pe codingforums este un tutorial cu o functie inStr
function inStr ($needle, $haystack)
$needlechars = strlen($needle); //gets the number of characters in our needle
$i = ;
for($i=; $i < strlen($haystack); $i++) //creates a loop for the number of characters in our haystack
if(substr($haystack, $i, $needlechars) == $needle) //checks to see if the needle is in this segment of the haystack
return TRUE; //if it is return true
return FALSE; //if not, return false
iar ca sa folosesti functia
if(inStr("CodingForums", "The best site ever is CodingForums"))
echo "CodingForums is in this string";
probabil cu un loop /while si php curl poti naviga pe tot siteul si interoga orice pagina astfel incat sa gasesti textul cautat de tine.
good luck!