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Posts posted by Fi8sVrs

  1. Scanner for Simple Indicators of Compromise

    Detection is based on four detection methods:

        File Name IOC
        Regex match on full file path/name
        Yara Rule Check
        Yara signature match on file data and process memory
        Hash check
        Compares known malicious hashes (MD5, SHA1, SHA256) with scanned files
        C2 Back Connect Check
        Compares process connection endpoints with C2 IOCs (new since version v.10)

    Additional Checks:

        Regin filesystem check (via --reginfs)
        Process anomaly check (based on Sysforensics)
        SWF decompressed scan (new since version v0.8)
        SAM dump check
        DoublePulsar check - tries to detect DoublePulsar backdoor on port 445/tcp and 3389/tcp
        PE-Sieve process check

    The Windows binary is compiled with PyInstaller 2.1 and should run as x86 application on both x86 and x64 based systems.

    Download the latest version of LOKI from the releases section.


    Source: https://github.com/Neo23x0/Loki/blob/master/README.md

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  2. This evening at a press event to kickoff MWC Barcelona, I had the pleasure of joining CEO Satya Nadella and Technical Fellow Alex Kipman onstage to talk in depth about Microsoft’s worldview for the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge.

    As part of today’s press event, we also introduced the world to HoloLens 2.




    Articol complet: https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2019/02/24/microsoft-at-mwc-barcelona-introducing-microsoft-hololens-2/

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  3. Omul a platit-o, si-

    10 minutes ago, theandruala said:

    Daca tot "s-a chinuit omul, si tu o furi", ce e diferit dintre a fura o tema, si a o cere la altul care a platit-o?
    In final e acelasi lucru, cineva foloseste o tema fara ca creatorul sa-si ia banii pe ea.

    Omul a platit-o si poate numai are nevoie de licenta, exact cum as cumpara un lucru cu chitanta, factura, si numai am ce face cu el, na ma saracule


    Eu nu stiu, dar nu incurajez

    //: exact ca la iPhone3 :)))))

    :/// pt 14 dolari, convert in yeni, te fute chinezoiu in toate orificiile, muncesti aiurea

    • Downvote 6
  4. Deviem de la subiect, bro Romania este frumoasa, esti  bine venit, daca vrei sa mori:)) e frumoasa man ai locuri bune de vizitat, spitale, farmacii, esti bine primit oricum, recomand la fel ca si Mara, Sibiu,Brasov, evita Arad, evita Rm Vilcea


    Edit: am vazut macele consecutive


  5. 1 hour ago, SynTAX said:

    Sa nu mai zic de apa cu care se spala in Bucuresti, care este din Dambovita si este un fel de smoala.

    :)))))) lasa bre, fiecare padure cu uscaniule ei, guri guri guri

    Edit: pe Bahlui era unul de dadea la pescuit, (scapat de la socola probqbil) pleaca ma de qcolo, te manancq vreun dinozaur,:)))

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  6. Noi am testat un golf 5 motor 3k, ma chinuiam sa redresez covrigul,[nu stiam ce se intampla)(conduc 15 ani+)]la destinatie, cireada de vaci, pe motor esti mort, nu vreau sa fiu bizar

    Edit: credeam ca imi murise servo, am mai mirosit parfumul...

    Edit2: pe doo roti esti praf si pulbere la o balega, patinuar

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