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Found 14 results

  1. Vand ceea ce zice titlul. 1. PDF exploit 30 dolari 2. DOC exploit 30 dolari Faceti plata 19suh4bEgFvFMdcUeDL6kKAjkdSy4V6S4w dupa care imi trimiteti mesaj cu adresa voastra de btc si linkul pentru dw executabilului
  2. Caut pe cineva care sa imi transforme niste pdf-uri editabile in html forms, sau daca se poate acele fisiere pdf sa fie editate online si dupa ce s-au completat campurile sa se trimita la o adresa de mail fisierul completat. Totul se plateste asa ca va rog veniti si cu o oferta. Daca aveti neclaritati lasati-mi un pm.
  3. Caut un pdf exploit pt un trojan si un java dive fud. Va rog pm cu pretuile, repet trebuie sa fie fud.
  4. Download here PDF Converter and Editor | Foxit PhantomPDF Business
  5. PDF Injector este o versiune mai veche modificata a unui experiment ce a rezultat creearea unui antivirus pentru atasamente pe email. - ai posibilitatea de a integra in pdf a unui fisier si de a executa automat fisierul cand documentul pdf este deschis, sau pe baza unor elemente gen butoane... in versiunea demo metoda de executie este limitata asupra extensiilor. - posibilitatea de integrare si executare a codurilor javascript - posibilitatea accesarii paginilor web si downloadarii (in alte variante se pot integra si scripturi pt. BTC-M) - posibilitatea declansari payload-ului la o anumita data - aceasta versiune ruleaza doar pe acrobat reader si nu in browser. - nu voi continua de unul singur lucrul la acest tip de exploatare deoarece necesita mult timp(in the same time i'm looking for a job), daca doreste cineva sa ma ajute si are cunostinte (javascript, concatenare, reverse-windows..etc) vom imparti sarcinile si rezultatele. - am incercat sa atasez aici doar functii ce se pot realiza si din adobe sdk deoarece sunt mai mult ca sigur ca vor fi scanate pe diferite site-uri de AV, cum am zis este doar demo aici. daca doriti ceva in plus puteti modifica codul si sa atasati functiile voastre postandule aici pe forum, sunt curios unde poate ajunge acest proiect. Python 2.7.9~ Download: Zippyshare.com - pdf-injector.zip Pass hint: mesajul fondatorului rst din campul de tip input pulamea (prescurtat "plm") ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Google translate: PDF Injector is an older version of a modified experiment that resulted creating an antivirus for email attachments. - Have the ability to integrate into a pdf file and automatically execute when the PDF file is opened, or based on elements like buttons ... in the demo version the auto running launch is limited to some extensions. - possibility of integrating and executing javascript code - the possibility of accessing web pages and downloading (in other versions can integrate scripts for. BTC-M) - can lunch payload at a certain date - This version runs only on acrobat reader and not in browser - I will not continue work alone in this type of operation because it requires more time (in the same time i'm looking for a job) if anyone wants to help me and has knowledge (javascript, concat, reverse-windows..etc) we will divide the tasks and share the results. - I tried to attach here only functions that can be achieved in adobe sdk because they are more than likely to be scanned on different sites AV, as I said is just demo here. if you want something extra, you can modify the code and attach your functions by posting here on the forum, I'm curious where this project will get. Python 2.7.9~ Download: Zippyshare.com - pdf-injector.zip Pass hint: the RST founder message written in page input " plm "
  6. Fox eBook - eBooks Free Download Site Programare, matematica, finante si economie, gastronomie, politica... un site extraordinar ENJOY!
  7. Poze : Download : Zippyshare.com - exploit.rar
  8. ##################################################################################### Application: Foxit Products GIF Conversion Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities (DataSubBlock) Platforms: Windows Versions: The vulnerability is confirmed in version Foxit Reader 7.x. Other versions may also be affected. Secunia: SA63346 {PRL}: 2015-02 Author: Francis Provencher (Protek Research Lab’s) Website: http://www.protekresearchlab.com/ Twitter: @protekResearch ##################################################################################### 1) Introduction 2) Report Timeline 3) Technical details 4) POC ##################################################################################### =============== 1) Introduction =============== Foxit Reader is a multilingual freemium PDF tool that can create, view, edit, digitally sign, and print PDF files.[3] Early versions of Foxit Reader were notable for startup performance and small file size.[citation needed] Foxit has been compared favorably toAdobe Reader.[4][5][6] The Windows version allows annotating and saving unfinished PDF forms, FDF import/export, converting to text, highlighting and drawing. ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foxit_Reader[/url]) ##################################################################################### ============================ 2) Report Timeline ============================ 2015-01-22: Francis Provencher from Protek Research Lab’s found the issue; 2015-01-28: Foxit Security Response Team confirmed the issue; 2015-01-28: Foxit fixed the issue; 2015-03-09: Foxit released fixed version of Foxit Reader 7.1/Foxit Enterprise Reader 7.1/Foxit PhantomPDF7.1. ##################################################################################### ============================ 3) Technical details ============================ An error when handling the Size member of a GIF DataSubBlock data structure can be exploited to cause memory corruption via a specially crafted GIF file. ##################################################################################### =========== 4) POC =========== [url]http://protekresearchlab.com/exploits/PRL-2015-02.gif[/url] [url]http://www.exploit-db.com/sploits/36335.gif[/url] ############################################################################### Source
  9. Salut as dorii si eu o culegere in format pdf pentru bacalaureatul la matematica mate-info m1. Prefer sa imi recomandati una care stiti despre ea ca este buna , decat sa cautati pe google "culegere matematica bac m1.pdf". Multumesc! Edit: Daca nu aveti culegere cu exercitii , dati-mi pdf cu variante pentru bac care v-au ajutat si pe voi.Dar preferam exercitii ca puteam sa lucrez in fiecare zi.
  10. Salutare. Are careva cartea urmatoare in format pdf : "Suge-o Ramona!". Multumesc!
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  12. Colec?ia mea de pdf-uri, majoritatea de actualitate; actualizat? regulat; enjoy! https://mega.co.nz/#F!VEYhhTQQ!0hp5FtWcHDCtRT5OjjWRUg
  13. Cartea este in format pdf : Zippyshare.com Have Funk!
  14. salut! platesc daca ma poti ajuta sa fac un keylogger sub forma pdf jpg mp3 eu am facut una jpg dar este detectabila!! platesc pe cineva sa mil faca cap coada sau pe cineva sa imi cripteze doar acea poza ce o am eu sau mp3`ul! ma intereseaza un keylogger 100% nedetectabil sa imi vina in mail sau intr-un ftp doar text-ul! din 1-2-3-4 ore nu conteaza!
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