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Posts posted by suri

  1. Updated: Here.

    You can select board language using "Profil" ("Profile") options.

    First: your IP is logged, so, please don't cheat.

    1. Before trying to post please use the "Search" ("Cautare") button and check if another user did not post the same subject.

    2. The topic name must hold minimal information about the post. Don't use names like: LOOOL! Oops! HELP! Pls Help! etc.

    3. Don't double-post. If your post is the last one and you want add somewhat, use the "Edit" ("Modifica") button.

    4. You cannot use 100% CAPS in the post name or body.

    5. Give credits. If you copy a link or tutorial from another forum, give credit to initial poster.

    6. For requests exists a special topic, "CERERI" ("REQUEST"). (Romanians must have 10 posts for one request).

    7. Please urban language, without flame, mockery. Please don't say "STFW", "Google", "n00b".

    8. Every hack tool, tutorial or object posted need to be accompanied by an English or Romanian (preferable) description. Please use direct links, like http://site.ro/fisier.zip, NOT http://site.ro

    9. Avatars are limited to 120 x 120 and 70 KB

    Signatures are limited to 600 x 150

    10 Without skill, racial, sexual, politic or sporting discrimination.

    11. This forum is intended for documentation and learning how to defend against attacks, and not for attack other groups or companies. The culpable will be banned without argumentation or advertisement.

    12. Don't ask for VIP or Moderator. When we need than we find you. Only the capable and active users will achieve the quality.

    13. No warez.

    Even if the beginners are welcome, requests like:

    I. "Please crack me the Yahoo/Hotmail id"

    II. "Please crack me the xxx.com site"

    are NOT allowed.

    15. Don't post credit cards numbers or another information about private possession.

    16. The administrators and moderators have priority concerning the rules / advertisements!

    Please don't comment the warning.

    You will get advertisement for each rule infringement.

    For 3 advertisements you will be permanently banned.


    Hacking is illegal! The materials on this forum are simply educational purposes. Please don't put into practice nothing from this site because you do laws infringement, hence you are actionable! Attention, this server don't host illegal files!

    Romania Security Staff

  2. Welcome, dar mi-ar fi placut daca inainte sa te prezinti citeai putin forumul... si puneai numele topicului corect :D

    Asa, in loc sa te gasim ca "alexino", o sa te gasim ca "buna ziua" :D :D

  3. In IT cautarea este una dintre cele mai importante actiuni (de la Knuth citire)

    Cautarea se face dupa cuvinte cheie (keywords). Aceste keywords ar trebui sa se regaseasca in titlul topicului pentru a facilita recunoasterea continutului.

    In titlul topicului NU trebuie sa apara cuvinte care nu spun nimic si bruiaza recunoasterea, ca "help", "please", "va rog", "ajutor", "urgent", "spuneti-mi", sau altele de acelasi calibru. Ca sa nu mai vorbim de topicuri cu nume formate numai din astfel de cuvinte.

    Exemplu: cineva a instalat Linux si nu mai poate boota in Windows. Numele topicului nu va fi "Urgent help, please !" ci "Am instalat FC5 si nu mai pot boota in WinXP". Aici "FC5", "WinXP" si "boota" sunt keywords. Este de dorit sa se dea maximum de informatie intr-un titlu cat mai scurt, in exemplul de mai sus "FC5" si "WinXP" ofera mai multa informatie decat "Linux", respectiv "Windows", "instalat" indica contextul si "boota" problema :D


    Eu zic sa mutati acest topic la "Anunturi" sau sa ma faceti mod, sa-l pot muta singur :D

  4. Hi all,

    Intrucat o multime de prieteni s-au adunat aici, am venit si eu. Imi pare bine sa-i vad pe (in ordine alfabetica) !_30 (Hello, Leo, "Not under 30" :D ), B.S.A., Kw3RLn (deocamdata "prieten" intre ghilimele, dar oricand niste ghilimele pot fi sterse :D ), maleficus ( tu esti admin la "complex.." ? si eu am stat acolo, la C9, camera "fatidica": 13 ! ), Pytbullu, Razvan (Hehehe !!! :D ), Shocker ( no comment... :D ), zerocool. Pe ceilalti nu-i stiu, dar asta se poate remedia... :D

    Nick: suri

    Domiciliul: pentru cei care-mi vad IPul nu este o problema, pentru ceilalti un sfat: trageti tare ca sa aflati :D

    Varsta: very, very old :@

    Ocupatia: "Inamicul public nr. 1" :P

    Cunostinte: cam de toate si mai nimic :@

    Abilitati: sa rezolv certuri fara ban :D

    Ce caut pe forum: am spus mai sus... prieteni... :D

    Baft?? !

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