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Everything posted by Tuhan7S

  1. //just some off topic
  2. Pai da second hand n-o sa ceri tot 13 mil pe el. @mariuss615 - merci, ma gandeam ca poate stiti in ro. Platesc transportu d-acolo pana aci si tot la banii aia ajung.
  3. Salutare, Aveti idee pe unde as putea gasi i7 3770/3770k pana in 8-9 mil ? Merge si second hand. Multumesc!
  4. hahahahah
  5. Nu ai nevoie de cine stie ce expert pe windows. Poti folosi Kaspersky Internet Security, merge de minune ca si firewall. Blocheaza chiar si injectiile SQLi si XSS din web.
  6. Pare-se ca LR a fost inchis .
  7. Poti rula perl nativ pe windows cu Strawberry Perl.
  8. imi cer scuze, n-am stiut ca e interzis adf.ly . Use it and enjoy.
  9. New release by TuhanTS Virualizor is a powerful web based VPS Control Panel. It supports OpenVZ, Xen PV, Xen HVM and Linux KVM virtualization. Admins can create a VPS on the fly by the click of a button VPS users can start, stop, restart and manage their VPS using a very advanced web based GUI. Users and Admins can see various sorts of Graphs in order to better manage their resources. You will find instructions in the INSTRUCTIONS.txt file! //removed
  10. hahah acum ai auzit si tu de Hex editing ?
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