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Everything posted by xxxSSSxxx

  1. Doamne, Sherlock 1 si 2... Voi chiar traiti sau nu aveti ce face si scrieti pe internet doar sa umpleti threadurile. L-am postat si aici: share openvpn from guest to network - Wilders Security Forums https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=55243 Acum ce Dumnezeu e cu voi nu stiu si nici nu vreau sa aflu. Daca stie cineva cum se face, OK, daca nu bine... chiar nu am timp sa descopar sursa frustrarilor voastre. Daca nu aveti incredre ca platesc, putem folosi ce escrow vreti voi... Mai mult nu am cum sa va fac sa intelegeti ca am nevoie si sunt dispus sa platesc pt asta....
  2. Da, tot eu am postat si acolo.
  3. Ce e mai omule cu tine? Chiar esti atat de frustrat incat te apuci sa tipi la lume pe internet? Eu am nevoie de ajutor si ofer niste bani pt asta, nu cer ceva free. Acum daca 50 de DOLARI ti se pare asa o suma exorbitanta incat nu concepi ca ar putea sa o ofere cineva, e problema ta. Te rog tine-ti frustrarile rurale pt tine.
  4. Sunt 50 de dolari, nu de euro, iar tu ai 9 posturi si pari pe langa foarte retard si copil. "Go alone" -> asta in ce limba e mai tarambete? Ai inteles macar ce vreau?
  5. Salut, ofer $50 pt ajutor prin PP, BTC pt urmatoarea problema: I want to setup a server that will route the connection trough 2 VPN providers. I had the setup on the server, but unfortunately, I cannot restore the Vbox. The person that made the config for me the first time is nowhere to be found so I am forced to retrace the steps. Bare with me, as it is quite complicated to explain...: On server I have w7 64 bit with: VPN1 - first openvpn provider LAN1 - direct internet access LAN2 - used for sharing, connected to main PC trough a cross cable. Main PC LAN: LAN3 VB1 - host only adapter 1 VB2 - host only adapter 2 I chose not to use NAT on any, because I don`t want internet sharing if any VPN fails. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I used windows XP as install for the guest system. I added a secondary adapter in the guest: VPN2 - 2nd openvpn provider IN - (host only adapter 1) - guest system is supposed to get internet trough it (VB1) OUT - (host only adapter 2) - guest should share VPN 2 and send it trough LAN2 (VB2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I managed to achieve was: - share VPN1 to IN adapter. VB1 - IN - Next, I shared VPN2 trough OUT OUT - Now, I have no idea how to send OUT to LAN2, as I cannot share 2 connections under w7 (under any windows I think..) I tried setting LAN2 with 192.168.140.xx/ but with no success. The above configuration should be correct as this is the setup I had. It should work by setting 192.168.140.xx/ on LAN3, but it doesn`t. Bridge won`t work.... It`s quite frustrating mostly because I had it working.. Thanks for your patience and I hope I will get the saving tip from you. Imi cer scuze adminilor ca este postat in engleza, dar nu am fizic timp sa o traduc. De preferat ar fi sa faceti setupul la voi si sa ma ghidati dupa. Va multumesc!
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