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Everything posted by HolloKusT

  1. HolloKusT


    nu ai cum sa accesezi un driver de la alt Calculator.El sa logat pe ip-ul lui.
  2. nu au mers niciodata programele de tipul asta toate sunt fake....
  3. merge numai in retea
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  5. Este un program care inregistreaza useri pe urmatoare board:NavBoard ,HydroBoard ,phpBB ,IPB Atentie acest program nu merge pe versiunile care au instalat securty code. Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KGXEWFLL Passworld: [mail]HolloKusT@rst-crew.net[/mail]
  6. Contine: Windows Lsasrv.dll RPC [ms04011] buffer overflow Remote Exploit. MS Windows XP2K (Mrxsmb.sys) Privilege Escalation PoC (MS06-030) Windows XP/2000 Remote Kaht2 Kaht3 Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8X2ONSAD Passworld: [mail]HolloKusT@rst-crew.net[/mail]
  7. Victima nu va mai avea acces la retea. Usage: arptoxin <options> Options: -es <ethernet source MAC> -ed <ethernet dest MAC> -sip <ARP Source IP> -smac <ARP Source MAC> -dip <ARP Dest IP> -dmac <ARP Dest MAC> -l (Lists devices) -d <device#> (uses device # from -l) -p <ms> (pauses n milliseconds between replies) -n <#> (sends n replies.. set to negative number for infinite) -s (tells ARPToxin to be silent) Modes: /snipe <gateway> <host> (denies 'host' access to 'gateway') /kill <host> (denies all new network communication to this host) /killall (some networks cease all new IP traffic) -(?/h/a) (shows this help) Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1OSNXD4J Passworld: [mail]HolloKusT@rst-crew.net[/mail]
  8. GFI LANguard Network Security Scanner 7.0 Automatically detect security vulnerabilities on your network GFI LANguard Network Security Scanner (N.S.S.) checks your network for all potential methods that a hacker might use to attack it. By analyzing the operating system and the applications running on your network, GFI LANguard N.S.S. identifies possible security holes. In other words, it plays the devil's advocate and alerts you to weaknesses before a hacker can find them, enabling you to deal with these issues before a hacker can exploit them. Provides in-depth information about all machines/devices GFI LANguard N.S.S. scans your entire network, IP by IP, and provides information such as service pack level of the machine, missing security patches, wireless access points, USB devices, open shares, open ports, services/applications active on the computer, key registry entries, weak passwords, users and groups, and more. Scan results can easily be analyzed using filters and reports, enabling you to proactively secure your network – for example, by shutting down unnecessary ports, closing shares, installing service packs and hotfixes, etc. Download: ftp://ftp.gfi.com/languardnss7.exe SN: Name: http://www.serials.ws License Type: Professional Serial: K2kzzxW1Jef-FsFxK1x-ymcrC6rdzA5ZvSX-10001
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