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Posts posted by asswipe

  1. Celebrul comisar, Traian Berbeceanu, trece prin clipe teribile. Acesta trăieşte o adevărată dramă şi s-a decis să spună totul. Berbeceanu a ieşit la pensie. Berbeceanu a condus Brigada de Combatere a Criminalitatii Organizate Alba, pana sa-i fie inscenat un dosar penal, in care a fost in cele din urma achitat, iar cei care au orchestrat totul a fost condamnati. Berbeceanu a iesit la pensie, de la 1 aprilie, dupa 25 de ani in Politie.

    CIteşte şi: Un fost dictator militar a încetat din viaţă: Fusese acuzat de genocid în Guatemala

    "Anul acesta, in octombrie, s-ar fi implinit cinci ani de la 'executia' mea, iar legea pensiilor militare imi permite sa aleg ca baza de calcul sase luni consecutive din ultimii cinci ani lucrati. Evident, a trebuit sa aleg perioada aprilie-septembrie 2013, cand ocupam functia de sef al BCCO Alba Iulia. Daca nu procedam in acest fel, m-as fi pensionat in baza veniturilor mult diminuate pe care le aveam la acesta data", explica Berbeceanu, conform glasul-hd.ro.

    Citeşte şi: Traian Băsescu, ÎN LACRIMI la România TV: Ce l-a emoţionat pe fostul preşedinte - 'trebuie să facem ceva'

    Mai mult, Berbeceanu a anuntat ca va lansa o carte intitulata "Radiografia unei marsavii judiciare", in care povesteste pe larg despre cazul sau. "Meseria de politist a insemnat totul pentru mine, vreme de 25 de ani. Acesta este motivul pentru care ziua de astazi nu as putea sa o consider una festiva. De fapt, cred ca este cea mai trista zi din viata mea", a mai spus Berbeceanu, precizand ca a avut intotdeauna incredere in justitie si in faptul ca adevarul iese intotdeauna la iveala.

    " (...) 'cazul Berbeceanu' il apreciez ca fiind un 'accident', o situatie izolata, nicidecum o 'amenintare' viitoare pentru alti politisti. Cred cu tarie ca o asemenea marsavie judiciara nu va mai fi posibila", a mai spus fostul sef al BCCO Alba.

    Traian Berbeceanu a fost desemnat, in 2007, "Politistul anului" in Romania si fusese poreclit Cattani, inainte sa-i fie inscenat un dosar, de catre procurorul sef DIICOT Alba, Ioan Muresan, procurorul DIICOT Nicolaie Ioan Cean si Alin Mirel Muntean ofiter de politie judiciara in cadrul BCCO Alba, mai spune sursa citată.




  2. "As stated in all our releases, the primary goal of the Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings is to help protect investors from risk, while leading them to the most sustainable, robust cryptocurrencies. That goal requires playing close to the pattern of recent price declines as well as tech issues that could hinder a price recovery. "DUXD8T-XcAIBTMS.jpg:large

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  3. Bitcoin is a 'Project of US Intelligence,' Kaspersky Lab Co-Founder Claims

    Natalya Kaspersky claimed that Bitcoin was designed to provide financing for US and British intelligence activities around the world. The expert called the cryptocurrency "dollar 2.0."

    The Bitcoin cryptocurrency was developed by "American intelligence agencies," Natalya Kaspersky, CEO of the InfoWatch group of companies and specialist in cyber security systems, said during her presentation at ITMO University in St. Petersburg.

    Kaspersky was giving a speech on information wars and digital sovereignty. Photos of her presentation entitled "Modern technologies – the basis for information and cyber-wars," have been published on social media.

    "Bitcoin is a project of American intelligence agencies, which was designed to provide quick funding for US, British and Canadian intelligence activities in different countries. [The technology] is 'privatized,' just like the Internet, GPS and TOR. In fact, it is dollar 2.0. Its rate is controlled by the owners of exchanges," one of the slides read.

    She also claimed that Satoshi Nakamoto (the pseudonym used by its founder or founders) is the name for a group of American cryptographers.

    The presentation also claimed that a smartphone cannot be considered as a personal gadget.

    A smartphone "is a remotely controlled device designed for entertainment, work and at the same time for spying on its owner," according to Kaspersky, who is also the co-founder of Kaspersky Lab.


  4. 17 Motive pentru care sa iti cumperi iPhone X:

    1. IPhone X nu costa mult, esti tu prea sarac.
    2. IPhone X e asa de tare ca daca, cade pe jos se sparge Galaxy S8-ul altcuiva.
    3. IPhone X e asa de puternic incat daca stergi un numar din agenda acea persoana moare in viata reala.
    4. Cand folosesti GPS-ul de fapt tu stai pe loc si pamantul ti se misca sub picioare.
    5. Cand activezi modalitatea "Do Not Disturb", iPhone X stinge toate telefoanele prietenilor tai.
    6. IPhone X are un ecran asa de definit ca daca te uiti la un film, actorii se simt observati.
    7. IPhone X are marul intreg si in plus mai e si biologic.
    8. IPhone X e asa smecher incat husa lui e alt iPhone X.
    9. Incarcatorul de masina pentru iPhone X nu incarca telefonul, ci masina.
    10. Pe pagina Apple langa sectiunea de unde poti cumpara un iPhone X este si sectiunea de unde un iPhone X te poate cumpara pe tine.
    11. Si iPhone X se poate conecta la Bluetooth. Cu lumea de dincolo.
    12. Cand un iPhone X cade, stelele isi pun o dorinta.
    13. Siri din iPhone X stie unde se afla Elodia.
    14. IPhone X nu are modalitatea avion, avionul are modalitatea iPhone X.
    15. Calculatorul din iPhone X poate sa imparta la 0.
    16. IPhone X e asa de realistic ca daca vrei sa te uiti la un porno iti trebuie prezervativ.
    17. Daca suni un numar inexistent cu un iPhone X, acel numar incepe sa existe

  5. A crackdown on organized crime by Bulgarian law enforcement in May resulted in the seizure of more than 200,000 bitcoins – an amount worth more than $3 billion at today's prices.

    According to a press release dated May 19 from the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center (SELEC), a regional organization comprised of 12 member states including Bulgaria, a total of 213,519 bitcoins were seized that month. Twenty-three Bulgarian nationals were arrested during the operation, and officials said at the time that the arrests and subsequent asset seizures followed an investigation into an alleged customs fraud scam.

    As of press time, the amount seized is worth approximately $3.3 billion, at a price of roughly $15,524, according to CoinDesk's Bitcoin Price Index (BPI).

    Authorities commented at the time:



    "The offenders choose the bitcoin way of investing/saving the money, because it is rather difficult to be tracked and followed."

    They further alleged that those involved developed a virus which was used to hack into Bulgarian Customs computers, allowing the perpetrators to skip paying fees when transporting goods into the country. The virus was uploaded to government machines by bribed agents, according to the release.

    In all, the alleged perpetrators avoided paying some 10 million leva (Bulgaria's national currency), worth roughly $6 million.

    What remains unclear at this time is what the Bulgarian government is doing with the seized bitcoins.

    According to a report from Bivol.bg from Nov. 28, the Bulgarian government declined to release further details, citing an ongoing criminal investigation.

    Notable in the May 19 release is a notation that, at the time it was published, a single bitcoin was worth $2,354. The release stated that the total amount seized was worth $500 million – less than one-sixth of its current value today.


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