is strictly for educational purposes and for people to experiment with. Any suggestions or ideas for this tool are welcome - just tweet me on @ManiarViral Screenshot: On the first run of the Powershell-RAT user will get options as below: Using Hail Mary option to backdoor a Windows machine: Successfully taking screenshots of the user activity: Data exfiltrated as an email attachment using Gmail: Setup: Throwaway Gmail email address Enable "Allow less secure apps" by going to https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps Modify the $username & $password variable for your account in the Mail.ps1 Powershell file Modify $msg.From & $msg.To.Add with throwaway gmail address Download: Powershell-RAT-master.zip Source
    1 point
  5. Nu vad unde este oferta. Acel SSD este 499 Lei la PCG, Cel si Evomag. Pe ce site nu le aveti? Cine "sunteti"? @LegendKiller
    1 point
  6. link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/w4zapkanwges3bk/SQLi+8.5.rar pass: babyhacking Release notes: This news version comes with a lot of new features like 30% more hit on each search And also more than 45 new SQL Injection. Also now it is way faster when you are processing your dorks and when you are performing an injection. The tool does not crush anymore if you have 4GO of RAM or more. My blog: https://baby-hacking.blogspot.com
    -1 points
  7. Siteul de vanzare nu este al meu. Mi-am spus doar punctul de vedere. Am vrut doar sa arat ca exista si alte ratiuni si uneori informatii inexacte sau incorecte pot duce la afirmatii gresite. Cu 15.000 euro investitie .... cate afaceri cu profit mai mare decat al unui "aprozar" gasesti (9.000 Euro)? ☺️ Recuperarea (teoretica) a investitiei este 1,6 ani. Exista businessuri cu cifra de afaceri de milioane de euro pe pierdere fiscala... Profitul de 9000 euro ar trebui sa fie in mod normal rezultalul: Venituri - toate Cheltuielile. Ar trebui sa includa inclusiv cheltuielile de personal. Informatia trebuie verificata insa... Eu nu o cunosc. Totusi, ca amortizare a investitiei intiale (achizitia) ar putea sa fie ceva interesant pentru cei pasionati de asa ceva. Unii mai pot sa vada si in perspectiva, sa dezvolte ceea ce exista sau sa combine cu ceea ce detine... sau ... daca vrei sa faci asa ceva de la ZERO poate e mai indicat sa cumperi ceva care functioneaza si aduce profit. Asta... nu inainte de a verifica informatiile... Fiecare are dreptul sa judece si sa actioneze cum doreste. Sunt interesat sa discut in principiu despre evaluarea unui astfel de business si din acest motiv am intrat aici. Detineti cumva adevarul absolut? Va deranjez cumva? Poate imi pierd timpul pe aici ... Am riscat si treaba asta. Repet: Nu este siteul meu si nu am nici o "amicitie" cu vanzatorul!
    -1 points
  8. Mi s-a cerut parerea si ajutorul pentru vanzarea unui magazin online (oarecum tip emag) si n-am stiut ce sa zic, dar prima mea impresie a fost ca pretul cerut este cam mare: https://www.piataafacerilor.ro/afaceri/vand-magazin-online-tip-marketplace Numele site-lui il pot oferi numai pe privat, la cerere. Intrebarea mea este: cand esti intreprinzator si vrei sa te apuci de comert online, dropshipping, agregator de magazine, e mai simplu si mai ieftin sa le iei de la zero cu nume de domeniu nou, design site, hosting etc. sau merita sa preiei un site gata facut cu ani in urma?
    -1 points
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