# Affected software: 4images # Type of vulnerability: clickjacking,xss # URL: http://www.4homepages.de/ # Discovered by: Provensec # Website: http://www.provensec.com # Description: 4images is a powerful web-based image gallery management system. Features include comment system, user registration and mangagement, password protected administration area with browser-based upload and HTML templates for page layout and design. # Proof of concept 1st:click jacking --: 4images was vuln to clickjacking which could be exploited and used to delete category http://i.imgur.com/vqfz8Lk.png clickjacking poc -: http://prntscr.com/670r9b 2nd: xss adding a new category with xss payload leads to persistent xss vuln http://prntscr.com/670rmi -- Best Regards, *Ankit Bharathan.* *Save Energy... Save Nature... Go Green...* P *Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless absolutely necessary.* Source