A component in an image is considered a region in an image with the same pixel value. For example in the binary image in figure (a) there are three components. In component labelling, all the pixels belonging to a component are labelled the same. For example,
showbox the three components of image (a) are labelled as 2,3,4 and 5.
Develop a program using queue to do the component labelling. Main job you have to do is to find the pixels in a components. Two pixels are said to be in the same component if they are adjacent. Two pixels are adjacent if one is to the left, above,
speed test right or below the other. For example in image (a), pixels (1,3) and (2,3) are adjacent.
Can anyone help me with this question. I don't need any code, I just want to understand how to approach this question.
usps tracking