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Paypal phishing alert

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Azi dimineata am primit un mail care arata ceva de genul:


PIease Update Your Information


Dear PaypaI_User,

It has came to our attention that your PaypaI biIIing information are out of date.

This require you to update your biIIing information as soon as possibIe.

This biIIing update is aIso a new PaypaI security statement which goes according

to the estabIished norms on our terms of service

How you can heIp

It's usuaIIy pretty easy to take care of things Iike this. Most of the

time, we just need a IittIe more information about your account or Iatest


To update your PaypaI records cIick on the foIIowing Iink:



This is a system-generated email, please do not reply. If you have any further questions, please visit our

Help Centre:


Security Centre:


Copyright © 2013 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved.

Emailul a fost trimis de pe aceasta adresa:service@intle.paypai.com

Dar defapt adresa reala a celor de la paypal este:service@intle.paypal.com

Daca ati primit un asemenea email nu picati in plasa iar daca ati facuto schimbativa imediat parola si adresa de email.

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Dar de unde naiba fac astea rost de adresele de e-mail? Ciudat este ca am primit si eu un astfel de email exact in momentul in care eram in cursul unor tranzactii mai serioase.

Poate chiar cel cu care faceai tranzactia era implicat. Isi vroia omul banii inapoi...

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