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Salut, am de gand sa imi iau un laptop saptamana viitoare si ma incanta asta! Ideea este ca nu stiu daca sunt 8GB RAM de ajuns pt ozn-ul ala. Daca aveti alte idei pt un laptop performant va rog sa o impartasiti cu noi. Sa nu treaca de 1500 EUR.
Android phones can be tracked without using their GPS or wi-fi data by studying their power use over time, a study has found. A smartphone uses more power the further away it is from a cellular base and the more obstacles are in its way as it reaches for a signal. Additional power use by other activities could be factored out with algorithms, the researchers found. They created an app designed to collect data about power consumption. "The malicious app has neither permission to access the GPS nor other location providers (eg cellular or wi-fi network)," the team - Yan Michalevsky, Dan Boneh and Aaron Schulman, from the computer science department at Stanford University, along with Gabi Nakibly, from Rafael Ltd - wrote in their paper. "We only assume permission for network connectivity and access to the power data. "These are very common permissions for an application, and are unlikely to raise suspicion on the part of the victim." There are 179 apps currently available on Android app store Google Play that request this information, the team add. Activity such as listening to music, activating maps, taking voice calls or using social media all drain the battery but this can be discounted due to "machine learning", the report says. "Intuitively the reason why all this noise does not mislead our algorithms is that the noise is not correlated with the phone's location," it says. "Therefore a sufficiently long power measurement (several minutes) enables the learning algorithm to 'see' through the noise." The tests were carried out on phones using the 3G network but did not measure signal strength as that data is protected by the device. 'Stuffed with sensors' "With mobile devices now becoming ubiquitous, it is troubling that we are seeing so many ways in which they can be used to track us," said cyber-security expert Prof Alan Woodward, from Surrey University. "I think people sometimes forget that smartphones are stuffed full of sensors from gyroscopes and GPS to the more obvious microphones and cameras. "This latest work shows that even that basic characteristics (power consumption) has the potential to invade privacy if monitored in the right way," he added. "We are approaching the point where the only safe way to use your phone is to pull the battery out - and not all phones let you do that." Source
What is IPB (Invision Power Board) ? : Invision Power Board is a Software Forum Designed and Made by Invision Power Services. Invision Power Services (IPS) was created in 2002 by Charles Warner and Matt Mecham after they left Jarvis Entertainment Group. It is a forum which is on or made on MySQL Database, The Invision Power Board is written or developed on PHP Language. While Invision Power Board is a commercially Public sold product, there is a large modding community and there are many of these modifications which are free. The IPB (Invision Power Board) releases a series of thier Product Versions. The First Version releases of Invision Power Board were available as a download free charge under a proprietary license. The version 1.3 is merely used on free of costs forum hosts such as Invision-Free. Since these were released many exploits had been found and they keep updating and patching them. The Second Version was exact like 1.3.1, the same liscence too it was also a free of cost forum host. But after there first update release the version 2.0.1 the download limit was replaced with 5000Posts, 1000 threads a free demo. Many users were got upset with that. The version 3.x was released in 2009. It was a great milestone for IPB Company because of the Forum Software. The version 3.x released in 2010 the modified version as we saw the Modification made by the IPB. The Search Engine Optimization, its integration with Social Networking Websites like Facebook, Twitter etc. The Version 3.x was really a great product by IPB unless an exploit has been found in it . And it was SQL – Injection exploit. The Vulnerable Paramter is in ‘/interface/ipsconnect/ipsconnect.php’ There is a $_POST Parameter Vulnerability there.. Post Parameter : act=login&idType=id&id=’id here’ <-- Here is the Vulnerable Parameter. the $_POST['id'] parameter is vulnerable. It can easily be exploited with Error Based SQL Injection or Blind Based SQL Injection. There's Many exploit have been made of this exploit. This is high-level vulnerability as many sites are on IPB Forum. Exploit here: Private Paste - Pastie
Salutare. Am o problema cu al meu calculator. Din cand in cand (banuiala mea e ca atunci cand procesorul este prea incarcat) calculatorul se blocheaza sau apare un ecran albastru cu mult scris pe el. Am schimbat mai toate componentele din el cu exceptia hard discului. Utilizand programul HD Tune Pro am obtinut urmatoarele date (de mai jos) problema e ca nu stiu sa le interpretez. E posibil ca problemele pe care le am sa fie datorate hard-ului ? Multumesc, o seara frumoasa ! HD Tune Pro: Maxtor 6E040L0 Benchmark Test capacity: full Read transfer rate Transfer Rate Minimum : 8.5 MB/s Transfer Rate Maximum : 29.2 MB/s Transfer Rate Average : 27.4 MB/s Access Time : 15.3 ms Burst Rate : 30.8 MB/s CPU Usage : 13.0% HD Tune Pro: Maxtor 6E040L0 Information Firmware version : NAR61EA0 Serial number : E1RJL37E Capacity : 38.5 gB (35.9 GB) Buffer size : 2048 KB Sector size : 512 bytes Standard : ATA/ATAPI-7 Supported mode : UDMA Mode 6 Current mode : UDMA Mode 2 Avergae speed : - Rotation speed : - S.M.A.R.T : yes 48-bit Address : no Read Look-Ahead : yes Write Cache : yes Host Protected Area : yes Device Configuration Overlay : yes Firmware Upgradable : yes Automatic Acoustic Management: yes Power Management : yes Advanced Power Management : yes Interface Power Management : no Power-up in Standby : no Security Mode : yes SCT Tables : no Native Command Queuing (NCQ) : no Trim : no Volume : (C:) Capacity : 14998 MB Free : 12505 MB Usage : 17% File system : NTFS Serial : 40A0-A443 Alignment : 0.5 KB Volume : (D:) Capacity : 21691 MB Free : 16008 MB Usage : 26% File system : NTFS Serial : 54CB-9E85 Alignment : 0.5 KB HD Tune Pro: Maxtor 6E040L0 Health ID Current Worst ThresholdData Status (03) Spin Up Time 222 220 63 7348 ok (04) Start/Stop Count 252 252 0 3857 ok (05) Reallocated Sector Count 251 251 63 13 warning (06) Read Channel Margin 253 253 100 0 ok (07) Seek Error Rate 253 252 0 0 ok (08) Seek Time Performance 251 243 187 33466 ok (09) Power On Hours Count 236 236 0 37512 ok (0A) Spin Retry Count 253 252 157 0 ok (0B) Calibration Retry Count 253 252 223 0 ok (0C) Power Cycle Count 242 242 0 4495 ok (C0) Unsafe Shutdown Count 250 250 0 3399 ok (C1) Load Cycle Count 251 251 0 10154 ok (C2) Temperature 253 253 0 33 ok (C3) Hardware ECC Recovered 253 252 0 1671 ok (C4) Reallocated Event Count 253 253 0 0 ok (C5) Current Pending Sector 253 253 0 0 ok (C6) Offline Uncorrectable 252 252 0 1 ok (C7) Interface CRC Error Count 199 198 0 1 attention (C8) Write Error Rate 253 252 0 0 ok (C9) Soft Read Error Rate 253 252 0 0 ok (CA) Data Address Marker errors 253 252 0 0 ok (CB) Run Out Cancel 253 252 180 0 ok (CC) Soft ECC Correction 253 252 0 0 ok (CD) Thermal Asperity Rate 253 252 0 0 ok (CF) Spin High Current 253 252 0 0 ok (D0) Spin Buzz 253 252 0 0 ok (D1) Offline Seek Performance 187 186 0 0 ok (63) Unknown Attribute 253 253 0 0 ok (64) Unknown Attribute 253 253 0 0 ok (65) Unknown Attribute 253 253 0 0 ok Health Status : warning HD Tune Pro: Maxtor 6E040L0 Error Scan Scanned data : 38 gB Damaged Blocks : 0.0 % Elapsed Time : 24:21