Again some joke?
sudo dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda = will destroy HDD.
Why is hard to help someone?
Like ./masscann -all not work
FAIL: unknown option: --all
[hint] try "--help"
[hint] ...or, to list nmap-compatible options, try "--nmap"
You mean just ./masscan without anything other?
Anyway sudo rm -rf /* will remove everything
masscan -p80,8000-8100 --rate=10000
scan some web ports on 10.x.x.x at 10kpps
masscan --nmap
list those options that are compatible with nmap
masscan -p80 --banners -oB <filename>
save results of scan in binary format to <filename>
masscan --open --banners --readscan <filename> -oX <savefile>
read binary scan results in <filename> and save them as xml in <savefile>
What to use?
I want to use this scanner i saw on IRC and also it was mention in this forum its bssh2z-full.tar
Can you explain me how to use it? I read tutorial but ./masscan command dont gives a ips also not work.