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Everything posted by yuriyuri

  1. :shock: nice
  2. link is dead pls alt link
  3. Va rog sa ii datzi ban lu n00b asta (Dute pe un site de n00bi nu exista stfel de program) daca as fi admin as da ban ip :evil:
  4. lol si se mai crede hacker. dute la forumuri de n00bi
  5. asta transforma exe in vbs [deci selectezi trojanu , exeu si il transformi in vbs}
  6. 10X ras , chiar aveam nevoie de asa ceva
  7. NOTE: This was coded some time ago... After we created illusion, we received emails for [X]-ztoo R.A.T As its known, we used some parts of [X]-ztoo in illusion. So AM2o decided to REMOVE some features of it and release it to the public. NOTE: Its tested and works perfect. Some features terminates the server. FEATURES REMOVED: 1) Remote WebCam Capture. 2) Microphone Remote Capture. 3) Alive Remote Screen controling. 4) ... etc. FEATURES: 1) Ip Victims Scanner. 2) File Manager. 3) Mouse Control. 4) Screen Capture-Controlling. 5) Fun things. 6) Hide-Show Objects. 7) Enable-Disable Objects. 8) Control Screensaver. 9) Matrix. 10) Msg Manager. 11) ...etc. Download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/28862300/_x_-ztoo.rar.html
  8. eeee mai conteaza (mesajul a fost inteles)
  9. sau potzi sal faci din exe in vbs (my new topic)
  10. Converts an .EXE file to a .VBS file. download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/28857337/Vbs-2-Exe.exe.html
  11. asta e Ras daca gasesti unul nedetectabil sa ma anuntzi pls 8)
  12. Charon is a RAT allowing remote assistance between two or more computers on a network such as a local area network, or a wider network such as the Internet. Charon was not created for people to use for illegal or fraudant actions. Such actions are not supoported or condoned by the SSGroup or its respective hosts or ISPs. If you use this program for illegal or fraudant purposes then you (the user) take full responsibility for your actions and for the consequences that may follow. All that being said, we have tested Charon so there should not really be many bugs. We do however have a BUGTRACKER on the Charon website. So please, if you find a bug, add it to the tracker. Download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/28851796/Char0n.zip.html
  13. Pls baietzi facetzi si lu mua un avatar cu Yuri pls
  14. NU e bun UC forum spam zice ca ii mai trebe un fisier !!!
  15. PLs mai pune odata linkul pls pls
  16. Mai pune odata linku ca nici a lu zbeng nui bun!
  17. Incearca un trojan cum a spus ping sau gaseste niste scripturi si fatzi un site
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