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Posts posted by kiduletz112

  1. *** The domain config key is the domain name or IP of the host where the admin panel is.

    *** The base_path config key is the url path of the server where the script is.

    *** Let's say that our script is uploaded to h t t p : / / efbiai . com /misc/coailii

    *** In this case, you should set the domain config key to efbiai.com and the base_path key to /misc/coailii

    Din moment ce imi merge panelul, ar trebui sa primesc si logurile... trebuie sa pun cumva http://site.byethost.com/misc/coailii

  2. Am editat tot ce trebuie in index.php am pus "developent true" apoi encryption "123...." apoi db.php db_hostname' => '',

    'db_hostname' => 'sql203.byethost7.com',

    'db_username' => 'b7_16217129_adrian1',

    'db_password' => 'pass....',

    'db_name' => 'baza',

    'db_prefix' => '16217129'

    );... si in urls.php: 'domain' => 'gamesfunmusicon.byethost7.com/api',

    'base_path' => '',

    'use_ssl' => false ... apoi am pus [MySQL] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `coailii_accounts` ( `id_account` int(11) NOT NULL, - Pastebin.com asta fara sa editez nimic. si am pus cu filezilla webapp_coailii pe host, si cand dau sa intru 2ilembs.png

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