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Windows 10: Microsoft can disable your pirated games and illegal hardware

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Updated EULA terms let Microsoft invade your Windows 10 computer in search of counterfeit software.

Microsoft’s updated End User Licence Agreement terms and conditions let it disable any counterfeit software or hardware and, if you’re running a Windows 10 computer, you’ve just agreed to them.

Section 7b – or “Updates to the Services or Software, and Changes to These Terms” – of Microsoft’s Services EULA stipulates that it “may automatically check your version of the software and download software update or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games, or using unauthorised hardware peripheral devices.”

This means that, if you use Windows 10, a Windows phone, or any of Microsoft’s other services, Redmond can disable any games you’ve pirated or devices you’ve unlawfully hacked.

While it’s incredibly clear what Microsoft means by “counterfeit games”, the wording “unauthorised hardware peripheral devices” is a little hazy. Does this mean Microsoft can now block uncertified PC or illegally-modified Xbox One and Xbox 360 controllers? Furthermore, Microsoft’s EULA doesn’t state if it will also disable other counterfeit software, such as cracked versions of Office or Adobe Photoshop, or if it only cares about pirated games.

I’ve reached out to Microsoft for a comment about these unanswered questions and will update you when more information becomes available.

Video game piracy, or “counterfeit games” as Microsoft puts it, has been a big issue in PC gaming for a long time. Many developers have sought to circumvent it by hard-coding impossible odds into their games, which are only solved by having a purchased activation code on your computer. The same issue is also now becoming prevalent on Android and jailbroken iOS devices. However, under Microsoft’s new EULA, Windows 10 Mobile would be able to combat any pirated software a user loads onto their phone – potentially making it an attractive prospect for indie developers scared of having their work stolen.

Interestingly, Microsoft killed off its incredibly unpopular, DRM-heavy, Windows Live Games in Windows 10, and opted to support Steam instead. But, with these new terms and conditions, Microsoft has practically baked DRM into the core of Windows 10.

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Reveniti la 7...

Nu inteleg de ce s-ar arunca cineva sa haleasca o friptura pe jumatate gatita in primul rand ci mai degraba trebuie bucatarul scuipat intre ochi si pus sa vina cu ceva acceptabil. Cred ca vor mai trece cel putin 18-24 luni pana cand ajunge la ceva cat de cat acceptabil insa directia in care bate vantul referitor la privacy nu e una buna anyway. Era recent o stire referitoare la faptul ca ei colecteaza date personale si atunci cand le spui ca nu vrei asta - aici.

Raman ca si pana acum pe Win7 Enterprise pana cand Ubuntu va fi compatibil cu anumite soft-uri ce imi trebuie si momentan ruleaza doar pe Mac si Win. Nici platit nu m-as muta pe Win10.

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Raman la 7 pentru ca 8.1 imi mananca ceva mai multe resurse pentru PC-ul pe care il am.(interfata vietii , background apps din store + ca "tweaking-u'" ia ceva timp)

10 mi se pare absolut BS.. Am avut versiunea enterprise, "activata" in primele zile de cand a aparut, mi se pare ca acum nu mai poti sa o "activezi" prin metode dubioase..

Nici amenintat nu m-as muta pe 10.. microsoft gone full shill mode

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Voi aveti ceva la cap. Windows 10 mi se pare cel putin perfect din toate punctele de vedere si nu il rulez pe un laptop uber performant ci pe unul modest. Va vaitati asa de win10 de parca ati fi hackeri si v-ar urmari prin webcam cand va uitati la porno. Sunteti genu ala de oameni care nu evolueaza de la dacia 1310 la mertan din cauza ca n-are clanxonul langa volan.

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Uita-te la Covered Services.

Unde pula mea vezi tu acolo Windows 10?

Stiri de cacat, nu mai puneti botu' aiurea.

ON: Foarte multe din lista serviciilor vin ca default in W10, deci iti dai acceptul in prealabil, inainte de instalare. Nu cred ca daca apoi dai disable/uninstall la serviciile respective se duce si agreementul. Mai multe site-uri de stiri, unele chiar de renume, au publicat articole similare. Daca ce spuneai tu ar fi fost adevarat, PR-ul de la Microsoft ar fi actionat in consecinta foarte rapid caci e reclama negativa insa de o saptamana de cand au aparut articolele in mai multe publicatii e liniste. Daca te-ai trezit cu fata la cearsaf mergi neicule si varsa-ti fandoselile in alta parte.

OFF: Ce limbaj de cocalaro-pitiponc ai... si nu de mult te mai cereai mod pe aici. Probabil uiti ca chat-ul e separat de forum. Lehamite...

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Voi aveti ceva la cap. Windows 10 mi se pare cel putin perfect din toate punctele de vedere si nu il rulez pe un laptop uber performant ci pe unul modest. Va vaitati asa de win10 de parca ati fi hackeri si v-ar urmari prin webcam cand va uitati la porno. Sunteti genu ala de oameni care nu evolueaza de la dacia 1310 la mertan din cauza ca n-are clanxonul langa volan.

E vorba de principiu: de ce sa accepti flegme cand poti spune nu, multumesc? E vorba de psihologie basic: atunci cand vrei ca cineva sa accepte marlanii nu ii le bagi pe gat pe toate odata ci putin cate putin. Firmitura dupa firmitura, in bucati de inghitit acceptabile, eventual glazurate cu ceva frumos sa ascunda imaginea estetica, gustul si continutul. Astfel, 50 milioane de oi au mers pana acum in turma la taiere. Daca turma ar fi spus: stai putin bai nene, nu suntem multumiti cu iarba primita, valoarea ciobanului s-ar fi prabusit pe bursa si ar fi impus astfel niste schimbari masive in concept si actiune. Ce sa zic.. mai discutam peste ceva vreme cand vei veni pe forum nervos ca nu iti mai merge niscai piraterie ori ca iti vine ceva citatie pe la usa.

Peace & beheeheee!

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E vorba de principiu: de ce sa accepti flegme cand poti spune nu, multumesc? E vorba de psihologie basic: atunci cand vrei ca cineva sa accepte marlanii nu ii le bagi pe gat pe toate odata ci putin cate putin. Firmitura dupa firmitura, in bucati de inghitit acceptabile, eventual glazurate cu ceva frumos sa ascunda imaginea estetica, gustul si continutul. Astfel, 50 milioane de oi au mers pana acum in turma la taiere. Daca turma ar fi spus: stai putin bai nene, nu suntem multumiti cu iarba primita, valoarea ciobanului s-ar fi prabusit pe bursa si ar fi impus astfel niste schimbari masive in concept si actiune. Ce sa zic.. mai discutam peste ceva vreme cand vei veni pe forum nervos ca nu iti mai merge niscai piraterie ori ca iti vine ceva citatie pe la usa.

Peace & beheeheee!

Ce principiu? Nu-ti convine,nu folosesti dar nu arunci cu cacat. Cum ai zis si tu,poate vor aparea programele necesare tie pe Ubuntu si vei schimba os-ul. Asa as face si eu dar dupa cum vezi,programele "misto" sunt windows only.

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ON: Foarte multe din lista serviciilor vin ca default in W10, deci iti dai acceptul in prealabil, inainte de instalare. Nu cred ca daca apoi dai disable/uninstall la serviciile respective se duce si agreementul. Mai multe site-uri de stiri, unele chiar de renume, au publicat articole similare. Daca ce spuneai tu ar fi fost adevarat, PR-ul de la Microsoft ar fi actionat in consecinta foarte rapid caci e reclama negativa insa de o saptamana de cand au aparut articolele in mai multe publicatii e liniste. Daca te-ai trezit cu fata la cearsaf mergi neicule si varsa-ti fandoselile in alta parte.

OFF: Ce limbaj de cocalaro-pitiponc ai... si nu de mult te mai cereai mod pe aici. Probabil uiti ca chat-ul e separat de forum. Lehamite...

<limbaj naspa>

Pe Microsoft ii doare fix in organul sexual de ratatii care fac reclama negativa si de ratatii care cred reclama negativa facuta de altii.

Acelasi cacat s-a facut si despre chestiile legate de privacy. Toti prostii sar fara sa verifice.

Ia si citeste mai bine, poate vei deveni neprost. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/3hccs4/no_windows_10_cannot_remotely_remove_pirated_games/cu6bqy5

Cat despre jocurile piratate.

Covered Services: "Xbox and Windows Games published by Microsoft"


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As recomanda sa te opresti cu apelativele. Dupa cum spuneam, daca ai frustrari si fandoseli, varsati-le in alta parte, take a chill pill. Un om civilizat poate discuta in contradictoriu, discutand tema si nu persoana. Te grabesti, oricum, la concluzii spunand ca nu citesc si nu ma interesez.

Revenind la discutia in cauza: dupa cum spuneam in postarea #3,

directia in care bate vantul referitor la privacy nu e una buna
. Astfel, esenta lucrurilor este in detalii: daca observi, este folosit verbul "let" in mod repetat care, in acest context, are intelesul de "a da voie", "a putea face ceva cu voia cuiva", de capabilitate mai mult decat de permisiune. Astfel, in viitor, daca cei de la Rockstar, spre exemplu, observa ca 50% din utilizatorii GTA folosesc jocuri piratate si sunt pe Win10, si vor sa ia actiune, vor putea incheia un parteneriat cu Microsoft sa faca niste update-uri prin care sa le dea disable. Ideea principala e faptul ca pot sa faca astfel de lucruri.
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As recomanda sa te opresti cu apelativele. Dupa cum spuneam, daca ai frustrari si fandoseli, varsati-le in alta parte, take a chill pill. Un om civilizat poate discuta in contradictoriu, discutand tema si nu persoana. Te grabesti, oricum, la concluzii spunand ca nu citesc si nu ma interesez.

Revenind la discutia in cauza: dupa cum spuneam in postarea #3, . Astfel, esenta lucrurilor este in detalii: daca observi, este folosit verbul "let" in mod repetat care, in acest context, are intelesul de "a da voie", "a putea face ceva cu voia cuiva", de capabilitate mai mult decat de permisiune. Astfel, in viitor, daca cei de la Rockstar, spre exemplu, observa ca 50% din utilizatorii GTA folosesc jocuri piratate si sunt pe Win10, si vor sa ia actiune, vor putea incheia un parteneriat cu Microsoft sa faca niste update-uri prin care sa le dea disable. Ideea principala e faptul ca pot sa faca astfel de lucruri.

Asta este posibil si pe Windows Xp. duh.

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Windows 10: Microsoft can disable your pirated games and illegal hardware

Pirated windows 10 cannot even disable itself :)

Am pus astea in hosts file ca sa nu mai faca atat feedback, sunt convins ca mai are asi in maneca windows 10 asta, mai vedem pe parcurs.

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost localhost localhost.localdomain broadcasthost
::1 localhost local vortex.data.microsoft.com vortex-win.data.microsoft.com telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net oca.telemetry.microsoft.com oca.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net watson.telemetry.microsoft.com watson.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net redir.metaservices.microsoft.com choice.microsoft.com choice.microsoft.com.nsatc.net df.telemetry.microsoft.com reports.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com services.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com sqm.df.telemetry.microsoft.com telemetry.microsoft.com watson.ppe.telemetry.microsoft.com telemetry.appex.bing.net telemetry.urs.microsoft.com telemetry.appex.bing.net:443 settings-sandbox.data.microsoft.com vortex-sandbox.data.microsoft.com survey.watson.microsoft.com watson.live.com watson.microsoft.com statsfe2.ws.microsoft.com corpext.msitadfs.glbdns2.microsoft.com compatexchange.cloudapp.net cs1.wpc.v0cdn.net a-0001.a-msedge.net statsfe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net sls.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net fe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net diagnostics.support.microsoft.com corp.sts.microsoft.com statsfe1.ws.microsoft.com pre.footprintpredict.com i1.services.social.microsoft.com i1.services.social.microsoft.com.nsatc.net feedback.windows.com feedback.microsoft-hohm.com feedback.search.microsoft.com rad.msn.com preview.msn.com ad.doubleclick.net ads.msn.com ads1.msads.net ads1.msn.com a.ads1.msn.com a.ads2.msn.com adnexus.net adnxs.com aidps.atdmt.com apps.skype.com az361816.vo.msecnd.net az512334.vo.msecnd.net a.rad.msn.com a.ads2.msads.net ac3.msn.com b.rad.msn.com b.ads2.msads.net b.ads1.msn.com bs.serving-sys.com c.msn.com cdn.atdmt.com cds26.ams9.msecn.net c.atdmt.com db3aqu.atdmt.com ec.atdmt.com flex.msn.com g.msn.com h2.msn.com h1.msn.com live.rads.msn.com msntest.serving-sys.com m.adnxs.com m.hotmail.com preview.msn.com pricelist.skype.com rad.msn.com rad.live.com secure.flashtalking.com static.2mdn.net s.gateway.messenger.live.com secure.adnxs.com sO.2mdn.net ui.skype.com www.msftncsi.com msftncsi.com view.atdmt.com

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Chiar asa nevinovati nu sunt cei de la microsoft ce ma deranjeaza pe mine este ...


punctul 7. Updates to the Services or Software, and Changes to These Terms

paragraful B

b. We may automatically check your version of the software, which is necessary to provide the Services and download software updates or configuration changes, without charging you, to update, enhance and further develop the Services, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games or using unauthorised hardware peripheral devices. You may also be required to update the software to continue using the Services. Such updates shall be subject to these Terms unless additional or other terms accompany the updates, in which case, those other terms apply. If you decline to accept the additional or other terms applicable to the updates, you may not receive or use the updates. Microsoft isn't obligated to make any updates available and doesn't guarantee that we will support the version of the system for which you licensed the software.

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Chiar asa nevinovati nu sunt cei de la microsoft ce ma deranjeaza pe mine este ...


punctul 7. Updates to the Services or Software, and Changes to These Terms

paragraful B

b. We may automatically check your version of the software, which is necessary to provide the Services and download software updates or configuration changes, without charging you, to update, enhance and further develop the Services, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games or using unauthorised hardware peripheral devices. You may also be required to update the software to continue using the Services. Such updates shall be subject to these Terms unless additional or other terms accompany the updates, in which case, those other terms apply. If you decline to accept the additional or other terms applicable to the updates, you may not receive or use the updates. Microsoft isn't obligated to make any updates available and doesn't guarantee that we will support the version of the system for which you licensed the software.

Asta a scris si aa in primul post. Asta se aplica doar la chestiile de la "Covered Services". Sunt niste jocuri facute de Microsoft. Doar alea intra la "playing counterfeit games". Windows 10 nu se regaseste la Covered Services.

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Atata tam-tam pentru nimic, sa mor eu.

Care mari "crackeri" stau pe win ? De conteaza asa mult ca Microsoft va colecteaza datele voastre ? Credeti ca se uita la pozele cu mamicile voastre dezbracate si le publica pe redtube? Delirati multi de aici si nu numai. Va bagati sa vorbiti doar ca sa fiti si voi prezenti, cica sa "dezbateti" un subiect care oricum e de rahat. Voi credeti ca pana acum Microsoft nu colecta date deloc ? Aaa, nu, scuzati, ati analizat voi toate conexiunile si pachetele trimise/primite ca sa vedeti, si ati crezut ce ati vazut, ca cei de la Microsoft nu s-au gandit ca multi kinderi se apuca sa analizeze inainte sa faca prostii pe net si eu ca niste fraieri, nu s-au gandit sa fie mai destepti decat voi si sa faca ca datele sa le primeasca intr-un mod mai "hidden & silent" sa spun asa, intre ghilimele, bineinteles.

Fratilor, va incurcati pe cacaturi de doi bani si va e frica sa nu va salte dar voi folositi Win 10 pentru asa ceva ? Dati-va naibii foc si folositi-va cunostintele despre IT si securitate in IT intr-un mod constructiv, nu distructiv.

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