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How to Win a Chess Game Fast

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Many people believe that chess is the ultimate game. It requires skill, strategy and the ability to think ahead. There are some moves, however, that can bring crushing defeat to an opponent very early on, sometimes before they even know what hit them. This guide provides step by step instructions on how to execute a classic chess strategy that will defeat inexperienced players in just four short moves.


Things You'll Need:

  • Chess board
  • Opponent

1. win-chess-game-fast-1.1-120X120.jpg

Move the Pawn that is situated in square E2, directly above the King. You can move this Pawn forward either one or two spaces. It does not matter which you choose, however, moving only one space will provide a better defense in the event that you are matched against an experienced player who will try to reverse this strategy on you.

2. win-chess-game-fast-1.2-120X120.jpg

Know that after your initial move, it will be your opponent's turn. Very few moves your opponent can make will change your outcome at this stage. For simulation purposes, assume that the other player leads out with their Queen's Knight. Make your second move and move your Queen three spaces to space F3. In the example given, an inexperienced player may be hoping that you will be foolish enough to take the Knight with your Queen and will not likely anticipate your next move.

3. win-chess-game-fast-1.3-120X120.jpg

Let your opponent make a second move. For simulation purposes, assume that they move their Pawn forward to E5 in an attempt to apply pressure to your Queen. This is a common move and one that you may really encounter. After the other player moves it is your turn once again. They will be expecting you to use your Queen, but move your King's Bishop instead. Move the Bishop four spaces to space C4.

4. win-chess-game-fast-1.4-120X120.jpg

Let your opponent make a third move. Assume that they move their Pawn forward an additional space in hopes of taking your Queen. Now it is your fourth and final move. Move your Queen all the way up to space F7, taking the opponent's Pawn and placing them in Check Mate. You have just won the chess game in four simple moves.

Tips & Warnings

  • This strategy may not work every time. A player may see this coming, or inadvertently move a piece that throws a wrench in the monkey works. It is still good to try the first time you play someone so that you will have a feel for how advanced your opponent is.
  • Inexperienced chess players usually fall for this move very easily. Be warned, however, that experienced players will often consider it to be a cheap shot and will try very hard to take you down if they see you attempting this tactic.


Edited by Fi8sVrs
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Credeam ca e vorba de cine stie ce strategie insa de fapt tutorialul asta e cam asa:

se ia un oponent care sa foloseasca o tehnica predominant ofensiva pe un openent care trebuie sa joace rolul de fraier si sa se mire de cate stie asta la sah.

Incercati voi sa aplicati asta in viata reala pe unu care stie sah sa vedeti care castiga.

Repet: pe unu care stie sah si nu pe unu incepator , si, cand zic pe unu care stie sah nu ma refer la vreun campion mondial ci pe unu care a mai jucat cateva partide in viata lui si le-a si castigat.

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Hai ca-ti spun eu cum se castiga un meci de sah (cel putin cand joci online):

- intri pe un chess room (eu jucam pe yahoo cu amici)

- in fundal deschizi un chessmaster(pui dificultate master!) si joci cu calculatorul, inversand piesele astfel incat tu sa fii cel cu care joci online

- mutarile pe care le face oponentul, le faci tu in chessmaster, iar cele facute de calculator in chessmaster le faci tu cu oponentul

Asta e succes garantat cu exceptia momentului in care joci cu un Kasparov.

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