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  1. Maday.conf ( https://www.mayday-conf.com ) este prima conferinta internationala de cyber security din Cluj Napoca (24-25 octombrie) iar RST este community partener al evenimentului. Acest eveniment s-a nascut din pasiunea pentru security si isi doreste in primul rand sa ajute la dezvoltarea oamenilor care sunt interesati de acest domeniu. In timpul evenimentului o sa aiba loc prezentari referitoare la ultimele tehnici folosite de pentesteri, de Incident Responders dar si lucruri precum identificarea TTPs folosite de catre atacatori. Mai mult, in cadrul evenimentului o sa avem CTF-uri cu premii, exercitii cyber dar si workshop-uri. Pentru a primi notificari in timp real va puteti abona la newsletter pe www.mayday-conf.com, follow la pagina de Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/MayDayCon ) / Twitter ( https://twitter.com/ConfMayday) sau intra pe grupul de Slack ( https://maydayconf.slack.com/join/shared_invite/enQtNTc5Mzk0NTk0NTk3LWVjMTFhZWM2MTVlYmQzZjdkMDQ5ODI1NWM3ZDVjZGJkYjNmOGUyMjAxZmQyMDlkYzg5YTQxNzRmMmY3NGQ1MGM) Acum urmeaza surpriza... Pentru ca "sharing is caring" organizatorii ofera membrilor RST 10 vouchere de acces pentru ambele zile. Acestea pot fi obtinute printr-un private message catre Nytro (care sa includa o adresa de email) pana la data de 1 septembrie iar selectia se va face in functie de urmatoarele criterii: - numarul de postari pe forum - numarul de like-uri si upvote-uri primite pe postari - proiecte publicate in forum - vechimea pe RST URL: https://www.mayday-conf.com
    3 points
  2. Cloakify Factory is a tool to transforms any file type into a list of harmless and even useless looking strings. This ability allows for you to hide a data file in plain sight and also transfer it over the network without triggering malware alerts. The functionality which Claokify utilizes is called text-based steganography that protects the data by making it look benign. The cloaked files defeat signature-based malware detection tools, DLP, etc. In this demonstration, we will be working on Kali Linux. Downloading Cloakify It can be downloaded in the Kali Linux with the following command; git clone https://github.com/TryCatchHCF/Cloakify.git Once the download completes, make sure you have python2.7 installed as it is a pre-requisite for running it. You need to navigate to its downloaded directory to run it; Running Cloakify Let’s run the tool by the following command; python cloakifyFactory.py So as it seems that Cloakify Factory has a menu-driven tool that leverages its script set. When you choose a file to Cloakify, it first converts it into theBase64-encode, then applies a ciphertext to generate a list that encodes the Base64 payload. And then the cloaked data can be transferred to your desired destination. Let’s start cloakifying it the file which contains by data which you can see below; Now I will encode this data. Now as the data is encoded, I will check for my output data file which was processed by Cloakify; As data is encoded, so now it as exfiltrated, choose Decloakify with the same cipher to decode the payload. Now check for the data, if it reverted to the original state or not. It worked successfully, as all the data get converted back to the actual state. Sursa: https://latesthackingnews.com/2019/07/30/cloakify-a-tool-to-mask-your-data-in-plain-sight/
    2 points
  3. 1 point
  4. Coailii V. 69
    -1 points
  5. La vetize de peste 100 MB/s, nu este posibil Cu stimă: Gheorghe de la coada vacìi /si doo
    -1 points
  6. Puneti man si voi un AES ceva sa se descurce, terminati cu fisingu
    -1 points
  7. Mâncami-ai ŕàma din carlig
    -1 points
  8. Se numeşte crawler, nu aplicatie, asta ca sa ti-o in gură data viitoare când dai țepe
    -1 points
  9. Ma-tii* ai mâncat un i, era pe gloryhole unul din ce stiu /pe viitor folositi escrow, paypal, etc.
    -1 points
  10. Vezi sa nu iti spargă curul
    -1 points
  11. Este posibil dude, dar asta se face numai de autorități, un pin de SE si aia e, altfel ti-o iei în funduleț d.p.d.v al GDPR
    -1 points
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