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Putin Ajutor ?

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Buna sunt andrei sunt nou in aceasta comunitate , sunt un skiddie I kw dar totus nu inteleg unde am gresit in acest cod ?


import socket

def scan(host,port):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
       print ("open :"+str(port))
for port in range(1024):

putin ajutor va rog ?

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It lipseste un alineat/indent:

import socket

def scan(host, port):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

        s.connect((host, port))
        print ("open :" + str(port))

for port in range(10000):
    scan("", port)

Cum aveai tu codul functia 'scan' doar definea un socket, 'try/pass' facea parte din programul principal, nu din functie.


Ca proof-of-concept (PoC) este in regula, dar in practica asta ar scana foarte incet pentru ca astepti fiecare port in parte sa raspunda sau ca perioada de timeout sa expire. Pentru un scanner agresiv poti sa reduci perioada de timeout si sa introduci mai multe thread-uri.


Ai aici niste cod scris la furie care face o scanare agresiva la toate 65K porturi TCP. Nu stiu daca mai merge sau daca am facut modificari care l-au stricat, dar este suficient cat sa iti faci o idee. Este un cod destul de jegos si sunt sigur ca unii o sa-si puna mainile in cap, dar ar trebui sa-ti dea o idee despre chestia cu thread-urile/timeout-ul pe sockets, etc. Daca cineva are sugestii la cum ar putea sa fie imbunatatit sunt numai urechi. :)


import sys
from multiprocessing import Pool
from multiprocessing import freeze_support

from modules import rs_inf

#  MAIN  #
# this is only temporary
# the purpose is to allow the development version to be used in production
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    scope_file = 'scope.txt'
    scope_file = sys.argv[1]

# read scope file and create targets array
scope = open(scope_file, 'r')
targets = []
for i in scope.readlines():
    # host = i.split(':')[0]
    # port = int(i.split(':')[1].rstrip())

print targets

pool = Pool(processes=200)
results = pool.map(rs_inf.tcp_scan, rs_inf.tcp_scope_generator(targets))

open_ports = []
for i in results:
   if i:
      if i[1] not in open_ports:

print "\nConevnient Nmap ports flag:"
for i in open_ports:
     sys.stdout.write(str(i) + ',')

Si aici modulul rs_inf:

import socket
from random import shuffle

from modules import rs_ssl

def tcp_scope_generator(targets_array, start_range=1, end_range=65536):
    tcp_scope = []
    for i in targets_array:
        for j in range(start_range, end_range):
            tcp_scope.append((i, j))
    return tcp_scope

def tcp_scan((host, port)):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    if s.connect_ex((host, port)) == 0:
        print host + " - " + str(port)

        # # if the port is open check if SSL is supported
        # if rs_ssl.ssl_verify((host, port)):
        #     # if SSL is supported enumerate
        #     rs_ssl.ssl_enumerate((host, port))
        # else:
        #     print host + ":" + str(port) + " --- SSL not supported"

        return (host, port)
Edited by theeternalwanderer
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21 minutes ago, theeternalwanderer said:

It lipseste un alineat/indent:

import socket

def scan(host, port):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

        s.connect((host, port))
        print ("open :" + str(port))

for port in range(10000):
    scan("", port)

Cum aveai tu codul functia 'scan' doar definea un socket, 'try/pass' facea parte din programul principal, nu din functie.


Ca proof-of-concept (PoC) este in regula, dar in practica asta ar scana foarte incet pentru ca astepti fiecare port in parte sa raspunda sau ca perioada de timeout sa expire. Pentru un scanner agresiv poti sa reduci perioada de timeout si sa introduci mai multe thread-uri.


Ai aici niste cod scris la furie care face o scanare agresiva la toate 65K porturi TCP. Nu stiu daca mai merge sau daca am facut modificari care l-au stricat, dar este suficient cat sa iti faci o idee. Este un cod destul de jegos si sunt sigur ca unii o sa-si puna mainile in cap, dar ar trebui sa-ti dea o idee despre chestia cu thread-urile/timeout-ul pe sockets, etc. Daca cineva are sugestii la cum ar putea sa fie imbunatatit sunt numai urechi. :)


import sys
from multiprocessing import Pool
from multiprocessing import freeze_support

from modules import rs_inf

#  MAIN  #
# this is only temporary
# the purpose is to allow the development version to be used in production
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    scope_file = 'scope.txt'
    scope_file = sys.argv[1]

# read scope file and create targets array
scope = open(scope_file, 'r')
targets = []
for i in scope.readlines():
    # host = i.split(':')[0]
    # port = int(i.split(':')[1].rstrip())

print targets

pool = Pool(processes=200)
results = pool.map(rs_inf.tcp_scan, rs_inf.tcp_scope_generator(targets))

open_ports = []
for i in results:
   if i:
      if i[1] not in open_ports:

print "\nConevnient Nmap ports flag:"
for i in open_ports:
     sys.stdout.write(str(i) + ',')

Si aici modulul rs_inf:

import socket
from random import shuffle

from modules import rs_ssl

def tcp_scope_generator(targets_array, start_range=1, end_range=65536):
    tcp_scope = []
    for i in targets_array:
        for j in range(start_range, end_range):
            tcp_scope.append((i, j))
    return tcp_scope

def tcp_scan((host, port)):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    if s.connect_ex((host, port)) == 0:
        print host + " - " + str(port)

        # # if the port is open check if SSL is supported
        # if rs_ssl.ssl_verify((host, port)):
        #     # if SSL is supported enumerate
        #     rs_ssl.ssl_enumerate((host, port))
        # else:
        #     print host + ":" + str(port) + " --- SSL not supported"

        return (host, port)

ms mult frate :D


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