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Germany and France want EU-only internet to avoid US spies

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Germany and France will discuss the possibility of setting up a pan-European internet network in order to avoid US government spying.

Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel announced in her weekly podcast that she intended to raise the idea in a meeting with French president François Hollande on Wednesday, it has been widely reported.

The network would ensure any emails and other forms of communication sent over the internet would not need to travel via providers in the US.

“Above all we’ll talk about European providers that offer security to our citizens, so that one shouldn’t have to send emails and other information across the Atlantic,” she said, as reported by The Independent. “Rather one could build up a communications network inside Europe.”

Read more:

- http://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/2329201/prism-germany-and-france-want-eu-only-internet-to-avoid-us-spies

- http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/angela-merkel-proposes-european-network-to-beat-nsa-spying-9132388.html

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Nu vad cum ar putea sa faca asta. E ca si cum ar da internetul inapoi cu 10 ani.

Idea este superba, dar nu o vad practica. Probabil spera sa faca dupa modelul chinez, The Great Firewall of China, dar date tot trebuie sa iasa afara din EU, si sa intre. Un semi-intranet numai pentru EU, ar da peste cap o gramada de lucruri.

Pe langa asta, principalul colector public , ca sa zic asa, de informatii este Google, din cookie, search history, activitate, mail, etc , etc. Ce facem, blocam si Google ? Bun, trecem totul printr-un firewall, cine se asigura ca datele odata ajunse peste atlantic, nu vor fi interceptate ?

Sau imi scapa mie ceva ?

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It is not only Google, it is also yahoo, vodafone, twitter, Microsoft ect. ect. Any American company is transporting data to the NSA under the patriot act. But Britisch and Dutch intelegence agencies are also transporting data to the NSA what they could collect with the EU data retention law. So it is a stupidity to think that an EU internet would solve the problem. But i do agree we need to protect the EU if we effer want to come out of the economic crisses. The excuse from terrorism is funny, but they collect all the data and decide witch emails arive and witch not. They do use the data also for a better economic competition possition, they would be stupid not to use it for that. And the euro is still a threat for a weak dollar. Economic competition the US takes very serious, that might be clear. It is a cyberwar where there are no friends.

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Internetul nu se duce deloc in urma cu 10 ani, doar cu cateva luni, sunt destui inventatori care ar reconstrui.

Nici Google nu e o problema, Google nu e magic! Google poate fi replicat sau chiar imbunatatit, cu bugetele corespunzatoare desigur.

Google e lupul care nu-si arata dintii. Nu cred ca in urmatorii 20 de anu o sa existe o companie mai puternica decat Google.

Uite cateva chestii despre google:

1. O multime din utilizatorii de internet nu stiu sa intre pe un site daca nu e indexat in google (cat de stupid pare dar daca cineva le zice intra pe rstforums.com ei o sa scrie in google search).

2. Viata celor care au cea mai mica tangenta cu tehnologia este strans legata de google: Search, Maps (care stim toti cate are prin el), Android + o multime alte chestii

3. 99% din business-ul de pe net ar pica daca nu ar fi indexat in google

4. O multime de produse si companii aflate in posesia Google care inca nu sunt prezentate cum ar trebui (sa nu mai zic ca au cumparat toata tehnologia de roboti si inteligenta artificiala de pe piata).

5. Top cercetare - calculator quantic

In cativa ani Google va fi prezent si indispensabil in toate: de la armata, masini, roboti pana la frigidere (sunt deja frigidere cu android).

Gandeste-te apoi cand va avea atata putere daca va mai avea nevoie sa fie atat de user friendly..

Nimic pe lumea asta nu este si nu va fi pe gratis.

PS: scuzati eventualele dezacorduri - is prea obosit sa mai citesc odata si am scris sacadat

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Google e lupul care nu-si arata dintii. Nu cred ca in urmatorii 20 de anu o sa existe o companie mai puternica decat Google.

Uite cateva chestii despre google:

1. O multime din utilizatorii de internet nu stiu sa intre pe un site daca nu e indexat in google (cat de stupid pare dar daca cineva le zice intra pe rstforums.com ei o sa scrie in google search).

2. Viata celor care au cea mai mica tangenta cu tehnologia este strans legata de google: Search, Maps (care stim toti cate are prin el), Android + o multime alte chestii

3. 99% din business-ul de pe net ar pica daca nu ar fi indexat in google

4. O multime de produse si companii aflate in posesia Google care inca nu sunt prezentate cum ar trebui (sa nu mai zic ca au cumparat toata tehnologia de roboti si inteligenta artificiala de pe piata).

5. Top cercetare - calculator quantic

In cativa ani Google va fi prezent si indispensabil in toate: de la armata, masini, roboti pana la frigidere (sunt deja frigidere cu android).

Gandeste-te apoi cand va avea atata putere daca va mai avea nevoie sa fie atat de user friendly..

Nimic pe lumea asta nu este si nu va fi pe gratis.

PS: scuzati eventualele dezacorduri - is prea o bosit sa mai citesc odata si am scris sacadat

Aici nu vorbim ca vrea gigel sa-si faca un motor de cautare, aici vorbim de puterea a doua tari extrem de puternice: Franta si Germania.

Oricat ar fi de puternic de google, oricat il ridicam noi prin cuvinte ca programatori, ramane o companie fara putere in fata adevaratelor puteri ale lumii.

Si sa fim seriosi, ca web programmer, banuiesc ca stiu si eu cine este google si ce impact are asupra lumii.

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Ultimul offtopic:

* direct sau indirect corporatiile conduc lumea

Argumente: au bagat lumea in criza iar cei de la conducere desi s-a demonstrat ca stiau in ce directie se indreptau au primit bonusuri in loc de pedepse, dezastrele ecologice din SUA, etc

* toate sistemele informatice a statelor sunt create tot de corporatii.. (sau majoritatea) - cu alte cuvinte know how-ul si resursele umane sunt detinute tot de corporatii

On topic:

Ideea nu e noua.

Eu sunt de parere ca e o abureala specifica guvernelor moderne pentru a da impresia populatiei ca cineva isi face griji pentru ei (doar serviciile lor secrete facilitau transferul de informatie catre NSA)

1. Internetul nu mai poate fi inlocuit.

2. Chiar daca s-ar crea un intranet in UE tot ar trebui conectat la reteaua globala.

3. Chiar daca s-ar crea un intranet nu s-ar limita semnificativ puterea de interceptare a informatiei ci s-ar diferentia metodele.

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The exposure from the power from google will come soon. Allready it is visual that the US the world brings out of balance, and that goes wrong. What i have read in the media is that the SRI from Romania does understand this problem to and is busy with a project to put official intranets behind special equepment. How long that holds is always the question, but at least they take the problems that the US creates serrious, and that is a positive step forward. But besides governmental intra nets, also the contractors from the government should be way more active with data security. Because on those intranets the security is really a joke, some even didnt install an anti virus. Well, the problem is way bigger then I can write here down. I think there should be regulations for at least the infrastructure and the contractors for infrastructure and the whole healthcare branch.

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