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About flexy

  • Birthday 01/01/1945

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  1. sunt nu? sau ma tratezi diferit 7670? Multam pentru bun venit!
  2. Salut sunt Roxana F. din Iasi si ma bucur ca v-am intalnit sper sa va si cunosc. Sunt in anul 2 la Info si imi plac foarte mult exploit-urile si testarea acestora in special sqli. Sunt mai baietoasa de felul meu asa ca aveti grija dau bine
  3. a reaparut cu alt nick
  4. o primim depinde cati unguri haleste pe minut
  5. din cate am citit se taie rectul si se scoate prin burta, daca e maligna mai mult te chinui sa te caci in pungi lipite de burta si se extinde mai repede la alte organe dupa operatie cu tot cu citostatice asa macar mai obtii timp daca nu ai bani macar sa urmezi un tratament in vest, HPA este tensiune generata de presiunea exercitata asupra glandei hipotalamice ce duce la exces de adrenalina si infarct NU E DE GLUMA FRATILOR CU TREBURI DE ASTEA SANATATE ITI DORESC, recomand vitamine odihna si regim plm nu sunt doctor Cunosc persoana este din IS si m-a ajutat de multe ori cand am avut probleme, este un om respectat si foarte activ (cel putin era inainte de a s imbolnavi) am fost la el si am facut cateva poze pot sa le postez dar nu cred ca doriti sa vedeti situatia reala, poate doar pe un forum de medicina, este membru RTS de la fondarea forumului rstcenter. Oricum acesta este un forum IT si asa trebuie sa ramana, romanii sunt rautaciosi precum vorba ce-i caracterizeaza: Decat sa ajuti un om mai bine un caine. Sa'i arunci din cand in cand cate'un colt de paine diesel. lasa-mi un cont nu fi nebun te putem ajuta alexu da-mi si mie numarul de dosar medical al tatalui tau poate pot sa te ajut si pe tine
  6. pfff si l-am folosit ce anume face functia aia?
  7. Welcome! introduceti orice doriti in loc de user si parola enjoy!
  8. ce user are prietenu tau aici peforum
  9. Smtp Cracker’s latest v1.6.1 is available (trial). notice: the latest version has supported cracking emails from yahoo hotmail gmail. Here are the update details of v1.6.1 1.added Domain’s MX record as smtp server 2.added port to connect, users can config which port the cracker will try to connect to, it supports multi-ports(split with comma) 3.result’s format can be specified, in case u will import results to any sender 4.added a new variable #domaincenter# for password list, then users can make new password according to the email’s domain Here are the earlier update details: 1.support more password, you can load unlimited passwords (added in v1.1) 2.support socks5 proxy, you can load a proxy list, if you did, the software will use one by one when it is scanning smtp. (added in v.1.3) 3.support customized test email, test email can contain result info (like server user pass) (added in v1.2) 4.support checking if your smtp port is blocked by your network provider (added in v1.4.2) 5.about smtp server’s domain, add webmail. + domain (added in v1.4.2) 6.optimize email load progress, it won’t freeze when you load a very large email list.(added in v1.4.3) 7.support SSL/TLS/STARTTLS encrypted secured smtp server.(added in v1.5.1) 8.support customized port for some email provider.(added in v1.5.1) 9.addressed and fixed some bugs in previous version (v1.5.2) 10.add SSL/TLS type and port info on result list on software and in the result file (added in v1.5.2) 11.fix some bugs which may cause it crashes (v1.5.3) 12.update openssl library (it doesnot need vs2008 redistributable any more) (v1.5.4) 13.running time supports to show more than 24 hours (v1.5.4) Download https://www.sanmaosoft.com/SoftwareDL/MailCracker_Trial.zip
  10. Script php pentru trimis email. Download: mailr_pri8 2(1)
  11. Bravo wild :)
  12. testat si merge thk!
  13. la ce ajuta?
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