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Index pentru Deface

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Azi am gasit in pc un index vechi.Este bun pentru Deface-uri... Sursa: Chiar nu mai stiu...

Live demo:



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var strText = "\n \n Hacked! \n \n We are Anonymous. \n \n We are Legion \n \n We do not forgive \n \n We do not forget. \n \n Expect us! \n \n Hacked By: Anonymous [GoodBye Stupid!]";






P.S: Avea si o melodie pe fundal dar m-am jucat si eu putin cu el si am cam stricat treburile. In fine, enjoy!

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Sa mori tu ca te 'pregateai pentru deface' incepand cu index-ul?

Coita, ce zici de minime cunostinte despre vulnerabilitatile din aplicatiile web care ruleaza pe un server, ca sa poti pune indexul ala undeva. Sau il deschideai tu in browser si te mangai gandindu-te ce mare hacher o sa devi?

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Sa mori tu ca te 'pregateai pentru deface' incepand cu index-ul?

Coita, ce zici de minime cunostinte despre vulnerabilitatile din aplicatiile web care ruleaza pe un server, ca sa poti pune indexul ala undeva. Sau il deschideai tu in browser si te mangai gandindu-te ce mare hacher o sa devi?

Sa nu imi spui ca tu prima data spargi site-u si dupa stai inca 2 ore sa iti faci index-u :) E mai bine sa ai totul pregatit...


Syckchet: Frate, mie imi place sa am totu pregatit chiar daca nu osa se intample vreodata chestia asta..

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Mai ai si altele ?

    <HTML><HEAD><title>DeFaCeD bY ToIl FrOm BuGaBuSe.NeT</title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="60;URL=http://www.bugabuse.net/">
<meta name="description" content="Bugabuse.Net Deface" />
<meta name="keywords" content="bugabuse.net hacking forum" />

<BODY text=white link=#0000ff background="http://www.bugabuse.net/binary.gif" onload=stuff()>
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html, body {padding: 0; margin: 0; height: 100%;}
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min-height: 100%;
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background: #ffc;
* html
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height: 35px;

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padding: 20px;
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<a href="http://www.bugabuse.net/">
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/7VXmi.png" alt="Enter Forums" />
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<iframe width="1" height="1" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/b69BB4i30Ms?autoplay=1&hd=1&loop=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<SCRIPT language=Javascript>
var tl=new Array(

"Hello wandering user",
"This website has now been hacked.",
"The database has been compromised and will be released soon",
"www.bugabuse.net, Proud hackers of Tipit, NightmareRH and More.",
"Shoutouts: ",
"Tresm - Hacking the Forum",
"Zum - Being one of the best possible mods their can be.",
"Ignorance may be bliss, but Ignorance will hold you back.",
"Please click the link below to continue your journey.",
"**Message Terminated**"
var speed=80;
var index=0; text_pos=0;
var str_length=tl[0].length;
var contents, row;

function stuff()
contents += tl[row++] + '\r\n';
document.forms[0].elements[0].value = contents + tl[index].substring(0,text_pos) + "_";
} else

<a href="http://www.bugabuse.net/">
Enter Forums
<br />
<footer>Hacked by TRESM of Bugabuse.net</footer>

Atat .. astea 2 am avut..

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Era o vreme cand incercam si eu sa dau deface-uri (si bine inteles, nu am reusit) Iar descarcam depe net tot felu de index-uri imi placea sa fiu pregatit de dinainte..

Si mie imi place sa am totul pregatit...

Mi-am cumparat 5000 cutii de prezervative pentru ziua cand imi voi pierde virginitatea :D

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