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Baza de date ebay a fost compromisa in totalitate!

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Dear eBay Member,

To help ensure customers' trust and security on eBay, I am asking all eBay users to change their passwords.

Here's why: Recently, our company discovered a cyberattack on our corporate information network. This attack compromised a database containing eBay user passwords.

What's important for you to know: We have no evidence that your financial information was accessed or compromised. And your password was encrypted.

What I ask of you:

Go to eBay and change your password. If you changed your password on May 21 or later, we do not need you to take any additional action at this time.

Changing your password may be inconvenient. I realize that. We are doing everything we can to protect your data and changing your password is an extra precautionary step, in addition to the other security measures we have in place.

If you have only visited eBay as a guest user, we do not have a password on file.

If you used the same eBay password on any other site, I encourage you to change your password on those sites too. And if you are a PayPal user, we have no evidence that this attack affected your PayPal account or any PayPal financial information, which is encrypted and stored on a separate secure network.

Here are other steps we are taking:

As always, we have strong protections in place for both buyers and sellers in the event of any unauthorized activity on your account.

We are applying additional security to protect our customers.

We are working with law enforcement and leading security experts to aggressively investigate the matter.

Here's what we know: This attack occurred between late February and early March and resulted in unauthorized access to a database of eBay users that includes customers' name, encrypted password, email address, physical address, phone number and date of birth.

However, the file did not contain financial information. And, after conducting extensive testing and analysis of our systems, we have no evidence that any customer financial or credit card information was involved. We also have no indication of a significant spike in fraudulent activity on our site.

We apologize for any inconvenience or concern that this situation may cause you. As a global marketplace, nothing is more important to eBay than the security and trust of our customers. We know our customers have high expectations of us, and we are committed to ensuring a safe and secure online experience for you on any connected device.

Devin Wenig Signature

Devin Wenig

President, eBay Marketplaces

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Here's why: Recently, our company discovered a cyberattack on our corporate information network. This attack compromised a database containing eBay user passwords.

Cum ai ajuns tu la concluzia ca "baza de date ebay a fost compromisa in totalitate" ?

Ti-au trimis email-ul doar pentru a te instiinta si pentru a-ti sugera sa-ti schimbi parola in orice eventualitate. Si eu am primit email-ul.

Edited by BogdanNBV
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:)) Google translate daca nu intelegi engleza mestere..

"Here's why: Recently, our company discovered a cyberattack on our corporate information network. This attack compromised a database containing eBay user passwords."

Edited by doiulyka
sa inteleaga "cultu'"
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Ce-i de ras?

Acel "a" din "a database" iti spune ceva? Ce a vrut BogdanNBV sa spuna probabil este ca nu poti pune egal intre "a database" dintre MULTITUDINEA de DB-uri cu passwords pe care le are eBay, si cuvantul "totalitate" folosit de tine in subject.

Edited by tpad
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De cele mai multe ori cand o baza de date a unei corporatii de renume este compromisa ajunge de vanzare pe diferite piete clandestine, ce se gasesc pe asa numitele dark-neturi sau daca vrem sa folosim termenul mediatic "hidden web". Acolo sunt diferiti indivizi si organizatii care pun sume semnificative de bani in joc sub forma de bitcoin-uri. Aceste entitati cumpara orice ce este scump, in baza faptului ca ar avea o valoare proportionala cu costul.Modul in care se folosesc de aceste informatii lasa, insa, de dorit. Am vazut un caz cand o baza de date de 1TB a fost cumparata de un client din Kurdistan. In concluzie, nu va faceti griji, schimbati parola doar pentru linistea proprie.

Edited by Ganav
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Bai preput, data viitoare cand ma mai contrazici, sfatuieste-te cu cineva care stie engleza, nu cu cap'sorul tau obosit.

Ti-am ingrosat clar acolo "a database", ti-a explicat si tpad ce am vrut sa zic, consider ca este suficient. Daca tot ai nelamuriri mergi la ore particulare de engleza, caci vad ca ce se face in clasa pregatitoare nu e de ajuns.

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au fost furate din acea baza de date 147 miloane de usere + password , si mai ceva pt desteptii care zic pe aici sa nu iti faci probleme :))), o ditamai compania ca ebay care valoreaza miliarde , credeti ca spune adevarul? parerea mea personala este ca au luat-o la cur grav de tot si nemaiavand incotro au dat in vileag cateva informatii cum ar fi 147 mil de usere si parole hackate :)), a postat cineva cred ca si pe aici pe forum imaginea cu php shell pe ebay.

PS. intr-o baza de date nu se gasesc doar user + pass , sunt mult mai multe informatii

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