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Posts posted by reikoku

  1. N-am reusit sa-l vad tot dar parerea mea este ca partea a doua e foarte bine expusa din punct de vedere logic. Nu trebuie sa fii "rocket-scientist" sa-ti dai seama ca actualul sistem e profund viciat.

    Am ajuns in anul 2011, acceleram particule la viteze apropiate de viteza luminii, creeam pe pamant temperaturi mai mari decat in soare - in conditii de laborator-, avem telescoape in spatiu, etc, etc, etc dar nu suntem in stare sa schimbam un sistem corupt in care puterea este pe mana unor idioti care iau decizii pentru binele nostru.

    Traim intr-o lume in care jumatate din populatia globului incearca sa slabeasca in timp ce cealalta jumatate moare de foame. more or less

  2. si ce te face sa crezi ca acum lucrurile nu stau cu mult mai prost ca atunci la capitolu coruptie, mafie, etc. parerea mea e ca astia au adus genul de activitatate la alt nivel. doar pentru ca nu mai ai informatii din surse asa de apropiate nu inseamna ca asemenea activitati nu exista sau ca s-au diminuat ca fenomen.

  3. pentru ca ai avut "muist" in familie esti subiectiv si deja parerea ta nu mai conteaza (la subiectul "cine a furat mai mult: "aia" sau "astia" ) . doar pentru ca tu ti-ai luat teapa de la aia nu inseamna per total nu s-a furat mai mult in regimul actual ... si o sa se mai fure in continuare doar ca refuzi sa vezi. mult noroc, asa suntem "wired" dar ne putem ajuta prin educatie.

  4. G1 - Not even FBI was able to decrypt files of Daniel Dantas - notícias em English The FBI failed to break the encryption code of hard drives seized by federal police at the apartment of banker Daniel Dantas, in Rio de Janeiro, during Operation Satyagraha. The operation began in July 2008. According to a report published on Friday (25) by the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, after a year of unsuccessful attempts, the U.S. federal police returned the equipment to Brazil in April. According to the report, the fed only requested help from USA in early 2009, after experts from the National Institute of Criminology (INC) failed to decode the passwords on the hard drives. The government has no legal instrument to compel the manufacturer of the American encryption system or Dantas to give the access codes.
  5. A Google engineer Thursday published attack code that exploits a zero-day vulnerability in Windows XP, giving hackers a new way to hijack and infect systems with malware. But other security experts objected to the way the Google engineer disclosed the bug — just five days after it was reported to Microsoft — and said the move is more evidence of the ongoing, and increasingly public, war between the two giants. sursa: Slashdot - News for nerds, stuff that matters

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