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Dagon - Advanced Hash Manipulation

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Dagon - Advanced Hash Manipulation

Named after the prince of Hell, Dagon (day-gone) is an advanced hash cracking and manipulation system, capable of bruteforcing multiple hash types, creating bruteforce dictionaries, automatic hashing algorithm verification, random salt generation from Unicode to ASCII, and much more.

Note: Dagon comes complete with a Hash Guarantee:

I personally guarantee that Dagon will be able to crack your hash successfully. At any point Dagon fails to do so, you will be given a choice to automatically create a Github issue with your hash. Once this issue is created, I will try my best to crack your hash for you. The Github issue is completely anonymous, and no questions will be asked. This is my way of thanking you for using Dagon. There are alternatives to using the automatic issue creator. If you do not want your hash publicly displayed, and feel Dagon has failed you, feel free to create your own issue. Or send an email with the hash information to dagonhashguarantee@gmail.com



Bruteforcing made easy with a built in wordlist creator if you do not specify one. The wordlist will create 100,000 strings to use



Verify what algorithm was used to create that hash you're trying to crack. You can specify to view all possible algorithms by providing the -L flag (some algorithms are not implemented yet)



Random salting, unicode random salting, or you can make your own choice on the salt.



Demo video




Preferable you can close the repository with git clone https://github.com/ekultek/dagon.git alternatively you can download the zip or tarball here


Basic usage

For full functionality of Dagon please reference the homepage here or the user manual

python dagon.py -h This will run the help menu and provide a list of all possible flags

python dagon.py -c <HASH> --bruteforce This will attempt to bruteforce a given hash

python dagon.py -l <FILE-PATH> --bruteforce This will attempt to bruteforce a given file full of hashes (one per line)

python dagon.py -v <HASH> This will try to verify the algorithm used to create the hash

python dagon.py -V <FILE-PATH> This will attempt to verify each hash in a file, one per line



Dagon requires python version 2.7.x to run successfully.

git clone https://github.com/ekultek/dagon.git
cd Dagon
pip install -r requirements.txt

This should install all the dependencies that you will need to run Dagon



All contributions are greatly appreciated and helpful. When you contribute you will get your name placed on the homepage underneath contributions with a link to your contribution. You will also get massive respect from me, and that's a pretty cool thing. What I'm looking for in contributions is some of the following:

  • Hashing algorithm creations, specifically; A quicker MD2 algorithm, full Tiger algorithms, Keychain algorithms for cloud and agile
  • More wordlists to download from, please make sure that the link is encoded
  • Rainbow table attack implementation
  • More regular expressions to verify different hash types


Source: https://github.com/Ekultek/dagon

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