I heard that stupid comment a long time ago when i was developing this challenge into becoming harder and harder. So far we've had multiple solvers of the previous challenges of similar difficulty. From RST:shark0der. Profile: https://rstforums.com/forum/members/shark0der/ he solved the first edition, level 1 and 2. When i updated it to make it harder, he passed level 1 again. Proof:https://rstforums.com/forum/74836-2-very-hard-xss-challenges.rst#post489986. Second:https://rstforums.com/forum/76080-2-xss-challenges.rst#post490382. Then we have Rafay Baloch and Ashar Javed:https://twitter.com/search?q=level1.php%20xss&src=typd. Now stop talking out of your ass you fucking idiot and don't shit in my thread! Just because you can't pass either of the levels it does not mean it's a fucking honeypot. Also for your information, i never logged a single thing and i still do not.