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Everything posted by neutron

  1. WOW e chiar fantastic http://www06.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=weather
  2. Eu spun ca photoshopul e bun (pararea mea)
  3. neutron

    Fun stuff

    This conversation took place through email. * Customer: "I need something off the web, and I don't have any way to use a browser!" * Tech Support: "There's a browser called 'lynx' that you can use from a shell." (gives a brief description of how to use it) * Customer: "What's lynx? I need a browser!" * Tech Support: (again mentions lynx and says how to use it) * Customer: "I need a browser. If you can't help me, get someone else to answer my emails." I used to do tech support for a company that made computer accessories and video game accessories. We had a pay-for-access web site for one of our products. The site was full of special codes and cheats. One day, a customer called, asking how to access the site. * Tech Support: "Well, just go to ." * Customer: "How do I do that?" * Tech Support: "Type it in in your web browser." * Customer: "Huh?" * Tech Support: "Ok...sir...do you have Internet access?" * Customer: "Huh? No. No Internet. I don't even have a computer." * Tech Support: "Ok, sir, you need a computer and an Internet account to access web sites." * Customer: "Oh. Well, it didn't say that when I mailed in the membership card. I want my money back." Daca vreti sa ma radeti intrati aici:http://rinkworks.com/stupid/
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