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Posts posted by SasukeYT16

  1. Salut

    Vreau sa va prezint botul xBot, un bot folositor pentru skype, in caz ca vreti sa aflati ipuri repede, locatiile unor ipuri si multe altele

    Acest bot se poate folosi si in mesaje private gen ii trimiti lui mesaje, dar il poti baga si in confa

    Comenzi mai utilizate si folositoare:

    !resolve <username> Cu aceasta comanda aflati ipul unei persoane

    !repeat <mesaj> Botul va spune orice scrii dupa !repeat 

    !ping <ip> cred ca stiti ce face

    !geoip <ip> Arata locatia unui IP

    Aceste comenzi sunt cele mai importante

    Restul comenzilor:

    !help - Shows Commands.
    !phelp - Shows Premium Commands.
    !aide - Shows Commands on French.
    !paide - Shows Premium Commands on French.
    !nhelp - Shows Commands on Netherlands.
    !nphelp - Shows Premium Commands on Netherlands.
    !contact - See how you can contact me.
    !resolve *username* - Resolves the IP, needs to be online. (1 API).
    !resolvedb *username* - Looks on the database this username.
    !cfresolve *webpage* - Resolves the IP of Cloudflare servers and the backend.
    !ping *IP* - Pings an IP or Website.
    !geoip *IP* - Locates the given host/ip address.
    !coolfont *text* - Cools your text.
    !e2name *email* - Attempts to find the full name of an e-mail address owner.
    !e2skype *email* - Gets Skype accounts associated with e-mail.
    !ip2skype *ip* - Shows all Skype accounts with that specific IP.
    !steam3id - Sends a 3 chars ID not taked.
    !skypecheck *account* - Checks if a Skype account exists or not.
    !portscan *host* - Scans all ports of given host.
    !btcbalance *Address* - Checks the current balance of any Bitcoin address.
    !infogen - Generates random personal information.
    !randomurl - Returns a random stupid/funny website.
    !randomproxy - Gets a random proxy.
    !adflybypass - Bypasses adf.ly.
    !genstring *length*- Generates a random string.
    !repeat *text* - Repeats what you said.
    !whois *website* - Whois lookup.
    !nightcore - Returns a random nightcore song.
    !redeem *code* - Redeems your premium code.
    Pretul Pentru a cumpara premium, este de 2.5 Euro. Un pret foarte mic zic eu

    Pentru al cumpara folositi comanda !buy . Va aparea un link unde puteti sa il cumparati

    Comenzi premium :

    !presolve *username * - 2 APIs of resolve.
    !pportscan *IP/host* - 3 APIs of PortScan.
    !pgeoip *IP* - 3 APIs of GEOIP.
    !pwhois *IP/url* - 2 APIs of WhoIs.
    !tweet "text" - Send tweets anonymously from @xBOTSkype.
    !doxhelper "string/email" - Scrapes Google for useful information/links.
    !yttomp3 "ID of Video" - Converts a video to mp3.
    !iplogger "ID of Video" - Creates you a link you can send to anyone to log their IP.
    !pspotify - Gives a free premium spotify account.


    Pentru al adauga dati add botului dati add idului de skype : elbrusmc


    Sper ca acest bot sa va ajute.

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