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  1. Detalii suplimentare dupa analiza: Summary: - Autostart capabilities: This executable registers processes to be executed at system start. This could result in unwanted actions to be performed automatically. - Creates files in the Windows system directory: Malware often keepscopies of itself in the Windows directory to stay undetected by users. - Performs File Modification and Destruction: The executable modifiesand destructs files which are not temporary. - Spawns Processes: The executable produces processes during the execution. - Performs Registry Activities: The executable reads and modifies registry values. It also creates and monitors registry keys. Pe romaneste daca nu prea le ai cu pc-urile si ai descarcat update-ul si ai intrat in el ai cam belit-o. Posibila solutie: sterge acel cod aparut la categoria "Citate Preferate" si da salvare profil.Daca nu merge din prima fa asta inca odata pana nu mai apare codul acela la "Citate preferate", eventual dupa ce stergi codul pune tu un citat ca sa inlocuiesti acel cod, si salveaza. O sa revin cu detalii daca mai gasesc ceva. Ym Id: mister.andu
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