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[TRICK] Aflarea unei parole de Facebook! [IN SCOPURI EDUCATIVE]

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Dupa ce am ajutat o prietena sa-si recupereze contul de Facebook in urma unor incidente, spre intelesul tuturor a cazut prada unor viermisori care furau parole, am decis sa postez si aici un tutorial despre aflarea unei parole de Facebook in cazul in care ai pierdut si parola de Email.

1.In primul rand trebuie sa stiti mail-ul "victimei" sau persoanei vatamate.

2.Vom naviga pur si simplu aici https://www.facebook.com/login/identify?ctx=recover

3.Vom tasta email-ul celui care doriti sa aflati parola.


4.Dupa ce am tastat email-ul ne va intreba cum vrem sa resetam parola.Desigur in cazul de fata neavand acces la Email. Vom alege No longer have access to these?


5.Bineinteles ne va trimite catre o pagina unde sa tastam un nou Email.


6. Dupa 5 minute vom primi un Email de la Facebook continand link-ul catre activarea noului email.


7. In 24 de ore vom putea folosi din nou contul cu noul email. Eventual resetati parola.


ATENTIE! Acest tutorial a fost realizat in scopuri educative.De cele mai multe ori este util pt. aflarea unei parole pierdute!

Observatie: Nu functioneaza la toate conturile.Sunt multe unde resetarea se face prin numar de telefon.

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dupa ce bag noul email imi cere numele invatatoarei din clasa 1.. sa-i fut:))

Cu pu?in? inginerie social? sigur î?i spune!

Confirm c? merge metoda, chiar atunci când am v?zut primul post am testat-o pentru un prieten ?i a func?ionat - dar dac? are num?rul de telefon confirmat pic? totul.

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Dup? cum spuneam. Dac? vrei s? aflii o parola pierdut? trebuie s? ?tii despre cine e vorba. Dac? vrei s? spargi un cont asta-i partea a doua , nu ofer support aici. Am spus clar "În scopuri educative" , deci persoana pe care totu?i vrei s? o aju?i trebuie s?-?i ofere minimul de informa?ii , ceea ce include ?i prietenii.

Doxing is more than good. Incearc? s? o dai în inginerie social?. :)

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Tutorial Doxing EN:

Table Of Contents
1. What is Doxing?
2. Why should you dox?
3. Dox Template
4. Tools and Websites We Will Be Using
5. How to Dox
6. Credits
7. Notes
8. Farewell
What is Doxing?
Dox is short for docs, which is short for documents. A dox is a document with someone's personal information: location, phone number, education, DOB, name, social networks, etc. Doxing is the method of getting someones dox. It takes a computer and a lot of digging, social engineering and money always help.
Doxing itself is legal. But, using doxing in someways can be illegal. Swatting, stealing identities, etc(Don't do any of those things), are all illegal.

Why should you dox?
If someone does something illegal you can expose them.
Also you can do it for revenge.
But, do not ever do it for fun. It could get you into trouble.

Dox Template:
As you follow along with this tutorial fill out a dox template. You should create a blank dox in notepad or any text editor somewhat like this:


Real name:













Phone Number:


Other Social Networks:

Helpful Tools and Websites:

How to Dox:
If you want to dox you will need some information about them already.
For this dox tutorial we will be using a tool called Spokeo.
Through Spokeo you can search by name, phone number, email, address. You will need to have an account on Spokeo to complete most of this tutorial. Also you should create an account at: http://www.celerystresser.com/register.

Method 1 w/ Skype and Facebook:
One of the easiest ways to get a dox is to have your victim added on skype. You will need a facebook account as well.
Login in to facebook, then go to: https://www.facebook.com/?sk=ff
On the right hand side, click the skype logo then login. Then, what you do is click skip. After that, confirm by clicking skip again. Once that's completed, click no. Then go to this page: https://www.facebook.com/invite_history.php. Look for your victim's skype display name on the left hand side of the page. Then click on there partial email next to there display name. A captcha box should be displayed, fill it out, and there you go. There is your victim's email.

Type in their email into Facebook search.
From this you might be able to get their first name, last name, phone number, address, school, and pictures/videos of them.

Now let's use Spokeo. Now since you have their first name, last name, email, and state through facebook(you may have more though, which is great), we will search through Spokeo. Go to Spokeo and type in "Name, Location". Replace the name with the victim's name and location with the victim's location. Now, from Spokeo, you should have the victim's exact address, DOB, phone number, and ethnicity.

Now go to: http://www.spokeo.com/email-search
Type in the victim's email you got from Facebook. It should come up with social networks with that email.

Method 2 w/ Email:

Go to: http://www.spokeo.com/email-search and type in the victim's email. It should come up with accounts on social networks associated with the email. After this, search the email on Facebook and see if anyone pops up. If someone does, you can get some info about them such as name, location, phone number, and pictures/videos. Then go to: http://www.celerystresser.com/email_dox
and login. Type in the victim's email and results should pop up if it is found in the database. Note: This info is not 100% accurate all the time.

Method 3 w/ Address:
Go to: http://www.spokeo.com/reverse-address-search and see what pops up. If you get an email, search that email through: http://www.spokeo.com/email-search, http://www.spokeo.com/email-search, http://www.celerystresser.com/email_dox, and https://www.facebook.com/. Look through those sites for information on them.

Method 4 w/ Phone Number:
Go to: http://www.spokeo.com/reverse-phone-lookup and see what pops up. If you get an email, search that email through: http://www.spokeo.com/email-search, http://www.spokeo.com/email-search and http://www.celerystresser.com/email_dox, and https://www.facebook.com/. Look through those sites for information on them.

Method 5 w/ Username:
Go to: http://www.spokeo.com/username-search. Look for usernames
BTW, this is the hardest method. Find their email through the social networks, then complete method 2.

Once done, most people post the dox to: Pastebin.
After completed, ship them some free boxes as well.

Race: [FREE] Skype Email Pulling Method [Tutorial/Method]
Sunlight: How to Dox with just a Skype [1st on HF][No SE]
Celeron: EMAIL DOX tool [Web Based] Become An Elite Doxer Today!! =D

Spokeo and ESPECIALLY Celery Stresser Email Doxer don't work 100% of the time and aren't 100% accurate.

I thank you for taking the time to read this tutorial and hope your learned a lot.
Regards, Ryoma

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