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Posts posted by Olatunji09

  1. On 11/11/2016 at 0:24 AM, Nytro said:

    Shellcode Compiler

    Shellcode Compiler is a program that compiles C/C++ style code into a small, position-independent and NULL-free shellcode for Windows. It is possible to call any Windows API function in a user-friendly way.


    Shellcode Compiler takes as input a source file and it uses it's own compiler to interpret the code and generate an assembly file which is assembled with NASM (http://www.nasm.us/).


    Shellcode compiler was released at DefCamp security conference in Romania, November 2016.


    Link: https://github.com/NytroRST/ShellcodeCompiler


    can you make a shellcode that executes embeded exe with process hollowing technique ?

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