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  1. https://www.msftnext.com/what-are-iso-and-dd-image-modes-in-rufus/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/@xct_de/playlists https://www.youtube.com/@ippsec
  3. CUM SE FAC BANI IN CRYPTO IN 2024-2025? Furi curent si minezi , ca si pana acum.
  4. Poate si-a schimbat si usa, cu ocazia asta
  5. https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates/blob/main/http/cves/2024/CVE-2024-9935.yaml Patch your sh*t up, or enjoy your hunt, either way, hf.
  6. Nu inteleg cum vine asta, te oftici, ca nu facem noi bani?
  7. bio.sh


    Da, exista, e posibil, dar pana iti dai seama ce e de facut, mai bine o intrebi de ce si-l baga.
  8. https://breachforums.st/Thread-SELLING-Moldova-MD-Moldavia-Border-Police-20-million-2024 User PieWithNothing claims to have breached 20 million records from Moldavian Border Police. Selling for the price of 1900$(still cheaper then an penetration-test) Full database contains 103 fields: id, created_at, post_id, direction, persons, vehicle_country_id, vehicle_mark, vehicle_model, vehicle_vin_code, vehicle_plate_number, category, driver_full_name, person_idnp, transportator_full_name, transportator_personal_code, days_in_rm, days_in_rm_from_last_entry, crossing_time, old_inf, driver_image_id, is_copy, is_anta_confirmed, is_general_data_confirmed, has_scale, ruta_pfa_id, copy_letter_id, has_scan, load_country_id, old_vch_tpe_x, is_overstaying, old_instance_id, legal_code, stopped_at, ruta_pfa_creation_date, post_pfa_cod, has_md_ua, is_ansa_confirmed, inspector_id, control_date, mdua_verification_result, transshipment_id, mdua_declaration_comment, old_etr_dte, old_vch_tpe_spc, is_md_ua_confirmed, stopped_reason, is_seed_sent, sesiz_id, is_push_border_crossing, old_tpe_exe_dsc, act_control_id, has_ansa, status, old_tpe_exe, has_warehouse, is_scale_confirmed, rsf_id, is_accepted_by_sgr, old_tpe_ret, has_goods, legal_name, is_scan_confirmed, accepted_date_sgr, updated_at, old_eco_sum, old_sys_ope, total_amount, is_duplicated, swim_lane_original_color, old_lst_of_sys_ope, unload_country_id, declaration_number_mdua, return_reason, copy_foreign_post, old_procure_dte, is_scan_confirmed_by_operator, has_anta, return_id, transport_border_mode, transport_border_type, @version, is_copied_in_old_app, lane_index, old_procure_nbr, created_by, @timestamp, continued_at, is_paid, customs_regime_id, irregularities, is_from_pf, is_seed_received, withholding_reason, plate_number_confirmed, updated_by, status_date, transaction_id_idx2, old_eco_cat, message_id, old_etr_cuo_cod, old_tpe_doc, is_warehouse_confirmed, old_eco_trm
  9. bio.sh

    Salut !

  10. Am o punga cu pungi, din plastic evident, s-ar putea sa fie in jurul unui kg. Dau ieftin smr
  11. Daca vad inca 20 de comentarii la postul asta, uploadez si a-2-a arhiva.
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